Tài liệu ôn thi tuyển sinh Khối 10 môn Tiếng Anh



(Trắc nghiệm)

Choose the best answer :


1. The Sword Lake is set in beautiful

A. situation B. views C. surroundings D. environment

2. They haven‟t seen each other, but they write to each other frequently. They are

A. pen pals B. writers C. co-writer D. paper pals

3. Children in this poor village are allowed to go to school without .

A. education B. instruction C. tuition fee D. impression

4. Churches, pagodas and temples are places of .

A. gossip B. worship C. warship D. friendship

5. They knelt down and . for the peace of the world.

A. enjoyed B. prayed C. interested D. hoped

6. Since 1960, jeans have become more and more with students.

A. common B. popular C. famous D. familiar

7. The Singaporean is Singapore dollars.

A. currency B. capital C. language D. climate

8. Islamic people usually go to the to pray.

A. pagoda B. church C. mosque D. temple

9. The restaurant has the . for serving seafood.

A. impression B. business C. inspiration D. reputation

10. Wearing uniform encourages students feel in many ways.

A. official B. fashionable C. equal D. worried

11. Shall we go to Vung Tau on the weekend ? .

A. That‟s a fine day B. That‟s a good tripC. Yes, let‟s D. Yes, please

12. Hello, you must be Minh. .

A. Yes, please B. That‟s right, I am C. Yes, here I am D. No, I am Minh

13. May I help you ?

A. I‟m afraid I‟m busy now C. Yes, that‟s very kind of you

B. What can I do for you ? D. What do you need ?

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ters an hour is called a _______ in North and South 
A. typhoon B. cyclone C. hurricane D. tornado 
119. Ninety percent of earthquakes occur _______ the Pacific Rim. 
A. around B. at C. in D. about 
120. The roof ________ under the weight of snow last night. 
A. collapsed B. fell C. dropped D. flew 
121. A tornado looks like a big, dark _______ coming from the bottom of a storm cloud. 
A. funnel B. bowl C. mushroom D. cloud 
122. Early warnings about tornadoes could save many __________. 
A.lives B. life C. living D. things 
123. Yesterday a typhoon _________ a coastal city in the country. 
A. hit B. strike C. collapsed D. predicted 
124. People can know when a volcano will ________ nowadays, can't they ? 
A. break B. warn C. erupt D. seek 
125. A tropical storm is called a hurricane in North and South America when it _____ 120 
kilometers per hour. 
A. reaches B. goes C. gets D. comes 
126. A ____ is a very large wave. 
A. tidal wave B. tsunami C. tornado D. a and b are correct. 
127. A / An __________ is a sudden strong shaking of the ground. 
A. snowstorm B. tidal wave C. earthquake D. volcano. 
128. A _______ is a tropical storm with strong winds. 
A. typhoon B. tornado C. volcano D. tsunami 
129. She applied for the job as a personal manager _________she liked meeting people. 
A. in spite of B. because C. although D. because of 
130. _________ they thought the exam had been easy, they all failed. 
A. Although B. Even though C. Though D. All are correct 
131. People are happy to welcome the New Year. They make a lot of _________ 
A. readiness B. working C. preparation D. housework 
132. It was _________ wonderful music that I went straight out and bought the record. 
A. so B. very C. too D. such 
133. He wrote them three letters _________ he didn‟t get a reply. 
A. so B. and C. but D. that 
1. Islam‟s most sacred  is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. 
A. church B. pagoda C. hotel D. shrine 
2. It‟s very hot. We wish our room .. air-conditioning. 
A. have B. were C. had D. would be 
3. Alcoholism affects all . of my family. 
A. part B. side C. sections D. aspects 
4. All the teachers in Le Hong Phong School are  
A. good-qualified B. good-qualifying C. well-qualified D. well-qualify 
5. I look forward  from my brother, who is living abroad. 
A. in order to hear B. to hearing C. to hear D. hear 
6. This restaurant has the . for serving Chinese dish. 
A. reputation B. businessman C. name D. knowledge 
Gia sư Thành Được 
7. Since their argument, there had been a strained  between them. 
A. friendliness B. atmosphere C. instruction D. activity 
8. Judy  going for a walk, but no one else wanted to. 
A. admitted B. offered C. promised D. suggested 
