Toefl structure bank
1. Classical logic is characterized by a concern for the structure and elements of argument____ that thought, language, and reality are interrelated.
(A) based on the belief
(B) on the belief based
(C) belief based on the
(D) the based belief on
2. Adult fleas_____ only blood and are external parasites of mammals and birds.
(A) eat
(B) having eaten
(C) that eat
(D) to eat
3. Heat energy may be absorbed or released when_____ while work is done on or by the system.
(A) changes in the internal energy of a system
(B) by changing the internal energy of a system.
(C) the internal energy of a system that changes
(D) the internal energy of a system changes
ng Black American writers if his era. (A) were unparalleled (B) are unparalleled (C) unparalleled (D) the unparalleled 答案:C. 分析:空格之前主谓宾均全。后面看上去是形容success and influence . (A) 句子中同时出现两个谓语;错。 (B) 同上理; (C) 分词作定语 相当于 which are unparalleled 所以选C。 (D) “the”的使用莫名其妙。 参考译文:Richard Wright所享有的成功和影响力,在与他同时代的美国黑人作家中是无与伦比的。 难度:1 13 ____ of large mammals once dominated the North American prairies the American bison and the pronghorn antelope. (A) There are two species (B) With two species (C) Two species are (D) Two species 答案:D. 分析:空格之后句子的谓语宾语都已经有了,所以在选项中寻找一个主语。选D。 (A) 一个句子有两个谓语了; (B) 没有主语; (C) 同A,一个句子有两个谓语了。 参考译文:曾有两种大型哺乳类动物统治着北美草原:美洲野牛和叉角羚羊。 难度:2 14 Franklin D. Roosewelt was ____ the great force of radio and the opportunity it provided for taking government policies directly to the people. (A) as the first President he understood fully (B) the first president that to fully understand (C) the first President fully understood (D) the first President to understand fully 答案:D. 分析:空格之前只有主语和系动词,所以空格里至少应该包括表语。然后后面的部分应该是补足语或者定语从句。 (A)不能用as,而且没有连接词又出现了一个完整句; (B) president就算要接定语从句,也要用who; (C) 一个句子里又同时出现了两个谓语,而没有任何的连接词或引导词。 (D) 不定式作定语,修饰 president 。 *相关语法要点:由序数词修饰的名词后面多用不定式作定语。(详见托福语法高分要点第20页)。 参考译文:Franklin D. Roosewelt是第一个充分认识到广播的巨大作用的总统,并且看到了广播可以提供将政府的政策直接传达给民众的机会。 难度:1 15 During the late fifteenth century ____ of the native societies of America had professions in the fields of arts and crafts. (A) only a few (B) a few but (C) few, but only (D) a few only 答案:A. 分析:空格处应为句子的主语,且only 是用来修饰a few的。所以只能选A。 B、C、D均是逻辑混乱。 参考译文:在十五世纪早期,美国只有很少一些地方有艺术和手工业领域的职业。 难度:1 16 The firstly naval battle of the Revolutionary War was fought off the coast of Machias, Maine in June, 1775. 答案:A. 分析:修饰名词的只能是形容词,故A错。fight off 击退。 改正:firstly →first 。 参考译文:1775年6月,独立战争的第一场海战在缅因州,沿Machias海岸线打响。 难度:1 17 The public ceremonies of the Plains Indians are lesser elaborate than those of the Navajo, in the Southwest. 答案:B. 分析:less本身已经是比较级了,不用再加er。B 错。 改正:lesser →less 。 参考译文:在东西部,Plains印第安人的公共仪式不如Navajo人那么繁索。 难度:1 18 In some species of fish, such the three-spined stickleback, the male, not the female, performs the task of caring for the young. 答案:B. 分析:先说是“some species”,紧接着以“three-spined stickleback”举例,应该用such as,而不是such,B错。 