Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 cả năm
UNIT 10: Endanger Species
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Educational aim:
- Students read and guess the meaning of words in contexts.
- They read and answer questions about the texts.
- They practice scanning for specific information in the texts.
- Finding supporting evidence .
2. Knowledge:
- General knowledge: Ss know some endangered species are plant and animal species
- Language: Common knowledge of environment,
- New words: Words related to the topic (endangered animals,plants.)
3. Skills:
- Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension.
II. Method:
- Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids:
-Picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts,
IV. Procedure:
tively. Pre-speaking : (12 minutes) Task 1 - Guide students how to practise. - Ask students to work individual. - Walk around and help them. - Call students to say. - Correct their mistakes. While-speaking : (15 minutes) Task 2 - Guide students how to practise. - Ask students to work in pairs. - Help the students with new structures. - Walk around and help them. - Call some student to stand up and report before the class. - Correct their mistakes. Post-speaking : (10 minutes) Task 3 - Guide students how to practise. - Ask students to work in gruops - Call some pairs of student to stand up and practise. - Correct their mistakes. Homework: (3 minutes) - Ask the students to prepare the listening at home. Listen and give one’s own ideas or story if being asked. - Pair work. - Practice answering the toppic: By the end of the 21st, chinese astronaunts By the end of the 21st, a new moon city will have been opened. - Listen to the teacher then practise. - Workin pairs. Ex: I think it is likely that by the end of the 21st century In my opion, it is unlikely that by the end of the 21st century - Free practices - The students who are called stand up to talk to the class about their ideas. - Listen to the teacher. - Write down the homework to do at home. The 45th period Date : Grade 12 Theme: life in the future Unit 8 Listening Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Listening, mastering the content of the tape. - Doing the tasks fluently (true or false statements and the details). 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to understand how to make the life better and longer in the future. - Language: The present simple tense and the simple future tense. - New words: Words related to to the topic. 3. Skills: - Listening and deciding on True or False statements. - Listening for details. II. Method: - Intergrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: - Tape, cassetteplayer, board, chalks, textbook. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes Warm-up: (5 minutes) - A story about age. Before-listening: (7 minutes) Before you listen: - Ask students to look at the book and answer the question in the book. - Let them work in pairs. - Listen and correct for them. Listen and repeat - Turn on the tape and ask students to listen - Let students listen again and repeat. - Write some words on board and ask students to read them aloud. - Correct. While-listening: (20 minutes) Task 1: Ask students to read the statement at least once first. Ask them to guess the answers Play the tape once then check how many answers can students find. Play the tape again. Check and give remarks. Call some students to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers. Task 2: - Ask them to guess the answers. Play the tape once then check how many answers can students find. Play the tape again. Check and give remarks. - Call some students to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers. - Let students work inpairs. After-listening: (10 minutes) - In group, ask students to discus the guided question, find the answer. - Move around to help if necessary. - Give remarks or even suggestions. Homework: (3 minutes) - Ask students write things to do to have a healthy and long life, and prepare part writing at home. - Listen to the teacher. Before you listen: - Look at the book. - Listen to the teacher. - Ask and answer the question in the book. - Work in pairs. - Listen and repeat. - Preactise in pairs - Read the new words aloud in chorus then in devidual. - Read the statement once to get the main contents. Listen to the tape and do the task. Find evidences to each of the answers. Represent if being asked. Keys: 1. F, 2.F, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T. - Listen to the teacher’s explanation then correct the answers onself. - Read the questions once to get the main contents. Listen to the tape and do the task. Find evidences to each of the answers. Represent if being asked. 1. Eating more healthily food, cutting down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes. 2. The development in medical science. Because nobody dies from old age, just from diseases that affect people when they get older. 