Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Tiết 58 đến 65 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THCS Tôn Đức Thắng

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts can

- read two short passages that describe Chi and Tuan

- describe someone detail.

 Skills : listening, speaking

Education: sts must take care of their body well

II. Language contents:


Review: doctor, nurse, farmer, teacher, engineer.

 - weak(a)>

-a gymnast, a weightlifter, a dentist, an architect, a shopkeeper.

Grammar: Is she short?

 Who’s this?

 What does she do?

III. Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, color chalks, cassette, flashcard

IV. Procedures:


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_Prepare unit 9-part A3,A4
Week : 21	 Date to prepare: 04/01/2020
Period : 59 Date to teach: 08/01/2020	 Unit 9: THE BODY
A. Parts of the body (A3, A4)
Topic: Nature
Theme: Parts of the body
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts can learn by heart and tell some parts of the body.Students can describe the appearance of a body using a picture.Students listen and identify about a person’s appearance.Student can describe the age, occupation and appearance of the people around.
 Skills : listening, speaking
Education: Ss must take care of their body well
II. Language contents:
+/ Vocab : tall / short , fat , thin , heavy , light ..
+ / Structure : He is strong S + be + Adj 
 He isn’t strong 
 Is he strong ? 
III. Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, color chalks, cassette, flashcard
IV. Procedures:
 T and Ss’ Activities
Activity 1. Shark attacks:
Teacher asks students to find out the word by playing ‘Shark attacks’
Activity 2. Teacher asks 2 students to write parts of the body.
Activity 3. Check vocabulary: Os and Xs
- introduce to students the game and let them play.
Activity 4
True/ False repetition drill.
Teacher says:
Picture a) She’s tall, she’s thin
Picture b) He’s thin, he’s short
Picture c) He’s small, he’s tall
Picture d) She’s thin, she’s short
Teacher can say some more students in the class.
Activity 5
Teacher asks students to listen and then write the order 1, 2, 3, 4 of the people described.
- Play the CD for students; ask them to give their answers in front of the class.
- Call two students to write the adjectives on the board.
- Tell them make sentences with those adjectives.
- Tell them to write to describe some more students in the class.
-Students copy homework.
I. Warm up & Old lesson (5’)
Activity 1
Students play shark attacks.
Students play the game in two groups.
III. New lesson (30’)
Pre teaching:
tall ¹ short
fat ¹ thin
heavy ¹ light
big ¹ small
Activity 2. Two students write the parts of the body for the picture.
Head, shoulder, chest, arms, legs, feet, toes, fingers.
Activity 3. Students play Os and Xs
e.g. He’s tall
She’s short
He’s thin
III. Practice
Activity 4
Students listen to the teacher. Then drill repetition.
Picture a) repeat
Picture b) Silent – Repeat
Picture c) Silent – Repeat
Picture d) Silent – Repeat
IV. Further practice/ Consolidation (8’)
Activity 5
Students listen to the teacher then order the number 1, 2, 3, 4.
a) thin, tall	4.
b) short, fat	3
c) tall, fat	2
d) short, fat	1
- Listen then give answers.
- Two students write the adjectives on the board.
- Make sentences with those adjectives:
a) She is thin and tall.
b) He is short and fat.
c) He is tall and fat.
d) She is short and fat.
V. Homework: (1’)
1. Teacher guides students to do exercise A2 in workbook.
2. Write 5 sentences to describe 5 of your friends.
3. Prepare next lesson: Parts: 5+6
Period: 60	Date to prepare: 05/01/2020	
Week: 20	 Date to teach: 09/01/2020	 Unit 9: THE BODY
A. Parts of the body ( A5,A6)
Topic: Nature
Theme: parts of the body
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts can 