改正:such the →such as the 。 参考译文:一些鱼类,比如three-spined stickleback,就是雄性,而不是雌性,承担照顾幼鱼的任务。 难度:1 19 When she retires in September 1989, tennis champion Christine Evert was the most famous woman athlete in the Unites States. 答案:A. 分析:in September 1989时间状语表示应该用过去式,A错。 改正:retires →retired 。 参考译文:网球冠军Christine Evert 在1989年9月退役,她是当时美国最著名的运动员。 难度:1 20 The ancient Romans used vessels equipped with sails and banks of oars to transporting their armies. 答案:D. 分析:不定式to后面要加动词原型,D错。 改正:to transporting → to transport 。 参考译文:古代罗马人用船只来运送武器,这些船上配有用于航海和浅滩航行的浆。 难度:1 21 Dinosaurs are traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, but recent evidence based on eating habits, posture and skeletal structural suggests some may have been warm-blooded. 答案:C. 分析:注意and .“skeletal structural”显然应该是一个与“habits”、“posture”并列的名词短词。而“structural”为形容词,故C错。 改正:structural → structures 。 参考译文:Dinosaur按惯例被分为冷血型爬行动物。而近来对其饮食习惯、资态和骨骼结构的研究所得到的证据显示,他们中的一些有可能是温血型的。 难度:1 22 Since the Great Depression of the 1930’s, social programs such as Social Security have been built into the economy to help avert severity business declines. 答案:D. 分析:“severity”在这里表示“严重的”,修饰“business declines”,故应该用形容词形式。D错。 改正:severity → severe 。 参考译文:二十世纪三十年代的经济大箫条以来,一些社会项目如社会基金就建立了起来,以帮助规避严重的经济衰退(所带来的风险)。 难度:1 23 In the 1970’s consumer activities succeeded in promoting laws that set safety standards for automobiles, children’s clothing and a widely range of household products. 答案:D. 分析:和16题的错误一样,修饰名词range的应该是形容词,widely 是副词,故D错。 改正:widely →wide 。 参考译文:二十世纪七十年代,消费者运动成功地促使法律为汽车、儿童服装以及大量的家居用品制订了安全标准。 难度:1 24 Zoos in New Orleans, San Diego, Detroit, and the Bronx have become biological parks where animals roams free and people watch from across a moat. 答案:C. 分析:animals是复数,谓语动词也要用复数形式,C错。易错项:D,思路:选择最有把握认为是错误的选项。 改正:roams free →roam free 。 参考译文:新奥尔良、圣地亚哥、底特律以及布朗克斯的公园已经变成了生态公园,在这些公园里,动物们都自由自在的漫步,而人们透过环绕公园的隔离装置来观赏这些动物。 难度:1 25 In human beings as in other mammal, hairs around the eyes and ears and in the nose prevent dust, insects, and other matter from entering these organs. 答案:A. 分析:other修饰可数名词复数,A错。 改正: mammal →mammals 。 参考译文:人类和其他哺乳类动物一样,都会在眼睛、耳朵和鼻子周围长毛发,以防止灰尘、昆虫和其他东西进入。 难度:1 26 The Rocky Mountains were explored by fur traders during the early 1800’s, in a decades preceding the United States Civil War. 答案:C. 分析:因为时间在逗号前面已经明确提出,所以下文出现是特指,而且上文说的是十八世纪早期,不知道具体是哪一年,下文的decades又用的是复数,所以不能用a。C错。 *注:这种冠词题是改错题中比较难的,要特别注意。 改正: a →the 。 参考译文:洛基山脉是由一些做毛皮生意的商人在十九世纪早期发现的,也就是美国独立战争爆发的几十年前。 难度:1 27 The works of the author Herman Melville are literary creations of a high order, blending fact, fiction, adventure, and subtle symbolic. 答案:D. 分析:形容词应该修饰名词的问题,symbolic 为形容词,形容词不能修饰形容词,故D错。 改正:symbolic →symbol 。 参考译文:Herman Melville的作品是集写实﹑虚构﹑历险以及精妙的象徵手法为一体的高格调的文学创作。 难度:1 28 Each chemical element is characterized to the number of protons that an atom of that element contains, called its atomic number. 答案:B. 分析:被动语态应为be done by 形式,故B错。that 引导定语从句修饰protons.。 