Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tuần 7

I. Objectives

1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can use read for specific and general information in texts including advertisements and emails.

- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “My friends”.

- Grammar: Verbs be and have for descriptions.

The Present continuous for future.

b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c. Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.

2. Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence

II. Preparation

1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.

2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III. Students’ activities

1. Warm up

2. Knowledge formation activities (41’)


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Period: 19
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge: Reading the page from 4 Teen magazine about five friends to understand where they come from and according to their birthday, we can guess what character they may have.
- Vocabulary: Adjectives of personality....
- Grammar: The present continuous
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask Ss to play in 2 groups.
- Ss write te answer on the board.
Adjectives of personalities.
- humorous
- friendly
- sensitive
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and guess where they are from.
- Ask Ss to read the page to understand the detail.
1. Read the passage form 4Teen magazine
* Adia: Yobe, Nigeria
 Birthday: 15/5
* Vinh: Danang, Viet Nam
 Birthday: 7/12
* John: Cambridge, England
 Birthday: 26/2
* Tom: New York, US
 Birthday: 19/1
* Noriko: Sakai, Japan
 Birthday: 21/8
- Let Ss read the star sign descriptions and find out which personalities each people in 4 Teen have.
Eg: Adia: Taurus
 Vinh: Sagittarius
-Ask if Ss agree or disagree with the descriptions.
-Ss discuss with their partner.
- Listen and share the ideas.
2. Star sign and personalities.
* Aries ['eəri:z]: 21/3 – 20/4 (sao Bạch Dương)
Independent, active, freedom-loving
* Taurus ['tɔ:rəs]: 21/4 – 20/5 (Sao Kim Ngưu)
Patient, reliable, hard-working
* Gemini ['dʒeminai]: 21/5 – 20/6 (Cung Song Tử)
Talkative, curious, active
*Cancer: 21/6 – 20/7 (Con Cua - cung thứ 4 trong Hoàng đạo)
Sensitive, caring, intelligent
* Leo ['li:ou]: 21/7– 20/8 (cung Sư Tử)
Confident, competitive, creative
* Virgo ['və:gou]: 21/8 – 20/9 (Xử Nữ - cung thứ 6)
Careful, helpful, hard-working
* Libra ['li:brə]: 21/9 – 20/10 (cung Thiên Bình)
Talkative, friendly, creative
* Scorpio ['skɔ:piou]: 21/10/20/11(cung Hổ Cáp)
Careful, responsible, curious
* Sagittarius [,sædʒi'teəriəs]: 21/11 – 20/12 (cung Nhân Mã - cung thứ 9 trong Hoàng Đạo)
Independent, freedo-loving, confident
* Capricorn ['kæprikɔ:n]: 21/11 – 20/1 (cung Ma Kết)
Careful, hard-working, serious.
* Aquarius [ə'kweəriəs]: 21/1 – 20/2 (Bảo Bình)
Friendly, independent, freedo-loving.
* Pices ['paisi:z]: 21/2 – 20/3 (cung Song Ngư)
Kind, helpful, creative.
- Ask Ss to arrange themselves in order of birthdays. Support them by reviewing months and dates and giving a question and answer they can use: When’s your birthday
3. Look at the star sign. Do you agree with the description?
3. Consolidation 4’
- Help Ss to remember the lesson
- Ask Ss to think about your friends’ personalities and find star signs
4. Think about your friends’ personalities. What star signs do you think they are? Find out if you are correct!
- Write a paragraph to describe your friend in your notebook.
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3. Skills 1
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 20
Lesson 4: Skills 1
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can use read for specific and general information in texts including advertisements and emails.
- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “My friends”.
- Grammar: Verbs be and have for descriptions.
The Present continuous for future.
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up
2. Knowledge formation activities (41’)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-Present some new words.
-Ss repeat and copy them.
-Check ROR.
-Ask Ss to read the advertisement and do ex 1.
-Explain any words that Ss do not know.
- superb (a): tuyệt vời
- last (v): kéo dài
- attach (v): dán (nhãn)
- campfire: đêm lửu trại
- treasure: châu báu, điều quý giá.
- butter: bơ
- yet: vẫn chưa
1. Choose the best answer.
1. The camp is for kids aged between.
a. 6-9 b. 10-15 c. 18-19
2. The camp is in the.
a. sea b. city park c. mountains
3. The camp last for..days.
a. three b. four c. five.
-Ss quickly look at the text then answer the questions.