- read two short passages that describe Chi and Tuan
- describe someone detail.
 Skills : listening, speaking
Education: sts must take care of their body well
II. Language contents:
Review: doctor, nurse, farmer, teacher, engineer....
 - weak(a)><strong(a)
-a gymnast, a weightlifter, a dentist, an architect, a shopkeeper.
Grammar: Is she short?
 Who’s this?
 What does she do?
III. Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, color chalks, cassette, flashcard
IV. Procedures:
 T and Ss’ Activities 
_T asks the students play the game “Noughts And Crosses”
-Ss play the game “Noughts And Crosses”
_T introduces the lesson
_Ss listen and guess 
_T uses pictures to teach and reads
_Ss repeat
_ T calls ss to read and corrects their pronunciation.
_ Ss read
_T reviews and asks ss to give form.
_Ss give form
_T lets sts listen and repeat to the tape
_Ss listen and repeat
-T calls sts to read and corrects their pronunciation.
_Ss read
_T asks the students to look at the pictures on page 98 and 99 and practice asking and answering using the following questions:
1) Who is that?
2) What does she/he do?
3) Is she/he---?
_Ss check their guessing, listen and focus
and read
_T calls some students to role play before the class 
-Ss play roles
_T corrects their mistakes if necessary.
_ T reminds and asks ss to write on board
_Ss write on board
_ T asks for the class' comment and corrects
-Ss comment
_T asks the students to work in groups of 4 and practice writing about their relatives (anybody)
_Ss work in groups. Ss do as directed
_ T assigns and Ss take notes.
I.Warm up:5'
“Noughts And Crosses”
”We are going to continue learning a lesson about describing parts of the body.Before the new lesson,I would like to introduce some new words.”
II. Presentation:10'
- farmer
- teacher
- engineer
New words
-a gymnast
-a weightlifter
- a dentist
- an architect
- a shopkeeper. 
Is she short?
 Who’s this?
 What does she do?
III. Practice:24'
A5. Listen and read
A6.Practice with a partner
IV. Production:5'
A7. Remember
*Parts of the body
*big, tall, fat, heavy, strong, small, short, thin, light, weak
* He is fat
She is thin
Ex: My father is a teacher.
 He is tall.
 He is thin..
_Learn vocabulary and structures
_re practice A5, A6
_Prepare unit 9-part B1, B2
Period : 61 	Date to prepare:07/01/2020 Week: 21	Date to teach: 13/01/2020 
Unit 9: THE BODY
 B. Faces (B1, B2,B3)
Topic: Nature
Theme: Parts of the body
By the end of the lesson, Sts learn by heart and describe parts of the faces using adjectives describing people’s appearance and adjectives describing color.
 Skills: reading, speaking, writing
Education: Ss must have their schedule
II. Language contents:
Nouns: Face, Hair, Eye(s), Nose, Mouth, Lips, Tooth-Teeth, Ear(s)
Adjectives: Round, Oval, Full, Thin, Long, Short
black, white, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple, color(n)
Grammar: S+ have/has +adj +N( She has an oval face.)
What color is your hair?
 It's black
What color are your eyes?
 They are brown
III. Teaching aids:
T: lesson plan, textbook, color chalks, flashcard
IV. Procedures:
T’s and Ss’ Activities
_ T asks the students play the game “Net Work”
_ T has the students list words relating the parts of the body or adjectives used to describe people.
-Ss play the game
_T introduces the lesson
_Ss listen and guess 
_ T uses pictures to teach and reads
_ Ss listen and read
_T calls ss to read 
_ Ss read
-T corrects their pronunciation.
_ T introduces the students the structure of asking and answering about colors:
+ What color +Tobe + S?
+ S + tobe + Color.
_Ss do as directed and Ss copy
_T asks the students to look at the pictures on page 100 and guess what they are going to learn.
_Ss listen and guess
_T calls some students to tell their ideas.
_Ss present their ideas