改正:to →by 。 参考译文:每一个化学元素特征都是由其原子所包含的质子数决定的,也称为原子序数。 难度:2 29 The body structure that developed in birds over millions of years is well designed for flight, being both lightly in weight and remarkably strong. 答案:D. 分析:is light in weight = weight is light= is a light weight。又是“应该用形容词修饰名词”。lightly为副词,不能作表语,故D错。逗号后面为分词作状语。 改正:lightly →light 。 参考译文:鸟类的身体结构经过千百年的繁衍变得重量很轻又足够强壮,非常适合飞行。 难度:1 30 From 1905 to 1920, American novelist Edith Wharton was at the height of her writing career, publishing of her three most famous novels. 答案:C. 分析:publish 是及物动词,直接加宾语就可以了,不用of ,故C错。 改正:of her →her 。 参考译文:美国小说家Edith Wharton在1905年到1920年期间出版发行了她最著名的三本小说,达到了她写作事业的巅峰。 难度:1 31 In the early twentieth century, there was considerable interesting among sociologists in the fact that in the United States the family was losing its traditional roles. 答案:A. 分析:又是形容词应该修饰名词。 interesting 为形容词,故A错。that引导同位语从句。 *相关语法要点:that 在同位语从句中不担当成分,而且不能省略。并不是每个名词都可以接 同位语从句的,可接同位语从句的名词有:fact , reason, idea, news, hope, doubt, belief , proof 等.。 改正:interesting →interest 。 参考译文:二十世纪早期,社会学家投入了极大的热情来研究美国家庭正在失去其传统的角色这一事实。 难度:1 32 Although pure diamond is colorless and transparent, when contaminated with other material it may appear in various color, ranging from pastels to opaque black. 答案:D. 分析:various + 可数名词复数。故D错。另外, a variation of +可数名词复数。 改正:color →colors 。 参考译文:虽然纯钻古是无色透明的,但是如果与其他的物质相混合,就会呈现出从浅淡色到不透明的黑色等各式各样的颜色。 难度:1 33 Comparative anatomy is concerned to the structural differences among animal forms. 答案:A. 分析:concern的固定搭配应该是“be concerned with 关于,参与”,故A错。 改正:concerned to →concerned with 。 参考译文:比较解剖学关注的是动物形态中的结构差异。 难度:2 34 A seismograph records oscillation of the ground caused by seismic waves, vibrations that travel from its point of origin through the Earth or along its surface. 答案:C. 分析:its应该是指代vibrations。所以应该是复数。故C错。逗号后面为seismic waves 的同位语。 改正:its →their 。 参考译文:地震仪记录的是由地震波引起的地面的振动,这种振动从震源开始,在地球内部或沿地球表面传播。 难度:1 35 Electric lamps came into widespread use during the early 1900’s and have replaced other type of fat, gas, or oil lamps for almost every purpose. 答案:B. 分析:应为“other types of”,other +可数名词复数,B错。 改正:type →types 。 参考译文:电灯从二十世纪早期开始广泛传播,并几乎在所有的用途中取代了脂灯、汽灯和油灯。 难度:1 36 Located in Canada, the Columbia Ice field covers area of 120 square miles and is 3,30 feet thick in some places. 答案:A. 分析:“an area of ”表“多少面积”。故A错。 *注:这种涉及冠词的题通常不易判断,要特别注意。 改正:covers area →covers an area 。 参考译文:哥伦比亚冰原位于加拿大,面积为120平方英里,部分地区深达3,30英尺。 难度:2 37 Composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein Ⅱ brought to the musical Oklahoma! extensive musical and theatrical backgrounds as well as familiar with the traditional forms of operetta and musical comedy. 答案:C. 分析:“familiar”应该是由“as well as”连接的,与“backgrounds”并列的成分,所以应该是名词。故C错。 *注意:这是一个宾语后置的结构,因为“extensive musical comedy”本来应该是brought 的宾语,因为太长了,就后置了。不过无论有没有看出来,都不影响做题。extensive 是修 饰backgrounds 而不是修饰 musical and theatrical 所以没有错误。 改正:familiar →familiarity 。 