9. The house  two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. 
A. divides B. takes C. gets D. consists of 
10. US dollars are considered common  in international transactions. 
A. currency B. money C. value D. support 
11. Before newspapers were invented,  would go through the streets ringing the bells. 
A. designers B. writers C. town criers D. poets 
12. . is the symbol of the countryside in Vietnam. 
A. Banyan trees B. Paddy fields C. A bamboo forest D. Buffaloes 
13. Wearing casual clothes makes school more colorful and . 
A. living B. alive C. live D. lively 
14. TV  can enjoy interesting programs by choosing the right channels. 
A. spectators B. audiences C. watchers D. viewers 
15. No one can  the advantages of using computers. 
A. agree B. deny C. accept D. refuse 
16. Van helped the Parkers with . the chickens and collecting the eggs. 
A. feeding B. harvesting C. catching D. plowing 
17. She doesn‟t like to wear a  blouse. 
A. short-sleeved B. short-sleeving C. sleeved-short D. short-sleeve 
18. The word “jean” comes from a kind of . that was made in Europe. 
A. substance B. form C. element D. material 
19. The “Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary” is now in its 7th  
A. advance B. institute C. fee D. edition 
20. We received our first semester  a few days ago. 
A. problem B. report C. passage D. aspect 
21. She has two children to look after, so she‟s looking for a . job in her neighborhood. 
A. part-time B. full-time C. low-paid D. extra 
22. My younger brother is studying under his teacher‟s  
A. academy B. request C. tuition D. reputation 
23. Many students in this city live in the .. 
A. campus B. dormitory C. building D. dormitory 
24. We should travel to Dalat by car to enjoy the beautiful  on the way. 
A. campus B. reputation C. scenery D. institute 
25. If I attend the course in London, I‟ll be able to have a chance to speak to  speakers. 
A. natural B. native C. formal D. national 
26. Living in the distant town, students can‟t get  to the Internet easily. 
A. connect B. relation C. access D. work 
27. There is a small bamboo  at the entrance to the village. 
A. forest B. mountain C. style D. peasant 
28. There are three levels of difficulty in this game : low,  and high. 
A. intermediate B. advanced C. middle D. normal 
29. Will you join us on  trip to Vung Tau ? 
A. two days B. two-day C. a two-day D. two day 
30. Cattle and sheep are grazing in the .. 
A. paddy fields B. bridges C. rivers D. meadows 
31. Pagodas, churches and mosques are places of  
A. gossip B. worship C. amusement D. interest 
Gia sư Thành Được 
32. The English 8 textbook  of 16 units. 
A. comprises B. consists C. divides D. depends 
33. Do you live next door to a famous artist ? No, but I  
A. used to B. be used to C. used to be D. used to have 
34. They knelt down and . for the homeless people. 
A. dressed B. wished C. prayed D. lived 
35. I don‟t like him at all, but I have to . as my husband. 
A. keep along with B. get on well with C. keep in touch with D. come down with 
36. Wearing helmets when riding motorbikes is .. by law. 
A. adding B. optional C. religious D. compulsory 
37. Hello. You must be Maryam - . 
A. Yes please B. Go ahead C. That‟s right I am D. Here you are 
38. Would you mind opening the door for me ? -  
A. Yes please B. Never mind C. No I wouldn‟t D. Yes I would 
39. Shall we go to Nha Trang on the weekend ? - .. 
A. That‟s a fine day B. That‟s a good trip C. Yes please D. Yes let‟s 
40. Is lunch ready yet ? - . 
A. No problems B. In a few more minutes C. It‟s been too long D. Ten minutes 
41. I wish I could visit your village again someday, Ba - .. 
A. Too true B. What a day ! C. You are welcome D. Yes, let‟s 
42. Would you like to go and visit the museum tomorrow ? - . 
A. That‟s right B. I‟d like to see it C. You must want it D. That would be great 
43. Thank you for your help -  
A. Good B. You‟re welcome C. Great D. You know it 
44. Let‟s go swimming today. It‟s so hot -  
A. Oh like B. It‟s beautiful C. Good idea D. It‟s hot 
45. Help yourself with some chicken - . 
A. Thank you B. No, I don‟t like chicken C. Yes, I will D. Never mind 
46. Could you pick me up at 6 o‟clock ? - . I‟m still at the meeting then. 
A. I think I couldn‟t B. Yes of course I could C. No problem D. I‟m afraid not 