- Explain the features of e-mails: format, greeting, ending.
2. Read and answer the questions.
1. Is the text a letter, an e-mail or a blog?
2. What is the text about?
3. Is Phuc enjoying himself ?
Key: 1. an e-mail
 2. A stay at Superb summer Camp.
 3. Yes, he is.	
- Ss read the text again and decide T or F
- Ss do the activity 4 then compare their answers with the partner
- T checks the answers 
3. Read the text again then write T or F
Key: 1. F ( he’s writing to his parents)
2. F (He has three)
4. F (He hopes it isn’t too scary)
5. F (They are having a campfire and telling stories)
6. F ( They are visiting a milk farm)
7. F ( They speak E only)
- Ask Ss to make their own schedule then report their results to the class.
4. Make your own English camp schedule
Day one
Day two
Day three
- Call Ss to tell their schedule and others write.
5. Take turns. Tell your partner about it. Learn and fill in the schedule.
3. Consolidation 4’
Summarize the main point of the lesson.
-Assign home work.
- Learn by heart new vocab.
-Do exercises in work book.
-Prepare new lesson- Skill 2.
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 21
Lesson 5: Skills 2
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will listen for specific ideas, write an entry for a magazine using notes. 
- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “My friends”
- Grammar: Verbs be and have for descriptions.
The Present continuous for future.
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: hard, concentrated and active.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ss work in 2 teams.
- Check and correct
“Activities in a summer camp.”
- taking part in cooking competition
- Doing “treasure hunt”
- Playing traditional games.
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Activity 1: Help Ss to train listening skill.
- Ask Ss to see the photos first. Then point at the words in the box and ask them to do the matching.
- Play recording for checking and practicing reading the words.
1. What do you see in the photos? Choose the words in the box to fill the table. Then listen and check.
hike (v) : đi bô ̣đường dài
ski (v):	trươṭ tuyết
research [ri'sə:t∫] (v): nghiên cứ u ['ri:sə:t∫] (n)
draft (v):	viết nháp
check (v):	kiểm tra
introduce [,intrə'dju:s](v): giớ i thiêụ Key:
a. hiking
b. taking part in the cooking competition.
c. skiing
d. visiting a milk farm.
e. taking part in an art workshop.
f. riding a bike.
g. taking a public speaking class.
h. playing beach volleyball.
i. playing traditional games
- Ask Ss to refer to the contents of the advertisement. Give Ss time to decide which activities are like more likely to happen at the camp and which are not. Ask them to explain why they think so.
- Have Ss brainstorm the things that Mr. Lee plans for camp.
2. Which activities do you think may/ may not happen at the Superb Summer Camp. 
- Activities that may happen at the Superb Summer Camp: a, b, d, e, f, g, i.
- Activities that may not happen: c, h (because the camp is in Ba Vi Mountains)
-Play the recording twice.
- Ss listen then fill in the table. Share their ideas together.
- Play the recording the final time then check their answers.
3. Listen to Mr Lee then complete the table.
Day Two
Doing a treasure hunt
Visiting a milk farm and..(1)....
Day Three
1. taking a public speaking class
2. Taking part in the “Kids Cook” contest.
3. Having a pool party.
-Tell the class three letters can help them to write better: R-D-C.
-Hang the poster on the board. 
-Ss study the Study Skills and may ask some information.
-Ask Ss to use the notes below and then guide them how to write a plan for this weekend with their friends.
-Ss write their plans.
- Go around and Correct some
* Writing.
Study Skills.
Research, draft, check
Research: Make notes and brainstorm ideas.
Find or draw pictures to add to your writing.
Draft: Then write the first draft.
Check: Check your draft. Can you improve it? Write it out again.
4. Write for 4 teen Magazine about your plans this weekend with your friends.
+ Introduce yourself;
Describe yourself – think about your appearance and personality.
+ Describe your friends
Write about your friends – think about the appearance and personality.
+ Describe your plans:
What do you plan to do together this weekend?
3. Consolidation 4’
Help Ss to summarize the lesson
- Ask Ss to answer the question
- Write your plans in your notebook.
- Prepare the next lesson :
- Unit 3. Looking back and project
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Week 7: ........................................................

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