Phân phối chương trình tự chọn môn tiếng Anh - Lớp 12 năm học 2012 - 2013
Revision of tenses :simple present,
simple past, simple progressive,past progressive,present perfect,near future,simple future.
Reading about cultural diversity
Writing about the differences between Vietnamese and American cultures.
Reading about ways of socialising
Reported speech
Building sentences based on given words and re-ordering given sentences.
Reading about school education system.
Passive voice
Ph©n phèi ch¬ng tr×nh tù chän m«n tiÕng anh - líp 12 N¨m häc 2012 - 2013 C¶ n¨m :35 tiÕt Kú I: 18 tiÕt Kú II: 17 tiÕt STT Tªn chñ ®Ò Sè tiÕt Môc tiªu Ghi chó 1 Grammar 2 Revision of tenses :simple present, simple past, simple progressive,past progressive,present perfect,near future,simple future. 2 Reading 1 Reading about cultural diversity 3 Writing 1 Writing about the differences between Vietnamese and American cultures. 4 Reading 1 Reading about ways of socialising 5 Grammar 2 Reported speech 6 Writing 1 Building sentences based on given words and re-ordering given sentences. 7 Reading 1 Reading about school education system. 8 Grammar 1 Passive voice 9 Reading 1 Reading about higher education. 10 Writing 1 Writing a letter of request. 11 Grammar 1 Conditional sentences. 12 Reading 1 Reading about future jobs. 13 Writing 1 Writing a formal letter of application. 14 Grammar 1 Relative clauses. 15 Writing 1 Writing a report on given information. 16 Grammar 1 Preposition and articles. 17 Reading 1 Reading about deserts. 18 Writing 1 Describing a place, using the cues. 19 Reading 1 Reading about endangered species. 20 Grammar 1 Modal verbs : may, might, must, mustn’t, needn’t. 21 Reading 1 Reading about books. 22 Grammar 1 Modals in the passive voice. 23 Writing 1 Describing a book 24 Grammar 1 Transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. 25 Reading 1 Reading about the 22nd SEA GAMES. 26 Grammar 1 Double comparison. 27 Writing 1 Writing a description of an international organization 28 Grammar 2 Phrasal verbs. 29 Writing 1 Describing a chart. 30 Reading 1 Reading about the Association of Southeast Asian nations. 31 Grammar 1 Adverbial clause of time. 32 Writing 1 Writing a letter of recommendation. Tổng 35 Ngêi lËp kÕ ho¹ch Vò ThÞ Lµn
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