_T asks the students to listen to B1 and check their guessing.
_Ss check their guessing
_T gets the students to listen to B1 again and focus on the pronuciation.
_Ss listen and focus
_T calls one student to read B1 before the class
_Ss read
_T corrects the students’mistakes.
_Ss correct
_T asks the students to listen to B2 and check their guessing.
_Ss check their guessing
_T gets the students to listen to B2 again and focus on the pronuciation.
_Ss listen and focus
_T calls one student to read B2 before the class
_Ss read
_T corrects the students’ mistakes.
_Ss correct
_ T explains the requirements and asks sts work in group
-Ss work in group
_T calls some groups to present 
_Ss present
_ T asks for the class' comment and corrects
_Ss comment.
-T gives some pictures with colors then asks sts
-T calls sts to answer.
-Ss answer
_ T assigns and Ss take notes.
I. Warm up: (5’)
II. Presentation:(10’)
+Hair (n) Tóc
+Eye (n) Mắt
+Nose (n) Mũi
+Mouth (n) Miệng
+Ear(n) Tai
+Lips (n) Môi
+Teeth (n) Răng
 +Round (a) Tròn
+Oval (a) Hình trái xoan
+Full (a) no
+Color(n) Màu sắc
+Black (n) Maøu ñen
+Yellow (n) Maøu vaøng
+Green (n) Maøu xanh laù caây
+Gray (n) Maøu xaùm
+Blue (n) Maøu xanh döông
+Red (n) Maøu ñoû
+Brown (n) Maøu naâu
+Purple (n) Maøu tía
2. Structures:
*The structure of asking and answering about colors:
* What color +To be + S?
* S + to be + Color.
Ex : 
_What color is her hair?
_ Her hair is black.
* She has long hair
 I have round face
I,You,We,They+have +Adj+N
Ex: My father has short hair
III. Practice:(24’)
B1. Listen and repeat:
A round face
An oval face
Full lips
Thin lips
Long hair
Short hair
C)P1:Ba has a round face
 He has short hair
 He has thin lips
P2:Lan has an oval face
 She has long hair
 She has full lips
B2.Listen and repeat:
B3. Practice with a partner
Ex: What color is her hair? It’s black
 What color are her eyes? They’re brown
IV. Production(5’)
What color is it?
What color are they?
_Learn vocabulary and structures
_describe your family's member
_Prepare unit 9-part B. Faces (B4, B5, B6)
+Review new words of parts of the body
Week 21 	 Date of preparing: 09/01/2020 Period 62	 Date of teaching: 15/01/2020 
Unit 9: THE BODY
Lesson 5: B. FACE (B4-7)
*Topic:Parts of the body
 I.Objectives: - By the end of the lesson sts can:
-Describe people’s appearance and about Chi.
- Skills: listening, reading, writing.
 II.Language contents:
 *Grammar: Review: 
1/ Ask and answer about the color:
Ex: What color is her hair? It’s black
 What color are her eyes? They’re brown
2/ Question with “Or”
Ex: Is Miss Chi’s face oval Or round ?_It’s round
3/ Pronunciation with” –Z”_ shoulders, toes, ears, eyes
III. Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, cassette, pictures.
 IV. Proceduces.
T and Sts’ activities
-Greets and attendance
-T guides ss to play game
-Ss play game
-T asks sts the Qs then lead them in the new lesson.
_Ss listen and answer the Qs. Ss listen and speak loudly
-T reminds the structures
-Ss listen then answer the Qs
-T guides sts to listen the passage then asks sts to answer the Qs
-T lets sts to work with your partner in 2 minutes
-Ss work in pairs
-T calls sts to give the answer
-Ss give the answer
-T guides sts to listen then write the right pictures
-Ss listen and write the right pictures
-T plays the tape 3 times 
-Ss listen
-T asks sts to give the answer first
-Ss give the answer
-T lets ss to listen and check
-T plays the tape and checks
-Reminds the sentences in the box
-Ss gives the answer
-T asks sts to play game “Network”
-Ss play
-T asks sts to do something
I. Warm up(5’)
Greeting and attendance
** Kim’s Game
black, white, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple, color, tall, short, thin, fat, strong, weak.
-How is Miss Chi?
-Does she have a round face?
II. Presentation(10’)
* Grammar: Review: 
