Đề minh họa kì thi IELTS - Phần Viết
1. What are the parking regulations on campus?
A undergraduate parking allowed
B postgraduate parking allowed
C staff parking only allowed
D no student parking allowed
2. The administration office is in
A Block B.
B Block D.
C Block E.
D Block G.
3. If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken:
A wheel clamp your car.
B fine only.
C tow away your car and fine.
D tow away your car only.
4. Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office?
Section One - Questions 1-10 Questions 1-5 Write NO MORE THAN One WORD VIDEO LIBRARY APPLICATION FORM EXAMPLE ANSWER Surname Jones First names: Louise Cynthia Address: Apartment 1,72 (1) .Street Highbridge Post code: (2) ...................................... Telephone: 9835 6712 (home) (3)......................... (work) Driver's licence number: (4) ........................................... DOB: 25th Month: (5)...............Year: 1977 Questions 6—8 Circle THREE letters A-F. What types of films does Louise like? A Action B Comedies C Musicals D Romance E Westerns F Wildlife Questions 9 and 10 Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS . 9. How much does it cost to join the library? 10. When will Louise's card be ready? SECTION 2 Section Two - Questions 11-20 Questions 11-13 Write NO MORE THAN T THREE WoORDS for each answer Expedition Across Attora Mountains Leader: Charles Owen Prepared a (11) ........................................... for the trip Total length of trip (12) ................................ Climbed highest peak in (13) ................................... Questions 14 and 15 Circle the correct letters A-C. 14. What took the group by surprise? A the amount of rain B the number of possible routes C the length of the journey 15. How did Charles feel about having to change routes? A He reluctantly accepted it. B He was irritated by the diversion. C It made no difference to enjoyment. Questions 16—18 Circle THREE letters A-F. What does Charles say about his friends? A He met them at one stage on the trip. B They kept all their meeting arrangements. C One of them helped arrange the transport. D One of them owned the hotel they stayed in. E Some of them travelled with him. F Only one group lasted the 96 days. Questions 19 and 20 Circle TWO letters A-E. What does Charles say about the donkeys? A He rode them when he was tired B He named them after places. C One of them died. D They behaved unpredictably. E They were very small. SECTION 3 Section Three - Questions 21-30 Questions 21-25 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer Tim Jane Day of arrival Sunday (21) ........................... Subject History (22) ........................... Number of books to read (23)........................... (24) ........................... Day of first lecture Tuesday (25) ........................... Questions 26-30 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 26. What is Jane's study strategy in lectures? 27. What’s Tim's study strategy for reading? 28. What is the subject of Tim's first lecture? 29. What’s title of Tim's first essay? 30. What is the subject of Jane's first essay? SECTION 4 Section Four - Questions 31-40 Questions 31-35 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Course Type of course: duration & level Entry requirements Physical Fitness Instructor Example Six-month certificate None Sports Administrator (31) ............................... (32) ............................... in sports administration Sports Psychologist (33) ............................... Degree in psychology Physical Education Teacher 4 years degree in education (34) ............................... Recreation officer (35) ............................... None Questions 36-40 Write the appropriate letters A-G against question 36- 40 MAIN ROLES Job Main Role Physical Fitness Instructor (36) Sports Administrator (37) Sports Psychologist (38) Physical Education Teacher (39) Recreation Officer (40) A the coaching of teams B the support of elite athletes C guidance of ordinary individuals D community health E the treatment of injuries F arranging matches and venues G the rounded development of children Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 11 Who is Mrs Sutton worried about? .................... . 12 What is the name for a group of family doctors working in the same building together? .................... Questions 13-1Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Name of Health Centre Number of doctors Other information Information about doctors Dean End 13 .................... Appointment system15 .................... than South Hay Dr Jones is good with 16 .................... patients. Dr Shaw is good with small children. South Hay 14 .................... Building less modern than Dean End Dr Williams helps people with 17 .................... Questions 18-20 Question 18 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER. Doctors start seeing patients at the Health Centre from .................... o’clock. Question 19 Choose TWO letters A-E. Which TWO groups of patients receive free medication? A people over 17 years old B unemployed people C non-UK residents D people over 60 years old E pregnant women Question 20 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER. The charge for one item of medication is about £ .................... . Section 3: You are going to hear a university tutor interviewing a candidate for a place on a post graduate diploma course in teaching geography. First look at questions 21 to 27. Now Listen carefully and answer Questions 21 to 27: Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. NOTES ON APPLICATION Information about doctors Name: Degree: Teaching experience: Location: Dates: Volunteer Organisation: Type of school: Subject taught: Other responsibilities: NOTES (continued) Reasons for wanting to leave in first year: Reasons for wanting to extend tour: Reasons for wanting to train to teach Geography: Jonathan Briggs Economic and 21 .................... Volunteer Teacher 22 .................... 