3. In ten years’stime AIDS will also be brought under control. - Listen to the teacher’s explanation then correct the answers oneself. - In groups, discuss the advantages disadvantages of having a very long life. Example: Advantages: - Do many things they want to do/ enjoy life more. - See their children and grandchildren grow up. - Help their children and grandchildren. - Children and grandchildren are happy with them. Disadvantages: - Too weak to do things and often ill. - Feel lonely when children have grown up and busy with their lives, andfriends are dead. - Listen to the teacher’s guide to correct oneself. -Listen to the teacher and write down homework to do at home. Unit 8: life in the future Writing Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Discribing the world you would like to live in in the future . 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Writing about some one's ideas or imagines. - Language: +The tenses. + Connectors (time expressions) - New words: Words related to the life in the future, environment. 3. Skills: _ To practise students’ speaking and writing skills. _ To help students to able to write about the ideal world they would like to live in the year 2020. II. Method: - Intergrated, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: - Board, chalks, textbook and notebook. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Free talk about the life in the future. Pre-writing: (10 minutes) Task 1 - Ask student to read the request of task one and translate. - Explain them how to do the task - give students the structures: - guide them some new words. - Walk around and help them. - Call some to stand up and answer the questions - Corect. While-writing: (18 minutes) Task 2 - Ask student to read the request of task two. - Explain them how to do the task - guide them to write. - Walk around and help them. - Call one to do on board. - Corect. Post-writing: (10 minutes) - Ask some groups to represent their work, ask other to give remark. - Choose some good writing to read in class and give remark. Homework: (2 minutes) - Ask students to rewrite the task at home and preapare part Language Focus at home. Do as required. Exchange the ideas with others. - Listen to teacher. - Write down - Do on board. - Report. Ex: + conflict (n) + harmony (n) + materialistic (a). Answer: + World: Peaceful, no war, no conflicts, no threat of terrorism, people live is harmony. + Employment: everyone has a job. + Environment: clean and healthy, less noise, less popolation, having larger parks, wild life is protected. + People: Less materialistic, less silfish, less violent and more loving - Listen to the teacher. - discuss and write down. - work in groups. - Compare the result to the other groups. - Listen to the teacher’s explanations. - Exchange the writing to other groups to check and give remarks. - Represent the task on board if being asked. Read the writing to get others’ remarks. - Do as the teacher asked. - Listen to the teacher and write down homework. Unit 8: life in the future Language Focus Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: - Contracted form of auxiliaries (cotinued). - Prepositions and articles. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Combining the sentences. - Language: Know how to use in, on, at, of, by, about, among, to, with. - New words: Words related to the exercises 3. Skills: _ To practise students’ pronunciation and writing skills. _ To help students to be able pronounce the full forms and the contracted forms of auxiliaries and introduce to them the use of some prepositions and articles. II. Method: - Intergrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: - Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook. IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes 1. Warm up: ( 5 minutes) - Introduce the lesson to the students. 2. Pronunciation: ( 15 minutes) _ play the tape and asks students to listen to the sounds listed in their books. _ asks students to listen to the tape then repeat the words in chorus. _ asks students to repeat the words individually. _ correct their pronunciation if necessary. _ asks students to read the sentences suggested individually. _ can read the sentences first and notice the sounds in words. _ asks some students to read the sentences aloud. _ asks others to give comments then correct their pronunciation if necessary. 3. Grammar: ( 23 minutes) Exercise1: _ explains how to change direct speech into reported speech with gerund briefly then give some examples to illustrate and asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested. _ asks students to discuss the answers with their friends. _ asks some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ asks others to give comments. _ gives the suggested answers if necessary. Exercise 2: _ explains the example carefully. _ asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested. _ asks students to discuss the answers with their friends. _ asks some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ asks others to give comments. _ gives the suggested answers if necessary. 