Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 11: Traveling around - Getting started- Listen and read

1.Warm up (10 mins)

-organize “jumbled words” game

-Write the topic “Places of interest” on the board

-Ask each team to connect the words to make the right phrases for places of interest and write them on the board as fast as possible

2.Pre-reading (10 mins)

* Getting Started:

-Ask Ss to open their books and match the

names with the pictures

-Call on some Ss to give their answers

-Call some Ss to read the proper names aloud

-Introduce the topic of the passage and new words

- Read the new words (3 times).


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Supervisor’s name: Ms. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hạnh
Student teacher’s name: Hoàng Ngọc Yến Nhi
Course book: 	English 8
Lesson: 	Unit 11 : Traveling around	Getting started- Listen and read
Class: 	8A5
Description of class: 
English level : Pre- intermediate
Numbers of students: 
Teaching time : 45 minutes, period 2- Saturday morning (24/1/2015)
After the lesson Ss will be able to : 
-Learn more about the interesting places in Viet Nam
-Use some expressions to express their interest
Knowledge: gain some basic knowledge about the topic
Languge : 
Vocabulary : Learn some vocabulary items concerning place
Grammar : Structure “Would you mind”
Skills : 
Target skill: Reading
Others Skills : Speaking, writing, listening
Ss have finished unit 10
-Tape, text book, pictures of famous places, cards of words
- Communicative Approach + The Direct Method
Teaching procedure:
Classroom procedure 
Checking attendance
New lesson 
Teacher’s activities + time
Students’ activities
1.Warm up (10 mins) 
-organize “jumbled words” game
-Write the topic “Places of interest” on the board 
-Ask each team to connect the words to make the right phrases for places of interest and write them on the board as fast as possible 
2.Pre-reading (10 mins)
* Getting Started: 
-Ask Ss to open their books and match the 
names with the pictures 
-Call on some Ss to give their answers 
-Call some Ss to read the proper names aloud 
-Introduce the topic of the passage and new words
- Read the new words (3 times).
-Help SS to repeat (2 times). 
- Check S’s reading in individual & correct the mistakes
*Guiding questions 
 -give some questions
-Ask Ss to think about the questions in a few minutes
-Get Ss to work in pairs to a-
-Call on some pairs to give their answer the questions 
3.While-reading (14 mins)
-Ask Ss to listen to the tape and say out True or False 
-Read the sentences aloud and call on some Ss to answer , then have them correct the false sentences and get them to write in their notebooks
-Call on some groups of five to practice the dialogue in front of class 
-Correct ss’ pronunciation
4.Post-reading (10 mins )
-ask ss recognize the new structure in dialogue and give some examples
Whole class ,individual
-repeat new words
Work in pair
-work in pair, and recognize new structures 
On the board : Ha long, Ngo Mon, Nha Rong, The literature, Bay, Gate, Temple, harbor
*answer key : Ha long bay, The temple literature, Ngo mon Gate, Nha rong Harbor
Vocabulary :
Corn : bắp
Crop : vụ mùa
seat : chổ ngồi 
Sugar cane :cây mía
Buffalo : con trâu
Form : A / an adj ( number ) N + N
EX : a thirteen –year –old –boy
Questions :
a. where does Hoa meet The Jones ? 
b. Is it the first time The Jones have visited 
Viet Nam? 
c. How do they travel to Ha Noi? 
d. What do they see along the road to Ha Noi
Feedback :
a. Hoa meets The Jones at the airport 
b. Yes,it is . c. By taxi 
d. They see a boy riding a water buffalo , rice paddies , corn and sugar cane fields 
e. He would like to take a photo 
a. T b. T d. T e. T
c. F 
-> ... in a taxi 
f. F 
-> ... Not only rice and corn but also sugar cane are grown around Ha Noi. 
Structures :
1.Would/Do you mind (not) + Ving
Ex: would you mind not smoking ?
 Do you mind closing the door ?
2.Would you mind +if clause + past tense
 Do you mind + if clause + present tense
 Ex: Would you mind if I used your bike ?
 Do you mind if I turn off the TV
-Learn by heart new words and some structures to give some examples.
-Do exercises in the workbook 
-Prepare A2,3

File đính kèm:

  • docxUnit_11_Traveling_around_Vietnam.docx
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