Bài giảng English 7 - Unit 10: Sources of Energy - Lesson 1: Getting started

Listen and read:

Mai: Nam, I read yesterday that we all have carbon footprint.

Nam: Well, we all have footprints - we make them with our feet.

Mai: Ha ha, I know that. But this kind of footprint is about the negative effect we have on the environment.

Nam: Right, it’s in the news a lot these days.

Mai: So our footprint is bigger when we use energy that produces carbon dioxide. That’s bad for the environment.

Nam: So it’s better to have a smaller footprint, right?

Mai: Right, Nam. Non-renewable energy sources like coal, natural gas, and oil produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Those sources are going to run out soon too.

Nam: So, they are different to wind, hydro, and solar?

Mai: Yes, they’re all sources of energy too, but they’re renewable. That means we can’t use them all up – they will last forever.

Nam: Do you have a big carbon footprint, Mai?

Mai: Mine’s small. I recycle the products I use and I go everywhere by bike. We have solar panels on our roof at home to catch the sun’s energy, too.

Nam: Oh no! I think my footprint is big, and not just because of these big shoes!

 Read the conversation again and answer the following questions.

1. What is a carbon footprint?

2. What does “non-renewable energy” mean?

3. Why is sunlight a renewable source?

4. Why does Mai think she has a small carbon footprint?

5. What things do you think might create a big carbon footprint?


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welcome the teachers to our class 
w ater 
Who are they? 
What are they doing? 
They’re talking 
What are they talking about? 
Guess ? 
Carbon footprint 
A. They are talking about a film. 
B . They are talking about a festival. 
C. They are talking about a carbon footprint. 
D. They are talking about a football match. 
Listen and read: 
Mai : Nam, I read yesterday that we all have carbon footprint. 
Nam : Well, we all have footprints - we make them with our feet. 
Mai: Ha ha, I know that. But this kind of footprint is about the negative effect we have on the environment. 
Nam : Right, it’s in the news a lot these days. 
Mai : So our footprint is bigger when we use energy that produces carbon dioxide. That’s bad for the environment. 
Nam: So it’s better to have a smaller footprint, right? 
Mai : Right, Nam. Non-renewable energy sources like coal, natural gas, and oil produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Those sources are going to run out soon too. 
Nam : So, they are different to wind, hydro, and solar? 
Mai: Yes, they’re all sources of energy too, but they’re renewable. That means we can’t use them all up – they will last forever. 
Nam : Do you have a big carbon footprint, Mai? 
Mai : Mine’s small. I recycle the products I use and I go everywhere by bike. We have solar panels on our roof at home to catch the sun’s energy, too. 
Nam : Oh no! I think my footprint is big, and not just because of these big shoes! 
3. renewable (adj) : 
5 . non-renewable (adj) : 
Match the words with their meanings: 
6 . negative effect (n) : 
1. carbon footprint (n ) : 
c , dấu chân carbon 
b , có thể tái tạo 
d , không thể tái tạo 
a, ảnh hưởng xấu 
2. carbon dioxide (n) : 
e , khí C0 2 
4 . run out (v) : 
 f, cạn kiệt 
Listen and read: 
Mai : Nam, I read yesterday that we all have carbon footprint. 
Nam: Well, we all have footprints - we make them with our feet. 
Mai: Ha ha, I know that. But this kind of footprint is about the negative effect we have on the environment. 
Nam: Right, it’s in the news a lot these days. 
Mai: So our footprint is bigger when we use energy that produces carbon dioxide. That’s bad for the environment. 
Nam: So it’s better to have a smaller footprint, right? 
Mai: Right, Nam. Non-renewable energy sources like coal, natural gas, and oil produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Those sources are going to run out soon too. 
Nam: So, they are different to wind, hydro, and solar? 
Mai: Yes, they’re all sources of energy too, but they’re renewable. That means we can’t use them all up – they will last forever. 
Nam: Do you have a big carbon footprint, Mai? 
Mai: Mine’s small. I recycle the products I use and I go everywhere by bike. We have solar panels on our roof at home to catch the sun’s energy, too. 
Nam: Oh no! I think my footprint is big, and not just because of these big shoes! 
1. What is a carbon footprint? 
2. What does “non-renewable energy” mean ? 
3. Why is sunlight a renewable source ? 
4. Why does Mai think she has a small carbon footprint? 
5. What things do you think might create a big carbon footprint? 
a. Read the conversation again and a nswer the following questions. 
Lucky Numbers 
Lucky number 
1. What is a carbon footprint? 
It’s about the negative effect we have on the environment. 
Lucky number 
2. What does “non-renewable energy” mean ? 
“Non –renewable energy” means that it will run out if we use it. 
Lucky number 
3. Why is sunlight a renewable source ? 
Sunlight is a renewable source because we can’t use it all up, it will last forever. 
4. Why does Mai think she has a small carbon footprint? 
Because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike. 
5. What things do you think might create a big carbon footprint? 
The products we use that are bad for the environment or the energy we use that produces carbon dioxide might create a big carbon footprint. 
Natural gas 
 Complete the network below using information from the conversation . 
Sources of energy 
 Put the words into the correct groups below. 
Renewable sources 
Non- renewable sources 
Example: Wind 
Example : coal 
Practise asking and answering the questions about renewable and non-renewable sources. 
A: What type of energy source is wind? 
B: It’s a renewable source of energy. 
A: What type of energy source is coal? 
B: It’s a non-renewable source. 
 How do you do to make your carbon footprint small? 
 => I .................................................................... 
Learn by heart vocabulary 
2 . Redo all exercies in Sts books 
3. Do exercises B 1,2 at page 30 in WB. 
4. Prepare for A closer look 1. 
Thanks for your attention! 

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  • pptxbai_giang_english_7_unit_10_sources_of_energy_lesson_1_getti.pptx
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