47. Don‟t forget to phone me when you get there ? -  
A. Yes I will B. Yes I do C. No I don‟t D. No I won‟t 
48. What do you think about American films ? - .. 
A. Yes I do B. No I don‟t C. I think of them very much D. I like them 
49. I‟m sorry I was stuck in a traffic jam - . 
A. Never mind B. Don‟t apologize C. OK, we‟ve just started D. My pleasure 
50. There‟s plenty of more cake if you‟d like another piece - .. 
A. Thanks a lot B. It‟s very delicious C. I don‟t mind if I do D. No problem 
51. The earthquake caused loss of life and property  
A. destruction B. construction C. production D. eruption 
52. Remember to  all the lights and fans before you leave their rooms. 
A. turn on B. look for C. go on D. turn off 
53. Hue will  temperatures between 250C and 300C. 
A. arrive B. achieve C. experience D. cause 
54. This newspaper is ................... everyday. It‟s daily newspaper. 
A. publishing B. published C. to publish D. publish 
55. He shouted and looked ........................ at me when I broke the vase. 
A. angry B. angrier C. angrily D. angryly 
56. He is tired ......................... he stayed up late watching TV. 
A. so B. because C. but D. and 
Gia sư Thành Được 
57. We are talking about the preservation of ........................... resources. 
A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalize 
58. Is he really .................... that you can‟t come there ? 
A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. to disappoint 
59. I think most children are creative enough to write ..................... poems. 
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify 
60. It is our policy to ........................ forests and increase forestation. 
A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protected 
61. Everyone must take part in .............................. deforestation. 
A. prevent B. preventing C. to prevent D. prevented 
62. I suggest ................................ to the movies. 
A. go B. to go C. going D. went 
63. They made their living by ........................ fish in the ocean everyday. 
A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. caught 
64. .................... means cutting or over- harvesting trees for lumber or pulp, or clear the land for 
other human activities. 
A. Forestry B. Forestation C. Deforester D. Deforestation 
65. Some farmers don‟t like ..................... the ground with the pesticides. 
A. spray B. spraying C. throw D. throwing 
66. The inhabitants wrote a letter of complaint to the local .................. about the noise from the 
A. author B. authorities C. authority D. authorized 
67. Using ................. transport is a good way to reduce traffic jams and air pollution. 
A. common B. private C. public D. train 
68. I will be ................... if she manages to sell that motorbike at high price. 
A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. to surprise 
69. Unless you understand, I ........................ explain it again to you. 
A. am B. was C. will D. would 
70. If you know where she lives, please let me ......................................... 
A. know B. knew C. known D. to know 
71. If he ...................... a student, he will get a discount. 
A. is B. was C. were D. will be 
72. ........................ you are interested in this film, don‟t go to see it at any cost. 
A. If B. Unless C. Because D. So 
73. If you like that book, I will give it ......................... you as my present. 
A. for B. from C. at D. to 
74. I won‟t go unless you ............... me back the money. 
A. to pay B. paid C. paying D. pay 
75. I felt ..................... disappointed because of their bad behavior. 
A. real B. reality C. really D. realize 
76. You have to listen to your teacher ........................ 
A.attentive B. attendance C. attentively D. attend 
77. If people drive their cars .........................., they won‟t get hurt themselves and others. 
A. careful B. carefully C. careless D.carelessly 
78. If she ..................... enough money, she‟ll buy her son a motorbike. 
A. earn B. will earn C. earns D.is earning 
79. Can you turn .................... the light ? It‟s too dark. 
A. on B. off C. in D. for 
80. What are you looking .................. ? My picture book. I‟ve lost it. 