23 .................... 24 .................... 25 .................... 26 .................... Forms 1,2 and 3 • English Form 27 .................... • Agricultureal Science Form 6 ran school farm • 28 .................... • few teaching resources • success of cattle breeding project • obtained funds for farm building You will hear a number of different recordings and you have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in 4 Sections. At the end of the test you will be given 10 minutesto transfer your answers to an answersheet. Questions 1-4 Circle the appropriate letter 1. What are the parking regulations on campus? A undergraduate parking allowed B postgraduate parking allowed C staff parking only allowed D no student parking allowed 2. The administration office is in A Block B. B Block D. C Block E. D Block G. 3. If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken: A wheel clamp your car. B fine only. C tow away your car and fine. D tow away your car only. 4. Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office? Questions 5-10 Complete the application form using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS Application for parking sticker Name (5) .................................................................................................... Address (6) Flat 13 ................................................................................... Suburb (7) .................................................................................................. Faculty (8) ................................................................................................... Registration number (9) .......................................................................... Make of car (10) ......................................................................................... Questions 11-12 11. Cashier’s office opens at A 12.15 B 2.00 C 2.15 D 4.30 12. Where must the sticker be displayed? ................................................................... SECTION 2 Section Two- Questions 13-23 Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. SECTION 3 Section Three - Questions 24-32 Questions 24-27 Circle the correct answer 24. Mark is going to talk briefly about A marketing new products. B pricing strategies. C managing large companies. D setting sales targets. 25. According to Susan, air fares are lowest when they A include weekend travel. B are booked well in advance. C are non-refundable. D are for business travel only. 26. Mark thinks revenue management is A interesting. B complicated. C time-consuming. D reasonable. 27. The airline companies want to A increase profits. B benefit the passenger. C sell cheap seats. D improve the service. Questions 28-32 Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer Two reasons for the new approach to pricing are: (28) .......................................................................... and (29) .......................................................................... . In future people will be able to book airline tickets (30) ................................................... . Also being marketed m this way are (31) ............................................................ and (32)................................................................. . SECTION 4 Section Four - Questions 33-42 Questions 33-37 Complete the table Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer Questions 38-42 Label the cliagiam Wiite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each anmer Questions 40-41 Complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the boxes provided. Section 1 Question 1-7 Complete the form below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer. Question 8-10 Label the diagram/plan below. Write the correct letter, A–G, next to questions 8–10. 8 traffic lights .................... 9 petrol station .................... 10 blue van .................... Section 2 Question 11-14 Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 11. Dormouse numbers have fallen .................... as well as in the UK. 12. Dormice are about as heavy as two .................... . 13. You are most likely to have seen a dormouse in a .................... . 14. In the UK, dormice probably live in hedges and woods, and next to .................... . Question 15-17 Label the identification sheet below. Write the correct letter A–E next to questions 5–8. 15. opened by woodmice .................... . 16. opened by voles .................... . 17. opened by dormice .................... . Question 18-20 Complete the summary below, using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD in each space. If you find nuts opened by dormice 18 .................... where you found them. Put them into some kind of 19 .................... and 20 .................... them (name and address). Post them to Action for Wildlife. Section 3: Question 21-26 Which company website has the following features? A Hills Cycles website B Wheels Unlimited website C both websites Write the correct letter, A, B, or C next to questions 21–26. 