4. Homework: (2 minutes) - Ask students to revise the strong form and weak form of auxiliaries, the use of prepositions and articles, redo all the exercises and prepare Test yourself C at home. - Listen to the teacher. Get the teacher’s explanation. _ listen to the sounds listed in their books. _ listen to the tape then repeat the words in chorus. _ some individuals repeat the words. _ listen to the teacher’s correction. _ read the sentences suggested individually. _ listen to the teacher’s explanation. _ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks. _ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves. _ discuss the answers with their friends. _ some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ other students give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers. Keys: 1. in, 2.of, 3.on,,,, 7.about, 8.for, 9. between, _ notice the teacher’s explanation. _ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks. _ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves. _ some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ other students give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers. Keys: 1.Ø, 2.Ø, Ø, Ø, 3. Ø. The. the, 4.the. Ø, 5. the. Ø, 6.the. Ø, 7.the. Ø,, 9 Ø.the, 10. Ø,a. - Listen to the teacher and write down homework to do at home Test yourself C I. Objectives: After this lesson, students will be able to: - Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing. - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself. II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. II. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, cassetteplayer, board, hand-outs IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Notes Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Greeting - Ask students something about the test yourself C * Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? Test yourself I. Listening(2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Present the task: Listen and complete the table below - Tell students the topic of the table - Get students to look through the table - Explain the meaning of new words - After that turn on the tape of the passage aloud twice - Let students fill in the blanks with the words they have just heard - Go round the class to control the work - Then turn on the tape of the passage the last time for students to check their results - Correct mistakes II. Reading (2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Present the task: Read the passgae and choose the statements are True or False. - Get students to work in groups, discuss about the passage - Go round the class to control the discussion - State the best option - Correct mistakes III. Grammar(2.5 points) (8 minutes) - Recall the grammar of articals. - Giude students how to do - Give them some newwords: - Do the first as an example. - Ask students to to the exercise. - Call the to to on board. - Go round the class to control the set’s activities - State the keys - Correct mistakes IV. Writing(2.5 points) (7 minutes) - Giude students how to write - Give students some models and structures to writes.. - Ask students to write. - Call the to to on board. - Go round the class to control the students’ activities - Correct mistakes Homework (5 minutes) - Ask students: + to study all the lessons again - Greeting - Answer teacher’s questions - Look at the book and listen to the task - understand the task - Listen to the tape carefully - Fill in the blanks with the words they’ve just heard - Correct mistakes Keys: 1.B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C. - Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher then read the passage and choose the statements are True or False. - Work in groups to discuss about the passage - Finish the task - Compare their results with the other groups, and correct. Keys: 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F. - Listen to the teacher - Work in groups to complete the sentences - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes Keys: A. 1. The, 2. An, 3. Ø 4. The, 5. A, 6. Ø. B 1. Athough Nam worked very hard, he didn't pass the exam. 2. Although I was very tired, I couldn't sleep. 3. Eventhough she had all the .. 4. Athough the traffic was bad, we arrived on time. - Listen to the teacher carefully. - Work in groups or in pairs then write. - Compare the results with the other groups. - Correct mistakes - Study all the lessons again Review for the first term- GRADE 12 TENSE revision A. Objectives; 1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to; - use the correct verbs in simple present, simple past, present continuous, past continuous 3- Skills: - Remembering the use of each tense in context. 