1/ Ask and answer about the color:
Ex: What color is her hair? It’s black
 What color are her eyes? They’re brown
2/ Question with “Or”
Ex: Is Miss Chi’s face oval Or round ?_It’s round
3/ Pronunciation with” –Z”_ shoulders, toes, ears, eyes
4.Listen and read
Ask and answer the Qs about Chi.
Ex: Is Miss Chi’s face oval or round? _It’s round
It’s long
It’s black
They’re brown
It’s small
It’s full
Write the letters of the pictures in your exercise book
Tape transcript
He has short hair. He has a round face. He has a big nose. He has full lips.
He has short hair. He has an oval face. He has a small nose. He has thin lips.
She has long hair. She has an oval face. She has a big nose. She has thin lips.	
She has long hair. She has a round face. She has a small nose. She has full lips.
 1_ c 2_a 3_d 4_b
IV.Production :(5’)
Network oval round
Big small thin full
V. Homework(1’)
-Learn the the Grammar
-Write the answers in your notebook
-Prepare A1,2 for the next period
+Vocabulary and modal sentence “How do you feel?”
Week 21 	Date of preparing: 10/01/2020
Period 63	Date of teaching: 16/01/2020 
Lesson 1: A. How do you feel? (A1,2)
*Theme: Health
*Topic: Health
 I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson sts can:
-Talk about feeling
-Ask and answer about other’s feeling
- Skills: listening, speaking
 II. Language contents:
*Vocabulary: hungry, thirsty, full, hot, cold, tired, feel, staying, healthy.
 *Grammar: Ask and answer about the feeling:
 I am hungry
 She is hungry
Ex: How does he/she feel?_He’s/she’s/feels hungry
 How do they feel?_They’re/feel full
III.Teaching aids:
 *Teacher: lesson plan, textbook, cassette, pictures.
T’s and Sts’activities
-Greets and attendance
-T asks sts the Qs then lead them in the new lesson
-Ss listen and answer the Qs
-T introduces the words then models clearly then asks sts to listen and repeat
-Ss listen and repeat
-T calls sts to read
-Ss read and copy
I. Warm up (4’)
Greeting and attendance
How do you feel when it is hot/ cold?
II. Presentation (5)
-Hungry (a)
-Thirsty (a)
-Full (a) 
-Hot (a) 
-Cold (a)
-Tired (a) 
-Feel (v)
-Staying (n)
-Healthy (n)
*Grammar: Ask and answer about the feeling:
Ask and answer about the feeling:
 I am hungry
 She is hungry
Ex: How does he/she feel?_He’s/she’s/feels hungry
 How do they feel?_They’re/feel full
III.Practice (28)
1.Listen and repeat
How do you feel?
2.Work with a partner. Describe the people in the pictures
Ex: How does he feel?_He’s hungry
 How do you feel?_They’re full
IV.Production (7)
*Crossword Puzzle
-How do you feel when it is hot?
-How do you feel when you work hard? Homework (1)
-Learn the Vocabulary and the Grammar
-Write the answer in your exercise book
-Prepare A3,4,5,6,8 for the next period
+What would you like? _I’d like some
orange juice
-T introduces the structures and guides sts to use it
-T introduces the pictures then asks sts to listen and repeat
-Ss listen and repeat
-T call sts to read
-Ss read
-T asks sts to work with your partner to ask and answer about those pictures
-Ss do their tasks
-T guides sts to play game
-Ss play game
-T asks sts to use above words to answer the Qs
-Ss answer the Qs
-T asks sts to do something
-Ss listen and copy
Period : 64	 Date to prepare:20/01/2019
Week: 22 	 Date to teach: 04/05/2019 Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY
*Theme: Nature
*Topic: Health
A. How do you feel? (A3, A7)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts can 
-ask and answer their needs or others’ needs.
 Skill: listening, speaking
Education: Ss must take care of their body well
II. Language contents:
Review: Hungry, Full, Thirsty, Hot, Cold, Tired
Teach: Noodles, Juice, Would like, Some, wouldn’t
Review: How do you feel? _I'm hungry.
How does he feel? _He feels tired
Teach: What would you like?-I'd like some orange juice.