A. on B. off C. in D. for 
Gia sư Thành Được 
81. There are ........................ saving methods and inventions to use solar energy. 
A. energetic B. energize C. energy D. energetics 
82. I had to pay much money this month for the international...................................... 
A. calls B. calling C. to call D. called 
83. A new air- conditioner will be .......................... this morning. 
A. to install B. installed C. installing D. install 
84. Scientists are looking for an .................. way to reduce energy consumption. 
A. effect B. effection C. effective D. effectively 
85. We can ....................... easily in the daylight. 
A. to read B. reading C. readed D. read 
86. She won‟t take all these suitcases..................... she likes to travel light. 
A. so B. but C. because D. therefore 
87. What can we do to spend less ..................... lighting ? 
A. in B. on C. about D. of 
88. Don‟t waste water or you‟ll get an enormous ............... by the end of the month. 
A. bill B. receipt C. paper D. letter 
89. We have to get the pipes checked by a ...................... 
A. mechanic B. plumber C. piper D. engineer 
90. Don‟t forget to turn .................. the lights when you leave the classroom. 
A. on B. out C. off D. up 
91. The ............... in the pipes made water leak and we had to pay for the water. 
A. cracks B. holes C. cut D. break 
92. ..................... energy is much safer than nuclear power. 
A. Sun B. Sunny C. Solar D. Sun‟s 
93. Lighting ....................... for 30 percent of our electricity bill. 
A. accouts B. makes C. puts D. does 
94. Doing ................... driving is a way to save energy. 
A. more B. fewer C. not D. less 
95. We need to have a new washing machine .................. as soon as possible. 
A. bought B. sold C. set D. installed
96. Buy this kind of energy- .................... bulb and you won‟t spend as much money on electricity. 
A. using B. saving C. producing D. consuming 
97. She is very tired; ........................, she has to finish her homework. 
A. moreover B. so C. and D. however 
98. Is he an actor ..................... a singer ?~ an actor. 
A. and B. or C. with D. so 
99. He was tired, ..................... he took a rest before continuing the work. 
A. so B. and C. but D. if 
100. I suggest ................... money for the poor people in our neighborhood. 
A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 
101. Who looks ..................... your childrren when you are away from home ? 
A. for B. at C. after D. to 
102. Why doesn‟t she go ......................... with her university study ? 
A. in B. at C. to D. on
103. After coming home, she cleaned the floor ..................... cooked dinner. 
A. but B. howerver C. moreover D. and 
104. They didn‟t understand the matter; ......................., they didn‟t ask for help. 
A. but B. howerver C. moreover D. and 
105. He got wet ........................ he forgor his umbrella. 
A. because of B. because C. but D. and 
Gia sư Thành Được 
106. People try to .................... the dirty and polluted beach. 
A. clean out B. clean up C. clean with D. clean in 
107. She ..................... the bus and ran into her school. 
A. got out B. got off C. got over D. got up 
108. Sticky rice cakes are a ........................ dish at Tet in Vietnam. 
A. traditional B. tradition C. custom D. customary 
109. The Seder is a special meal ........................... on the first two nights of Passover by Jewish 
A. eaten B. eating C. celebrated D. celebrating 
110. Some people consider Easter a ........................... festival rather than a religious festival. 
A. happy B. cheer C. joyful D. joke 
111. Chocolate and eggs are what children receive ............................ Easter. 
A. at B. on C. in D. with 
112. What I like best about my uncle is his ............................ of humor. 
A. telling B. jokes C. character D. sense 
113. Can you tell me the reason for ............................. the Mother‟s Day ? 
A. celebrating B. celebration C. celebrate D. celebrated 
114. We think that Mother‟s Day should be celebrated ........................ ............................. 
A. nationhood B. nationwide C. nationality D. nation 