参考译文:作曲家Richard Rodgers和抒情诗人Oscar Hammerstein Ⅱ融合他们深厚的音乐和戏剧背 景以及对歌剧和音乐剧传统形式的熟悉,创作出了动人的Oklahoma!。 难度:2 38 Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest, Canada has one of the lowest population density in the world. 答案:D. 分析:最高级中:“one of the + adj(最高级)+可数名词复数”。故D错。 改正:density →densities 。 参考译文:加拿大北部是大片的无人居住的森林,因此它是世界上人口密度最小的国家之一。 难度:1。 39 Rice, which it still forms the staple diet of much of the world’s population,grows best in hot, wet lands. 答案:A. 分析:在第一个逗句之后,是一个定语从句。定语从句中引导词作句子成分,“which”已指代了“rice”做主语了,“it”的出现就使得一个从句里有两个主语,所以A错。 *注意:一定记住定语从句中引导词作句子成分。 改正:which it still →which still 。 参考译文:大米至今仍然是世界上绝大多数人口的主食,它在温热的环境中生长得最好。 难度:2 40 Government money appropriated for art in the 1930’s made possible hundreds of murals and statues still admiration in small towns all over the Unites States. 答案:C. 分析:“still admiration”做“murals and statues”的后置定句,所以不能用名词,故C错。 appropriate for 拨出(款项等)供...之用。 改正:admiration →admirable 。 参考译文:十九世纪三十年代政府特别为艺术设置了政府资金,从而现在在遍布全美的小城镇都可 以欣赏到墙画和雕塑。 难度:1 1998年10月语法题 1.The socialization process explains _____ of societies through successive generations but also the ability of a society’s members to have meaningful interactions. (A) that continuity, only not (B) continuity, only not that (C) the only continuity not (D) not only the continuity 答案:D 分析:not only...but also 结构。(固定搭配) 句子主谓完整,缺宾语,选D组成平行结果做宾语。 (A)如选that,则引导的从句无谓语。 (B)固定搭配错误 (C)固定搭配错误 参考译文:社会化进程说明,不仅社会的连续性通过相续的数代人(得以实现),而且社会成 员的能力(在社会化过程中)互相间产生了深远影响。 2.Heat transfer takes place when _____ with a warmer substance. (A) is there a colder substance (B) a colder substance comes into contact (C) does the colder substance contact (D) contacts a colder substance 答案:B 分析:when前是完整的主句,所以when引导时间状语从句。 when后面+ 完整句 (A)语序错误,成了疑问句语序 (C)语序错误,成了疑问句语序 (D)从句无主语 参考译文:当一个相对更冷的物体与一个相对较暖的物体接触时,就会发生热传递。 3.Formerly called natural philosophy, physics has retained _____ of understanding the structure of the natural world and explaining natural phenomena. (A) its original aim (B) it aimed originally (C) its original aim was (D) aiming originally 答案:A 分析:主句缺少宾语,只有名词短语,代词宾格,动名词和名词从句可以做宾语。 of后为宾语的修饰成分。 (B)谓语重复,且无从句连接词 (C)谓语重复,且无从句连接词 (D)现在分词做定语,选D仍缺宾语 参考译文:物理以前被称为自然科学,因此至今仍保持有它最初的目的,那就是理解自然界的 构造,解释自然现象。 4.Some bird species have a song that is totally uninfluenced _____ environment during their development, whereas other species learn from other birds while young. (A) the (B) yet the (C) since the (D) by the 答案:D 分析:主句主谓完整,that引导的定语从句也主谓完整,说明空格后应填状语成分 再加上从句谓语为被动语态,by引导方式状语。 (A)缺状语连接词 (B)缺状语连接词,且时态错误 (C)连接词与句意不符 参考译文:有些鸟类的叫声完全受它们生长的环境影响,而另一些鸟类则是由于幼鸟阶段学其 他鸟的叫声而形成它们现在的叫声的。 5.Prior to the eighteenth century,_____ storms formed and died out at the same location. (A) a common belief that (B) that a common belief (C) it was commonly believed that (D) because it was commonly believed 答案:C 分析:逗号前为状语,后面的主句缺主谓。it形式主语,that后的主语从句为真正主语。 (A)名词短语,不能做主谓成分构成句子 (B)that引导的从句,且无法与后面衔接 (D)状语从句 参考译文:18世纪前,普遍以为暴风雨是在同一位置形成和消失的。 