What would she like?-She’d like....
Would you like noodles? -No, I wouldn’t.
III. Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, color chalks, cassette, flashcard
IV. Procedures:
T and Ss’Activities
- T asks students some questions about their class.
- Ss answer the teacher’s questions about their class
_T uses pictures to teach and reads
_ Sts repeat
-T calls sts to read
 _Sts read
_T shows pictures to lead the model sentence and reads
_Sts listen and repeat
_T asks sts to identify the structure and gives form.
_Sts give form 
_T asks sts to give examples.
_Sts give examples
- T sets the scene: Lan is talking to Nam about her classmate.
-Ss listen to the teacher.
-T puts the dialogue on the board. Some of the words are missing. 
-Ss read the dialogue. 
- T asks students to guess what the missing words are. 
-Ss guess what the missing words are.
_T lets sts listen and repeat to the tape
-Sts listen and repeat 
-T calls sts to read 
_Sts read
-T explains the requirements and T asks sts to work in pairs
-Sts work in pairs
-T calls some pairs to practice
-Sts stand up and practice
-T draws table and asks sts listen and fill in the informations of Nam, Ba, Lan. 
-Sts listen and repeat , then fill in the informations of Nam, Ba, Lan in groups. Sts work in groups
-T calls some groups to present their work
-Sts present their work on board.
_T asks for the class' comment and corrects
-Sts comment
-T reminds what they’ve learnt.
and T asks sts to work in pairs
-Ss listen and memorize. Ss work in pairs.
_T assigns 
_Sts take notes 
I. Warm up:(5’)
- How do you feel?
 - Are you hot?
 - Are you thirsty?
II. Presentation(10’)
+Review Adjectives:
-Hungry ><Full
-Would like(v)
- Juice(n)
- Wouldn’t (m v)
1. Express one's feelings
How do you feel?_I'm hungry.
How does he feel?_He feels tired
How +do/does+S+feel?
That is+dt soá ít
There is/ are
Ex: How do you feel? _I feel thirsty
Express one's needs
What would you like?-I'd like some orange juice. 
Ex:What would he like?-He'd like to sit down 
What +would +S+like?
S+would like+ N
Ex: Would you like noodles? -No, I wouldn’t.
III. Practice:(24’)
A3. Listen and repeat. What would you like?
Predict dialogue
Nam: How do you feel?
Lan: I’m (1) ______ and (2) _______ .
Nam: What would you like?
Lan: I’d like some (3) _______ . What about you?
Nam: I’m (4) ______ . I’d like some (5) _______ 
Keys to predict:
 1- hot 4- hungry
 2- thirsty 5- noodles
 3- orange juice 
sit down
orange juice
A7.Play with words:
IV. Production:(5’)
Mapped Dialogue
. feel?
cold + hungry
.. like?
 some noodles. . feel?
. Thirsty
. like?
. orange juice
S1: How do you feel?
S2: I’m cold and hungry.
S1: What would you like?
S2: I’d like some noodles. How do you feel?
S1: I’m thirsty.
S2: What would you like?
S1: I’d like some orange juice. 
_Learn vocabulary and structures
_Pre practice A3, A4
-Prepare unit 10- part B
*What’s the matter?-I’m hungry
What do you want?-I want some orange juice
What does she want?-She wants some noodles
On my way home I see....
Period : 65	 Date to prepare:15/01/2020
Week: 22 	Date to teach: 05/05/2020
B. Food and drink (B1, B2, B3)
*Theme: Nature
*Topic: Food and drink 
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson,Sts can
-memorize and use the names of some food and drink 
- use count nouns and uncount nouns with “some”, “any”.
 Skill: listening, speaking.
Education:sts must eat and drink suitablely to stay in healthy
II. Language contents:
Vocabulary:Apple,Orange,Banana,Water, Some,Any
* Review:What would you like?-I'd like an/a/ some....
*Is there any ..? Are there any ? 
 Yes.There is some Yes.There are some
 No.There isn't any No.There aren't any 
III.Teaching aids: 
T: lesson plan, textbook, color chalks, cassette, flashcard

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