Đề ôn thi HSG môn Tiếng Anh Khối 8 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Võ Văn Việt

Read the passage and answer the questions:

 With the development of science and technology, more and more energy is used every day. Nowadays, many rural areas in Viet nam have been electrified, and more electricity is needed. If people waste energy, it will quickly run out. Students at school should learn how to save energy, for example, they should turn off electric lights when they leave their classrooms.

 Moreover, we may waste electricity at home if we use a lot of light bulbs. By not wasting energy, we will save a lot of natural resources such as coal and oil.

1.Why is more energy used every day?

2.What is more needed when many rural areas have been electrified?


3.What problem occurs if people waste energy?


4.What should students do, according to the passage, to save energy?



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NĂM HỌC 2019 – 2020
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Người soạn: Võ Văn Việt – Tel: 0834 .027.999 – Gmail: vietmuihl@gmail.com
I. Find the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.. 
1.	A. mood	B. shoot	C. foot	D. floor
2.	A. house	B. hour	C. hundred	D. head
3.	A. thank	B. this	C. then	D. these
4.	A. game	B. page	C. go	D. gift
5.	A. worked	B. stopped	C. coughed	D. changed
II. Choose the best answer to fill in the gap.	
1. The children are playing.. in the garden.
	A. happy	B. happily	C. happier	D. happiness
2. He dislike .shopping with his girl friends.
	A. going	B. goes	C. go	D. to go
3. He didn’t allow me., so I had to stay at home.
	A. go	B. to go	C. going	D. gone
4. I have known her...a long time.
	A. since	B. for	C. in	D. during
5. The telephone was..by Alexander Bell.
	A. invent	B. inventing	C. invents	D. invented
6. The man.you met at the party was a famous film star.
	A. who	B. whose	C. whom	D. A and C
7. American students have two...each day.
	A. twenty-minutes break	B. twenty-minute breaks
	C. Twenty-minute break	D. twenty-minutes breaks
8. He went on working___________________ it started to rain.
 A. though B. because 	C. but 	D. and
9. The boy is  young to get married.
	A. too	 B. so	C. enough	 D. such
10. Playing sports is. than watching sports on TV at home	
 A. good	B. bad	 C. best	D. better
III. Give the correct forms of the verbs:
 1. I (revise)..my lesson when you phoned me last night.
 2. It often (rain)..hard in summer.
 3. You (get)..good marks if you study harder.
 4. My brother enjoys (read)in his free time. Now he is reading a magazine.
 5. I ( never drive) .a car before.
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting
1. They didn't stay at the park very long last Sunday, didn’t they? -
 A B C D 
2. We usually visits our grandparents on weekends. 
 A B C D
3. I have learnt English since 5 years 
 A B C D
4. Going for a walk in the morning give me much pleasure.. 
 A B C D
 5. I will come and stay with you and your family on October. 
	A B	 C	 D
V. Fill in the numbered blanks in the passage with ONE suitable word from the box. Write your answers on the answer sheet. There is ONE extra word
 entertainment way users mean time-consuming use education 
The Internet has rapidly developed and become part of our daily life. It is a very fast and convenient (1)..to get information. People (2)... the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, (3).. and commerce. The Internet helps people communicate with friends and relatives by (4)  of e-mail or chatting. However, the Internet has limitations. It is (5) ... and costly. It is also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. On the other hand, the Internet (6) .. sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail and personal information leaking. So while enjoying surfing, be alert.
VI. Read the passage and answer the questions:
 With the development of science and technology, more and more energy is used every day. Nowadays, many rural areas in Viet nam have been electrified, and more electricity is needed. If people waste energy, it will quickly run out. Students at school should learn how to save energy, for example, they should turn off electric lights when they leave their classrooms.
 Moreover, we may waste electricity at home if we use a lot of light bulbs. By not wasting energy, we will save a lot of natural resources such as coal and oil.
1.Why is more energy used every day?
2.What is more needed when many rural areas have been electrified?
3.What problem occurs if people waste energy?
4.What should students do, according to the passage, to save energy?
VII. Rewrite the following sentences with the same meanings:
1. He is the tallest in his class.
-> No students in his class.
2. Her mother is fatter than Hoa?
->Hoa is
