Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tuần 2, Unit 1: What’s your address? - Lesson 1+2 - Năm học 2020-2021

Tnesday, September 29th 2020

Week: 2

Period ;2

 Unit 1: What’s your address?

 Lesson 1 (4 - 6)

A. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to review how to:

 + use the words and phrases related to the topics Addresses and Hometown

 + ask and answer questions about one’s address.

* Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

* Language focus:

- Sentence Patterns: - What’s your address?

 + It’s .

* Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cards, cassette(overhead, computer)

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

B. Procedure:

I. Warm up:

Act out the story in part 1

II. New lesson:


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tuần 2, Unit 1: What’s your address? - Lesson 1+2 - Năm học 2020-2021, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
 Tuesday, September 29th 2020
 Week; 2
Period :1 
 Unit 1: What’s your address?
 Lesson 1 (1 - 3)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 
	+ use the words and phrases related to the topics Addresses and Hometown
	+ ask and answer questions about one’s address.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - What’s your address? 
 + It’s ..
- Vocabulary: address, lane, tower
* Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cards, cassette(overhead, computer)
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up:
1. Class organization:	
- Greeting: - Say hello to the class and introduce myself
- Checking for the students' attendance.
2. Oral test:
- Check pupils’ books, note books 
II. New lesson:
1. Look, listen and repeat:
• Whole class: Have pupils turn their books to Page 6. 
- Ask pupils the names of the characters and what they say. 
-Tell them that they are going to hear Mai, Trung and Nam greet and ask, answer about their address.
- Explain the meaning of the language practised. 
- Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books. 
- Play the recording again for pupils to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles. Repeat the step a few times. 
- Some Ss role play and the others comment.
- Ask Ss to role play
- Ask Ss to role play before the class.
2. Point and say:
- introduce the new words: 
- address - lane
- tower 
- Revise the numbers from 1 - 100 
- Play the CD twice for sts listen and repeat
- Explain the pattern:
	What’s your address?
- Point at each picture and ask the question:
 What’s your address? For sts answer chorally
- Have sts practice asking and answering in pairs 
- Monitor the activity and help sts if they need
- Invite some pairs to speak to check their performance
- Remind the capital letters
3. Let’s talk:
- Tell class that they are going to practice further by asking and answering questions about addresses
- Get sts to work in groups of 4 to ask each other’s addresses in 5 mins
- remind them to use the questions and answers in their books
- Monitor and help sts
- Call some groups act out their work
- Give feedback
* Reinforcement:
- Have sts retell the content of the lesson.
- Do ex in workbook
 Tnesday, September 29th 2020
Week: 2
Period ;2 
 Unit 1: What’s your address?
 Lesson 1 (4 - 6)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to review how to: 
	+ use the words and phrases related to the topics Addresses and Hometown
	+ ask and answer questions about one’s address.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - What’s your address? 
 + It’s ..
* Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cards, cassette(overhead, computer)
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up:
Act out the story in part 1
II. New lesson:
1. Listen and complete:
- Tell sts that they are going to listen to the reording and complete the addresses 
- Get sts guess the words in the blanks
- Play the CD for sts listen and do the task (twice)
- Get them to compare the answer
- Get sts’ answer
- Play CD again to confirm the answer
- Check and give feddback 
* Key: 	1. 208	2. 321	3. White street	4. the second floor
2. Read and complete:
- Tell sts that they are going to read ad fill the gaps with the appropriate words.
- Give sts few seconds to read the text in silence.
- Check comprehension and give feedback.
- Give sts time to do the task and go around and offer help if necessary
- Get sts to work in pairs.
- Get sts to swap and check their answers before checking as a class.
- Divide the class into two groups and get them to read aloud each character’s lines respectively.
Key: 1. from 2. lives 3. address 4. street
3. Let’s sing:
- Have sts look at the pictures and give some ideas 
- Read the lyrics.
- Check comprehension
- Play the recording the song all the way through.
- Have sts repeat each line of the lyrics a few times.
- Have sts sing along.