4- Education: - study the differences in use of the verb-tense in English language. B.Teaching aids; 1.Teacher: - Method: mainly communicative approach. - Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts. 2. Student:- Materials: Student’s book 3. Anticipated problems: SS may find the use of present simple is misty. C.Procedure; Theme Teacher's activities Student's activities I. Organize ( 1 m') 1- Check the student's list 2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary - Monitor gives names of absent students II. Presentation (35 m') A- the present simple tense. - T gives some examples on helping board or handouts. - Put the verbs into correct form A1: I always (go) to bed at 10 p.m . A2:She (visit) her daugster every Sunday. B1: This book (be) very interesting. B2:Ann and Linda (play)... tennis very well. C1: Water (freeze) at zero degree Centigrade. C2: The Sun (not move)... around the Earth. D1: I (think) they should work harder for the exam. D2:Jane (like) living in the country? - Gives questions: 1. What are the affirmative form and negative form? 2. What are the uses of present simple? - Call some pairs to answer. - T feedback and correct. B- the past simple tense. - T gives some examples on helping board, ask Ss to give the correct form of the verbs. A1: I (go) to bed at 10 p.m yesterday. A2:She (visit) HaNoi two years ago. B1: They often (buy) picture stories when they were at sencodary school. B2:Ann often (go) out for lunch after work. C1: He (come) home, (turn) the light, and (open).. the windows. C2: I (run) out of my office, (wave).. a taxi, and (go) to Hellen's house. - Gives questions: 1. What are the affirmative form and negative form? 2. What are the uses of present simple? - Call some pairs to answer. - T feedback and correct. C- the present continuous and past continuous tense. - T gives some examples on helping board, ask Ss to study the ex and answer the questions. Present continuous(1) Past continuous(2) A1: Look at that man! He is wearing a traditional suit. A2: Where are your children? - They are playing in the front garden. B1: We are working hard this week for the coming exams. B2: He is looking for a job as a journalist. C1: Harry up. It is getting dark. C2: The price of petrol is rising rapidly. D1: We are having a party this Sunday evening. D2: She is leaving London for New york this week. A1: I was reading book at 4 p.m yesterday. A2:They were visiting Ho Chi Minh museum yesterdy morning. B1: I was watching TV while my wife was cooking. B2: while she was studying, her roomate was listening to music. C1: He was playing football all last summer. C2: They were dancing all the yesterday evening. D1: It rained when we were camping. D2: When I came, she was crying. - Gives questions: 1. What are the affirmative form and negative form of each tense? 2. What are the uses of present continuous? - Call some pairs to answer. - T feedback and correct. - work in pair, study the examples and asnwer the Teacher's questions; * Expected answer; I. form. Affir: S + V-s,es V- infinitive Negat: S + does Do not + V-infinitive. II. use. 1- habit or daily routine. 2- for present situation, state or ability. 3- for true fact or universal truth. 4- for view, feeling or hobby. * Expected answer; I. form. Affir: S + V-ed Negat: S + did not + V-infinitive II. use. 1- for completed action at definite time. 2- for past habit 3- for a series of actions happened in the past. * Expected answer; I. form. (1) S + is,are,am + V-ing (2) S + was,were + V-ing II. use. (1) 1- for a progressive action at the time of speaking. 2- for a progressive action happening at present period of time 3- for a gradual happening action. 4- for a near future plan. (2) 1- for a progressive action at a definite time in the past. 2- for 2 or more progressive simultaneous actions happening at definite time in the past. 3- to emphasize the sequence of action at a period of time. 4- for a progressive action interrupted by another simple past action. IV. Summary (2 m') - T summarize the content of the lesson. + use and form of the verb - listen and understand V. Homework (2 m') - Asign homeworks: do exercise 2,3,4 page 7 ( English 12, workbook); exercise 1,2 page 18(English 12- student book) - Prepare for tense revision: Revise the present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous. - Listen to the teacher - Write down the homework to do at home. Review for the first term- GRADE 12 TENSE revision A. Objectives; 1- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson students will be able to; - use the correct verbs of present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous 3- Skills: - Remembering the use of each tense in context. 4- Education: - study the differences in use of the verb-tense in English language. B.Teaching aids; 1.Teacher: - Method: mainly communicative approach. - Materials: helping board, textbook, handouts. 2. Student:- Materials: Student’s book 3. Anticipated problems: SS may find difficult to distinguish the use of present perfect, present perfect continuous . C.Procedure; Theme Teacher's activities Student's activities I. Organize ( 1 m') 1- Check the student's list 2- Arrange the seats if it's necessary - Monitor gives names of absent students II. Presentation (35 m') A- the present perfect tense. - T gives some examples on helping board or handouts. - Put the verbs into correct form Present perfect(1) Present perfect cont(1) A
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