Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tuần 25 - Năm học 2020-2021
Tuesday, March 16th 2021
Week :25
Period :96
Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future?
Lesson 1:4-6
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to further practice:
+ use the words and phrases related to the topic Future plans.
+ ask and answer questions about what someone would like to be in the future
* Skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - What would you like to be in the future?
+ I ‘d like to be a/an .
* Teaching aids:
computer (overhead)
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up: Answer
- What would you like to be in the future?
+ I ‘d like to be a/an .
II. New lesson:
1. Listen and tick
- Have sts to look at 3 groups of pictures with jobs
- Elicit the names of jobs
- Give instruction.
- Play the recording twice for pupils listen and tick the correct pictures
- Ask sts to compare the answers with the partner.
- Play the recording again for sts to check their answers.
- Announce the answers.
- Ask some questions to ensure sts’ comprehension of the listening text.
*Key: 1. b 2. a 3. c
2. Look and write:
- Tell sts that they are going to look at the pictures with the questions given then write the answers
- Give sts few seconds to read the questions and think about the names of the jobs in the pictures in silence.
- Have sts write the answer individually
- Check comprehension and give feedback.
- Give sts time to do the task and go around and offer help if necessary
- Get sts to work in pairs.
- Get sts to swap and check their answers before checking as a class.
* Key: 1. like to be a teacher
2. like to be adoctor.
3. like to be architects.
- Call 4 pairs read aloud the dialogue
3. Let’s sing:
- Show the song “What would you like to be in the future?”
- Have sts look at the pictures and give some ideas
- Read the lyrics
- Check comprehension
- Play the recording the song all the way through
- Have sts repeat each line of the lyrics a few times
- Have sts sing along
- Have sts practice singing and acting in groups
- Call some groups sing aloud and do actions
III. Reinforcement:
- Have sts retell what they would like to be in the future
- Give feedback
Tuesday, March 16th 2021 Week :25 Period :95 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Lesson 1: 1- 3 A. Aims: By the end of this unit pupils can: - Use the words and phrases related to the topics future plan. - Ask and answer questions about what someone would like to be in the future * Skills: - Develop Ss speaking and listening skills. * Language focus: - Sentence partern: What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a/an ... - Vocabulary: pilot, writer, architect, patient, astronaut,.... * Teaching aids: overhead, computer B. Procedure: I. Warm up: II. New lesson: 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Introduce the dialogue. - Look at the pictures to identify the characters(Tony, Mai ) and the context in the book guess what the story is about and point at each picture to elicit their answers to these questions. - Play the recording - Listen follow in their book. - Ss listen and repeat in chorus two times. - Read in group/ pair: One repeats Tony’s part, the other repeats Mai’s part . - Elicits the structure - Ss give new structure sentence: What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a/an ... 2. Point and say: - Teach vocabulary: - Note write down new words and read after T. Play game: What and where ( Whole class) - Say phrases under the pictures. - Teach the future simlpe forms of verb. - Model sentence. - Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Look and find out the model sentences. - Point the pictures and practise asking and answering question What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a/an ... Using the prompts under the pictures. - 2 - 3 pairs perform their task at the front of the class. The rest of the class observe and give comments. 3. Let’s Talk: - Give tasks. - Talking about what someone would like to be in the future, using What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a/an ... - Ss work in pairs. - Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Pupils practise answering the questions with information about themselves. - 6-7 pairs perform their task at the front of the class. The rest of the class observe and give comments. - Correct their pronunciation and mistake III. Reinforcement: Summary the lesson Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words. Tuesday, March 16th 2021 Week :25 Period :96 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Lesson 1:4-6 A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to further practice: + use the words and phrases related to the topic Future plans. + ask and answer questions about what someone would like to be in the future * Skills: - Develop Ss speaking and listening skills * Language focus: - Sentence Patterns: - What would you like to be in the future? + I ‘d like to be a/an. * Teaching aids: computer (overhead) B. Procedure: I. Warm up: Answer - What would you like to be in the future? + I ‘d like to be a/an. II. New lesson: 1. Listen and tick - Have sts to look at 3 groups of pictures with jobs - Elicit the names of jobs - Give instruction. - Play the recording twice for pupils listen and tick the correct pictures - Ask sts to compare the answers with the partner. - Play the recording again for sts to check their answers. - Announce the answers. - Ask some questions to ensure sts’ comprehension of the listening text. *Key: 1. b 2. a 3. c 2. Look and write: - Tell sts that they are going to look at the pictures with the questions given then write the answers - Give sts few seconds to read the questions and think about the names of the jobs in the pictures in silence. - Have sts write the answer individually - Check comprehension and give feedback. - Give sts time to do the task and go around and offer help if necessary - Get sts to work in pairs. - Get sts to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. * Key: 1. like to be a teacher 2. like to be adoctor. 3. like to be architects. - Call 4 pairs read aloud the dialogue 3. Let’s sing: - Show the song “What would you like to be in the future?” - Have sts look at the pictures and give some ideas - Read the lyrics - Check comprehension - Play the recording the song all the way through - Have sts repeat each line of the lyrics a few times - Have sts sing along - Have sts practice singing and acting in groups - Call some groups sing aloud and do actions III. Reinforcement: - Have sts retell what they would like to be in the future - Give feedback Wednesday, March 18th 2021 Week 25 Period: 97+98 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Lesson 2: 1- 3 A. Aims: By the end of this unit pupils can: - Use the words and phrases related to the topics future plan. Ask for and give reasons, using Why would you like to be ...? Because I’d like to ... - Develop Ss speaking and listening skills. - Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves. - Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends. * Languages focus: - Sentence Pattners: Why would you like to be ...? Because I’d like to ... - Vocabulary: look after, design, building... * Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. I. Warm – up: Listen to a song What would you like to be in the future? Song II. New lesson: 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Introduce the dialogue. - The class listen - Look at the pictures in the book guess what the story is about and point at each picture to elicit their answers to these questions . - Play the recording - Sts Listen follow in their book. - Ss listen and repeat in chorus two times. - Read in group/ pair: One repeats Mai’s part, the other repeats Linda’s part and Tony’s part. 2. Point and say - Teach vocabulary: - Elicits the structure - Ss give new sentence: Why would you like to be ...? Because I’d like to... - Note write down new words and read after T. - Look and find out the model sentences. - Point the pictures & practise asking & answering question Why would you like to be ...? Because I’d like to ... - Model sentence. - Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary - 2 - 3 pairs perform their task at the front of the class. - The rest of the class observe and give comments. 3. Let’s Talk - Give tasks. - Talking about what someone will do, using 1. What would you like to be....? I’d like to be... 2.Why would you like to be ...?Because I’d like to.. - Ss work in pairs. - Pupils practise further asking and answering the questions about what someone would like to be in the future. - Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary. - Correct their pronunciation and mistake - 6-7 pairs perform their task at the front of the class. The rest of the class observe and give comments. III. Reinforcement: - Summary the lesson - Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words. Week: 25 Period :98 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Lesson 2: 4 – 6 A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to further practice about What, Why and Where they would like about their jobs in the future + ask and answer questions about * Skills: - Develop Ss speaking and listening skills * Language focus: - Sentence Patterns: - What would you like to be? - Why would you like to be a/ an? - Where would you like to work? * Teaching aids: (overhead, computer) B. Procedure: I. Warm up: Review A: What would you like to be in the future? Why? II. New lesson: 1. Listen and circle a, b or c: - Have pupils read the sentences and groups of words given - Tell sts that they are going to listen and circle a, b or c to complete the sentences - Play CD – sts listen and circle - Get sts’ answer - Give feedback * Key: 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c - Get sts practice reading the sentences - Call some sts read aloud 2. Read and complete: - Tell sts that they are going to complete the dialogue with the 5 words and phrases given. - Give sts few seconds to read the dialogue in silence. - Check comprehension and give feedback. - Give sts time to do the task and go around and offer help if necessary - Get sts to work in pairs. - Get sts to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. - Divide the class into two groups and get them to read aloud the dialogue * Key: 1. nurse 2. look after 3. hospital 4. do 5. write - Have sts read aloud the passage 3. Let’s play: - Explain how the game is played - Model - Have sts play the game in groups of 4 - Give feedback III. Reinforcement: - Checking sts’ understand about the lesson - Do exs C in WB Friday, March 19 th 2021 Week: 25 Period :99+100 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Lesson 3: 1 - 3 A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: + say questions and answers with the correct intonation. + practice chanting * Skills - Develop Ss speaking and listening skills * Teaching aids: overhead, computer B. Procedure: I. Warm up: Writing Job Work to do Place teacher Teach children School .. . . II. New lesson: 1. Listen and repeat: - Have sts to look at the overhead’s screen, draw their attention to the sentences intonation - Play CD for sts listen - Have sts repeat the focused on the sentence intonation a few times. - Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors. - Call on someone to read aloud. - give feedback 2. Listen and mark the sentence intonation. Then say the sentences: - Have pupils read the questions and answers given - Tell sts that they are going to the recording and mark the intonation with arrows - Play CD all the way through for them to listen - Play again for them to mark the intonation - Have sts swap and check their answers before checking as a class. Then ask the class to read the sentences aloud - Give feedback *Key: 1. A: What would he like to be in the future? B: He’d like to be a teacher. 2. A: Where would he like to work? B: He’d like to work in a school. 3. A: Why would he like to be a teacher? B: Because he’d like to teach young children. 3. Let’s chant - Show the chant “What would you like to be in the future?” - Have sts run through the sentences - Ask sts read aloud - Check comprehension (What would she like to be? Why? Where woud she like to work?) - Ask sts to read aloud each line in the chant and clap their hands. - Ask them to listen again and repeat. - Have sts practice the chant in groups. - Call each group perform. - Correct and comment - Play the tape once to reinforce their pronunciation III. Reinforcement - Ask sts make out some more sentences and read with the right intonation - Practice chanting. Period 100 Unit 15: What would you like to be in the future? Lesson 3: 4 - 7 A. Aim: - By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: + read and write about what someone would like to be and do in the future. * Skills: - Develop Ss reading and writing and skills * Language focus: - Revise from L1 + L2 * Teaching aids: Overhead, laptop B. Procedure: I. Warm up: Saying the chant “What would you like to be in the future?” II. New lesson: 1. Read and tick True(T) or False (F): - Tell the class that they are going to read about David’s future job and tick True (T) or False (F) - Give instruction. - Explain what they have to do: read the text to get the information and tick into right boxes. - Have sts do the task in pairs - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary. - Ask sts to work in pairs to check the answer - Call on some sts to report their answers. * Key: 1 - T; 2 - T; 3 – F; 4- T; 5-T 2. Write about what you would like to be and do in the future: - Have sts answer the questions: + What’s your name? + What would you like to be in the future? +Why would you like to be .? + Where would you like to work? - Checking understanding how to answer - Have sts write in 5 mins individually about what they do at the weekends - Remind sts how to write in correct way - Go around to help - Get sts swap and read their writing in pairs - Invite two or three sts to read their answers aloud - Get sts give feedback - Check and correct * Suggested answers: My name’s Nam. I’m studying at Xuan Thanh Primary school. I’d like to be a doctor in the future. I’d like to look after patients. In my free time I’d like to play chess . 3. Project: Interview two classmates about what they do in their free time - Have sts work in groups of 3 to do the projects - Model - Have sts do the project by interview ing and taking notes - Go around and check their work - Call some sts retell their task - Comment 4. Reinforcement: Colour the stars - Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension - Invite sts to read statements aloud - Check their understanding the meaning - Sts colour stars base on the degree that they got from Unit 15 - Getting their ideas about difficulties to help
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