- Have sts practice singing and acting in groups 
- Call some groups sing aloud and do actions
III. Reinforcement:
- retell some addresses by answer the questions:
	What’s your address?
- Give feedback.
 Wednesday, September 30th 2020
Week :2
Period :3 
 Unit 1: What’s your address?
 Lesson 2 (1 - 3)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 
	+ ask and answer questions about what a village/ town/ city is like.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - What’s the .. like? 
 + It’s ..
- Vocabulary: busy, crowded, quiet, far, large
* Teaching aids:
Pictures, cassette (overhead, computer)
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up:
	Sing the song “The wheels on the bus”
II. New lesson:
1. Vocabulary:
	busy (picture)
	crowded	(picture)
	quiet	(explanation)
	far	(visual)
	large	 (visual)
2. Look, listen and repeat:
- Set the scene:
- Elicit the context of the picture
- Have sts look at the pictures and guess what the story is about
- Check comprehension by pointing at each picture to elicit their answers for:
	+ What’s his name?
	+ Where does he live?
	+ What’s the village like?
- Play CD for sts listen and follow in their books
- Play again – sts repeat
- Some Ss role play and the others comment.
- Ask Ss to role play
- Ask Ss to role play before the class.
3. Point and say:
- Have pupils look at pictures. 
- Run through the phrases and words
- Use flashcards to teach the question and answer in the speech bubbles. Have sts repeat the phrases a few times. 
	Nam: What’s your village like?
	Trung: It’s small and quiet..
- Give instruction
- Point to each picture and elicit how the village/ city/ town is like to fill the gaps.
- Have sts to repeat the sentences a few times.
- Repeat the procedure with the second picture.
- Ask sts work in pairs.
- Call some pairs practice in front of the class.
- Check sts’ mistake when necessary.
- Make a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the language.
- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their ronunciation.
3. Let’s talk.
- Have stst read aloud 3 questions given
- Tell the class that they are going to practice further by asking and answering questions about where they live
- Run through.
- Give instruction. 
- Give sts 3 mins for sts practice (about themselves)
- Get sts to work in groups of three to interact.
- Call a few pairs to practise in front of the class.
- Check ss’ pronunciation.
III. Reinforcement
- Ask sts to practise expressing the greeting and self- introducing
 Friday, October 2nd 2020
Week :2
Period :4 
 Unit 1: What’s your address?
 Lesson 2 (4 - 6)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to practice: 
	+ asking and answer questions about what a village/ town/ city is like.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - What’s the .. like? 
 + It’s ..
- Vocabulary: busy, crowded, quiet, far, large
* Teaching aids:
Pictures, poster, cassette (overhead, computer)
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up:
	Play “Bingo Game”
City, village, town, island, big, busy,quiet, large, crowded, small
II. New lesson:
1. Listen and circle a/ b:
- Have pupils read the sentences and phrases given
- Get sts say aloud
- Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to 4 dialogues and circle the answers given about their city/ town.
- Play the recording twice for pupils listen and circle the correct answers. 
- Compare the answers with the partners.	
- Play the recording again pupils check their answers. 
- T gets the answer:
- Have pupils act out the dialogues in pairs or groups for correction.
- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text.
Answer: 	1- a ; 	2 - b	; 3 – b ; 4 - a
2. Write about you: 
- Have pupils look at the questions given
- Ask pupils what they do this part
- Tell them that they are going to write the answer base on the questions about themselves
- Call on a pupil to write on the board and other pupils write in the notebooks in individuals.
- Have pupils discuss their answers in pairs for correction.
- Have pupils comment the answer on the board.
- Call some pupils read aloud their work in front of the class.
- Have the class chorally read each line.
3. Let’s play:
- Introduce the game “Spot the differences”
- Models for sts understand the way to play it
- Ask pupils what they do this part.
- Have pupils look 2 pictures and spot out the differences
- Have the students play the game freely
- Call some sts retell their work
* Key:
	There is one more car on the road
	There is a woman in front of the yellow building
	The sign next to the yellow building is blue, and it reads BUS STOP
	There is no logo of pills on the pharmacy.
	There is a boy behind the father and daughter.
Check and give feedback:
III. Reinforcement:
Practice reading the writing task

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_5_tuan_2_unit_1_whats_your_address_les.doc