 3. Nam is reading an English novel. It is very interesting.
 -> The English novel which ...
4. “Can you speak Vietnamese, Liz? ” Ba asked.
-> Ba asked
5. He started to study English four years ago.
 -> He has
6. When is her birthday?.
-> What ... 
VIII.Rewrite each sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1.He isn’t tall, so he can’t reach the self.
à He isn’t tall ....................................................................
2.The table is too heavy to lift up.
à The table isn’t light ........................................................
3.I’m lucky because I have many good friends.
à I’m lucky ........................................................................
4.The book was interesting .i read it twice.
à The book was interesting ................................................
5.I have no idea what time it is.
à I don’t ...............................................................................
6.She had dinner and then she watched TV
à After she ............................................................................
7.I made decision.First I thought carefully about it.
à Before I ...............................................................................
8.Is this your camera ?
à Does this camera ................................................................?
IX. Give the correct form of the word in the CAPITAL
1. The internet is a wonderfulof the modernlife. INVENT
2. Vietnamese people are very FRIEND
3. Next month, our school will hold an English..festival SPEAK
4. He drives very..he never causes an accident. CARE
5. On Pasover, the Irish celebrate the  from slavery. FREE
XI.Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to , using the given words /phrases:
1.He / drink / coffee / now / tea.
2.Peter / play / violin / now / guitar.
3.Jill / live /England / now / Spain.
4.I /not / watch video / much / now / a little . ................................................................................................
5.Paul / not / smoke / apipe
. ................................................................................................
6.My father / smoke / a packet / cigarettes / a day .
7.Your parents / read / to you ? ................................................................................................
8.She / not / drink / bottled water.
9.He / study / hard / when / he / a child .
10.We / walk / the park / the afternoon. ................................................................................................
XII.Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech, beginning as shown:
1.”Please stop making noise”,said Mrs.Lan
èMrs.Lan told the children
2.”Could you take these pictures to my room,Tan?” asked Nga.
èNga told Tan..
3.”You should concentrate on your study at school,” said the teacher.
èThe teacher said...
4.”Please post this letter for me,” said Mom.
èMom told me...
5.”Please give your parents your report card,” said the teacher.
èThe teacher told...
6. “You shoud spend more time doing your homework,Tam,” said Mr.Nam
èMr Nam told
7.”Could you help me with my English speaking,Ba,” asked Minh.
èMinh told
8.”You should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce English words,” said Lan.
èLan said
XIII.There is mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes (A,B,C or D):
1.My father used to smoking a lot when he was young.
 A B C D
2. Mr. Phong will be at home in Saturday evening.
 A B C D
3. The police stop him on his way home last night.
 A B C D
4. What were you use to do in the winter in those days?
 A B C D
5. When he returns, the farmer brought some straw with him
 A B C D
6.We should listening to English conversation on TV every day
 A B C D
7.My brother studied in primary school very good.
 A B C D
8.The teacher told his students wrote the answer in their exercise books
 A B C D
9. Mr.Jackson said you should practice read alound passages in English.
 A B C D
10.We receive our first semester report a few days ago.
 A B C D
11.The art exhibition is opening on November 25th and finishes on December 10th 
 A B C D
12.Could you helping me carry this bag upstairs
 A B C D
13. Eat vegetables is very necessary for everyone
 A B C D
14. Let me getting a form and we can fill it out.
 A B C D
15. Lan likes cooking meals,but she dislikes to gather broken glasses.
 A B C D
XIV.Make sentences with the given words,using the present perfect
1.She/learn/piano/3 months/.
2. They/finish/the building/March
3. Adu/ have/ that dog/
4. I/know/Mary/ a very long time/
5. I/not/eat/anything/lunchtime/
6.She/work/as a seceretary/10 years/.
7. We/live/that flat/we/get/married/
8.I/buy/that bag/ 2 months/
9. They/be/famous/my country/years/
10. We/be/ friends/ more than ten years/

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