6.Grown widely in Iowa and Illinois, the soybean provides one of the world’s _____ sources of protein. (A) useful and cheaper mostly (B) cheapest and most useful (C) cheapest and useful mostly (D) most cheaply and usefully 答案:B 分析:cheap的最高级形式为cheapest, useful的最高级形式为most useful。 参考译文:在爱菏化州和伊利诺州广泛种植着大豆,大豆是世界上最便宜和有效的蛋白质来源 之一。 7.Copper _____ used by humans and is second only to iron in its utility through the ages. (A) the first metal (B) was the first metal (C) the first metal that (D) being the first metal 答案:B 分析:Copper是主语,and平行结构,则空格填谓动和宾语。used 是过分做定语 (A)缺谓语动词 (C)缺谓语动词 (D)缺谓语动词,being是非谓语动词(补充:非谓语动词还有不定式) 参考译文:贯穿人类各时期,铜是最早被人类利用,并且在效用上仅次于铁的金属。 8._____ are inert outside living cells, but within the appropriate cells they can replicate, causing viral diseases in the host organism. (A) Viruses (B) That Viruses (C) Viruses, which (D) Despite viruses 答案:A 分析:but表转折,引导另一个句子。则空格应填主语 (B)选B则逗号前为主语从句做主语,缺谓语 (C)Viruses做主语,which引导定从,整个句子就会缺谓语。 (D)Despite接名词/名词短语/名词从句,做让步状语成分,用法错误。 参考译文:病毒在活的细胞以外时是不活泼的,但一旦进入适当的细胞体,它们就能复制,导 致主生物体产生病毒性疾病。 9.The United States Constitution provides for a count of the population _____ a census, every ten years. (A) that it is called (B) when called (C) called (D) as called 答案:C 分析:空格前主谓宾完整,空格填宾语的修饰成分,过去分词做定语 (A)it多余,这里that引导一个定语从句,不是名词从句 (B)不合句意,且若为从句,少成分(主语) (D)与句意不合,且若为状语从句,少成分 参考译文:美国宪法规定每十年举行一次人口计数,又称计数调查。 10.Digital recording has make _____ a significantly wider dynamic range, in recorded music. (A) for the possibility (B) the possibility is (C) it is possible (D) possible 答案:D 分析:make + adj. + sth 固定搭配 参考译文:数字唱片使有效地用更加广阔动态的域来记录音乐成为了可能。 11.Not only _____ people to send words, music, and codes to any part of the world, it can also be used to communicate far into space. (A) enabled by radio (B) radio enables (C) does radio enable (D) radio has enabled 答案:C 分析:考到装句语序。Not only在句首,句子部分到装,助动词提前{关于倒装,可查阅(高 分语法)第12章} (A)不符合倒装语序 (B)不符合倒装语序 (D)不符合倒装语序,且时态错误 参考译文:无线电不仅能让人们传递信息,音乐和电码至世界的任何一个角落,还可以用于太 空的远程通讯。 12.Allegory is a literary device _____ another level of meaning is concealed within what is usually a story. (A) which (B) by which (C) which is (D) which it is 答案:B 分析:空格前后都是完整句,因此空格一定填定从关系词或连词。由于从句的成分也完整,因 此,关系词做状语。所以选关系副词,只有“介词+which”结构可以代关系副词。 (介词+which + 完整句) (A)关系代词,不做状语 (C)同A,且从句谓语动词重复,而且语序错误 (D)同上,且主谓重复 参考译文:寓言是一种文学体裁,在一个普通的故事里,常隐藏着另一层意思。 13.The fact that _____ was discovered in 1923 by the astronomer Edwin Hubble. (A) the expansion of the universe (B) the universe is expanding (C) the universe, which is expanding (D) when the universe expands 答案:B 分析:that前为主句主语,空格后为主句谓语,所以,空格填同位语从句。 (A)不是完整句子 (C)the universe 不是句子 (D)意思不对。 参考译文:1923年,天文学家爱迪文哈伯尔发现了宇宙在膨胀中这一事实。 14.Today _____ little fossil ivory remains comes from Alaska. (A) what (B) which (C) there is (D) where 答案:A 分析:today做状语,空格后有谓语,what引导的主语从句做主语 (B)连接词错误,如果要做名词从句,which要和名词连用 (C)谓语动词重复 (D)做状语,引导状从,这里是缺主语 参考译文:如今,一些残余的象牙化石都来自阿拉斯加。 