115. She cried with .......................... when she heard the news. It was her ....................... time. 
A. joy/ joyful B. joyful/ joy C. joyfully/ joy D. joy/ joyfully 
116. There used to be a military .......................... in Red Spuare on 1st May. 
A. parade B. festival C. party D. celebration 
117. He is a generous man. He is ............................ known for his generosity. 
A. well B. good C. better D. best 
118. It‟s nice .................... you to say so ! 
A. in B. on C. of D. at 
119. Passover is celebrated in Israel by all .................................................... people. 
A. English B. Vietnamese C. Japanese D. Jewish 
120. They decide to go out ........................ it rained heavily. 
A. but B. and C. although D. because 
121. They stayed up late for a new television movie ........................ they had to go to school in 
the morning. 
A. even though B. but C. and D. despite 
122. ..................... Lan practises speaking English everyday , she feels shy and timid ( nhut nhat) 
when meeting the foreigners. 
A. And B. But C. Though D. in spite of 
123. Her father enjoys films ........................ her mother is fond of plays. 
A. although B. but C. and D. because 
124. According to the weather ............................... it will be raining tonight. 
A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting 
125. Yesterday a hurricane hit the .................................... of Vung Tau city. 
A. coaster B. coast C. coasting D. coastal 
126. The ........................... can know when a volcano will erupt nowadays. 
A. science B. scientific C. scientists D. scientifically 
127. A tropical storm which reaches 120 meters per hour is called a ..................... in North and 
South America. 
A. typhoon B. cyclone C. hurricane D. tornado 
128. The tsumami ........... in December 2004 in South East Asia killed more than 160.000 people. 
A. disaster B. disastrous C. disastrously D. disasterring 
Gia sư Thành Được 
129. We must find a shelter now because of the ..................... storm. 
A. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting
130. The roof ....................... under the weight of snow last night. 
A. collapse B. collapsing C. collapsed D. collapses 
131. He warned me of the ........................ in the forest. 
A. dangers B. dangerousness C. dangerously D. dangerous 
132. Pompeii was completely .......................... in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 
A. to destroy B. destroy C. destroyed D. destroying 
133. many people become ........................... because of the natural disasters every year. 
A. homeland B. homesick C. homeless D. homework 
134. A tornado looks like a big, dark .................. coming from the bottom of a storm cloud. 
A. funnel B. bowl C. cloud D. mushroom 
135. Thousands of seismographs which ................. all over the world record about a million small 
earthquakes every year. 
A. places B. placed C. are placed D. placing 
136. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch killed ................... of people and washed away whole villages in 
Central America. 
A. a thousand B. thousands C. many thousand D. two thousand 
137. There are .......................... tornadoes in spring than in any other season. 
A. more B. many C. much D. less 
138. Daddy, it‟s the weather forecast .................... TV. 
A. in B. to C. on D. at 
139. Please hurry. We need these documents ........................ delay. 
A. under B. without C. in D. at 
140. We thought the two films were very similar .................... a great extent 
A. to B. with C. at D. in 
141. Police officers don‟t have to wear uniform when they are ...................... duty. 
A. on B. in C. of D. off 
142. Please bring some raincoats just ..................... case. 
A. in B. at C. on D. to 
143. If the sun .............. hollow, a million earths could fit inside it. 
A. is B. becomes C. being D. were 
144. ................... all the energy on the earth comes from the sun. 
A. Most B. Every C. Almost D. Most of 
145. Heat from the sun makes the earth .................... enough for life. 
A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot 

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