21 bicycle catalogue .................... 22 price list .................... 23 bicycle accessories .................... 24 company history .................... 25 online ordering .................... 26 moving graphics .................... Question 27-30 Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C. 27 According to the tutor, the basic criterion for evaluating the websites should relate to A appearance. B ease of use. C target customers. 28 On the subject of timing, the tutor says A the students’ plan is appropriate. B the students’ presentation will be too long. C the students can extend the presentation if necessary. 29 Sarah and Jack will share the work by A speaking in short turns. B doing half the presentation each. C managing different aspects. 30 The tutor advises Sarah and Jack not to A talk too much. B show complicated lists. C use a lot of visuals. Section 4 Question 31-37 Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 31 Which elephants stay together all their life? a) ........................................................................................ 32 What are elephant family groups known as? a) ........................................................................................ 33 When scientists tracked groups of elephants, which feature of behaviour did they notice? a) ........................................................................................ 34 Which sense do elephants probably use to communicate over long distances? a) ........................................................................................ 35 What did American scientists do with a recording of elephant calls? a) ........................................................................................ 36 What did the elephants in the experiment rush to find? a) ........................................................................................ 37 What were scientists unable to do with the recording they had made? a) ........................................................................................ Question 38-40 What does the lecturer say about each type of elephant call? Choose your answers from the box, and write the letters A–H next to questions 38–40. A cannot be heard by humans at all B is usually accompanied by a leg movement C begins and ends at the same pitch D is usually accompanied by a nod of the head E continuously increases in pitch F is repeated over a long period G continually fluctuates in volume 38 Greeting .................... 39 Contact call .................... 40 Summons to move on .................... An example has been done for you. Before starting the IELTS listening test part 1 practice, take 30 seconds to look at questions 1-6. When you have done that, start the recording and answer questions 1-6: Question 1-6 Hotel Information Example answer Name of accommodation: (0) Carlton Hotel Length of stay: 3 nights Ages of children: (1) Rooms available: Two en-suites at £270 Price inclusive of: (2) Payment method: credit card Name: Michael (3) Date of birth: (4) 1968 Address: 273, Stanton Court, London. Post code: (5) Telephone: 08773 (6) Now pause the recording. You have 30 seconds to look at questions 7-10. Questions 7-10 Transport Options Mode of Transport Cost Arrangements Travel time to town Taxi Approximately (7) £ Pick up from the hotel 10 minutes Bus £2 per person Walk down Oak Tree(8) 15 minutes Walking -------- Walk through (9) (10) In this part of the IELTS test you listen to a dialogue and complete a form. Read the form carefully before you listen. A new business owner enquires about courses. Listen to the conversation and complete each gap with no more than THREE words. BUSINESS NATIONWIDE Courses available: Name of Course: (0) Getting Started Time: Two hours from (1) Cost: Free Course Content: Is starting a business right for me? Writing a (2) Some legal issues Nearest Location: Handbridge Next Course Date: 20th March Name of Course: (3) Length of course: (4) Cost: (5) or £20 for recently unemployed Course Content: Day One: Legal Issues Day Two: Marketing and Pricing Day Three: Accounting and (6) Nearest Location: Renton Next Course Date: 5th March or (7) CALLER’S DETAILS Name: (8) Address: (9) , Eastleigh email: (10) In this part of the IELTS test you listen to a telephone conversation. Read the questions carefully before you listen. You should only listen to the audio once. Susan is telephoning a travel agency. Before listening to the conversation read the enquiry form carefully. Then listen and complete each gap with no more than three words. 00:00 / 02:19 Worldbridges Travel Agency Ltd. Enquiry form Enquiry regarding holiday in ... Number of people: ... Kind of accommodation needed:..................................................... Select hotel bed and breakfast , villa, apartment Requirements Price (£): ... Location: ... Customer´s name: ... Enquiry made in :........ Select...April.May...June...July When would Susan and her friends travel cheaper? ... How far from the beach is the accommodation offered? ... Who has already visited Greece? ... What will Susan have to do before phoning Arnold again? ... Questions 21-
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