15.Although most famous for her paintings of the Southwest desert,_____ as well. (A) Georgia O’keeffe painted many urban scenes (B) the painting of many urban scenes by Georgia 0’keeffe (C) were many urban scenes painted by Georgia O’keeffe (D) Georgia O’keeffe’s paintings of many urban scenes 答案:A 分析:逗号前为状语从句,空格应填主句,构成完整的复合句。 (B)缺谓语 (C)语序错误,were应该在painted前 (D)缺谓语 参考译文:尽管乔治亚殴克厄夫的作品最出名的是他画的西南部沙漠, 但他的城市风情画也同样出色。 16.It was in the 1920’s that the arched-top guitar was first developed commercially in the United States and use in dance bands. 答案:D 分析:平行结构,前后时态要一样,都应为被动语态。 改正: use → used 参考译文:20世纪20年代,美国首次商业开发出拱顶型吉他,并在舞会的乐队中使用。 17.The intensity of political struggles in the United States after 1824 led to A the revival of the two-party system, which had been inactive when 1817. 答案:D 分析:had been是过去完成时,介词错用,不能用when。 改正:when → before 参考译文:1824年后美国政治斗争加剧导致了两党制的恢复,该体制在1817年前被停止运行。 18.Fluids exert equal pressure in all directions, have identical properties throughout their volume, and theoretically offering no resistance to flow in any direction. 答案:D 分析:and连接的平行结构,因此,D应与前面exert, have的语态一致。 改正: offering → offer 参考译文:流体对各方向压力相同,其特性不因体积变化而改变,并且理论上来说,不会向任 何流动的方向施加压力。 19.Reading has come to be regarded as an integrated part of language study than rather an isolated skill to be practiced out of context. 答案:C 分析:rather than固定搭配,这里语序颠倒 改正:than rather → rather than 参考译文:阅读已经被看做语言学习的有机组成部分,而不是脱离上下文练习的一种孤立技巧。 20. It has been estimated that during every second of our life,10,000,000 red blood cells died and are replaced by new ones. 答案:C 分析:and连接的平行结构,died应与are v+ed 时态对应。 改正:died → die 参考译文:据估计,我们生命中,每秒都有一千万个红细胞死亡,被新的红细胞所代替。 21.Periodic fires commonly spread across grasslands and plays an important role in the maintenance and character of these ecosystems. 答案:B 分析:主语为fires,主谓单复数不一致。且and连接平行结构,要与前面spread同形。 改正:plays → play 参考译文:周期性的火灾通常蔓延过整个草原,它在维护和保持生态平衡上扮演了一个重要角色。 22.The plots of William Gaddis’s novels allow ample opportunity for philosophical, theological,and society digression. 答案:D 分析:and连接的平行结构,前面都是形容词,而D为名词,词性不对应。 改正:society → social 参考译文:威廉加迪斯小说的情节,为哲学,神学和社会学的枝节内容提供了充裕的展示机会。 23.In additionally to being Mississippi’s capital and largest city, Jackson is also the state’s financial and medical center. 答案:A 分析:in addition to 固定搭配 改正:In additionally to → In addition to 参考译文:杰克逊市不仅是密西西比州的州府和最大城市,还是该州的金融及医学中心。 24.Feasts and festivals among many Native American tribes in the United States celebration agricultural and lunar events. 答案:C 分析:句子没有谓语,应将C改为谓语动词。 改正: celebration → celebrate 参考译文:美国的许多土著部落用节日和盛宴来欢庆农业和本族风俗上的重大事件。 25.Neuropsychologist Marilyn Albert is looking beyond brain functions for answers the question “How do emotions and attitudes affect the process of aging?” 答案:B 分析:answers使句子谓语动词重复,应改为动名词,与the question形成动宾 另一种改法是把answers看做名词,则构成一个名词短语,缺介词。 改正:answers → answering/answers to 参考译文:神经心理学家玛丽琳阿尔伯特跳过脑功能,寻找着_情绪和态度如何影响衰老过程 这一问题的答案。 26.Incorporated in 1828,Louisbille,Kentucky,was named from King Louis XVI of France in recognition of his help during the Revolutionary War. 答案:B 分析:name after 以命名,固定搭配。 改正:from → after 参考译文:1828年并入肯塔基州的路易斯维尔市是以法国国王路易十六命名的,以感谢他在独立战争期间对美国的帮助。 27.Rainbows are formed by the refraction of sunlight through falling raindrop. 答案:D 分析:raindrop雨滴,雨点是可数名词,应改为复数。 改正:raindrop → raindrops 参考译文:彩虹是由阳光透过正在落下的雨点折射而成的。 28.Alaska,the larges state of the United states in area, is more than twice the size than Texas. 答案:D 分析:表示倍数应用介词of表示,且这里应由of表示属于Texas,不然不具可比性。 改正:than → of 参考译文:阿拉斯加是美国最大的州,面积是德克萨斯的两倍多。 29.Meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude form grid that can be used to locate the position of any point on the Earth’s surface. 答案:B 分析:grid是可数名词,要在前加冠词a,这时理解为(坐标)网还有种改法是grids,意思为一些方格。 改正:form grid → form a grid/from grids 参考译文:表经度的经线和表纬度的纬线组成了一张网/形成了一些方格,通过它/它们可以定位出地球表面任何一点的位置。 30.Mercury and Venus are the only planets in the solar system where do not have moons. 答案:C 分析:真正的先行词是planets,从句中,关系词应是主语成分,所以,where错。(记where + 完整句) 改正:where → that(前有only,不能用which) that的用法:宾语从句中不做成分,主要是连词,that 引导定语从句为关系代词.that如果做主语,永远不可以省略,做宾语与表语可以省略. 参考译文:水星和金星是太阳系中唯一没有卫星的行星。 31.Carbohydrates,which include cellulose, sugary, and starches, are the most abundant class of organic substances found in nature. 答案:B 分析:平行结构,cellulose,starches都是名词,sugary是形容词,词性不对应 {补充in nature 固定搭配,联想到in history } 改正:sugary → sugar 参考译文:碳水化合物包括纤维、糖类、淀粉,是自然界中(蕴涵)最丰富的有机物质。 32.During the pre-Revolutionary period, the press in Britain’s North American colonies was subject to licensing laws similar to them of Great Britain itself. 答案:D 分析:them的指代对象是laws,应该用指示代词those,表_the+前述名词 改正:them → those 参考译文:独立战争前,英属北美殖民地的新闻出版业受与英国本土类似的一些许可证法律的限制。 33.In its pure state aluminum is a weak metal, but when combined with e elements such as copper or magnesium, it is formed alloys of great strength. 答案:C 分析:改被动语态为主动语态。 改正:is formed → forms 参考译文:纯净的铝是一种软金属,但当它与铜或镁之类的元素化合,就会形成强度很大的合金。 34.Specially bred varieties of lettuce can be grown in water containing dissolve nutritious rather than in soil. 答案:D 分析:nutritious应改为名词,做containing的宾语,构成动宾 改正:nutritious → nutrition 参考译文:特殊方法培植的各种莴苣能够种植在含有溶解营养素的水中而不是土壤中。 35.Throughout the 1930’s,United States government patronage the arts was concentrated in the section of the Works Progress Administration known as Federal One. 答案:B 分析:patronage是名词,不能直接接名词,可在中间补充介词,使之成为短语 或者,将patronage改为动分词,与arts构成动宾结构。 改正:patronage the → patronagizing the patronage of/to the 参考译文:整个三十年代,美国政府一个被称为_1联邦 的工艺品项目管理部门致力于赞助人文艺术。 36. Essential a nineteenth-century instrument, the calliope was usually played outdoors and was a part of fairs, holiday gatherings, and other such activities. 答案:A 分析:应改为副词,做状语。 改正:Essential → Essentially 参考译文:汽笛风琴基本是19世纪的一种乐器,它通常在户外演奏,交易会,假日集会和其他一些活动都少不了它。 37.Winter broccoli has large, white heads similar to those of cauliflower, whereas sprouting broccoli pro
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