Hướng dẫn tự học môn Tiếng Anh Khối 9 - Tuần 3, Unit 7: Saving energy - Năm học 2019-2020



AND: (và ) – là từ nối được dung để nối các cụm từ hay mệnh đề.

- We buy vegetables, bread, fish and meat every day.

BUT: (nhưng) – dùng để diễn đạt một ý trái ngược với ý nói trước đó.

 - He is interlligent but lazy.

OR: (hay) - dùng để diễn đạt một lựa chọn

- Is that good or bad?

SO = THEREFORE: (vì vậy, vì thế, do vậy)

- She studied hard, so she passed the test easily

- She studied hard; therefore, she passed the test easily

BECAUSE = AS = SINCE: (bởi vì)

- Because she studied hard, she passed the test easily.

HOWEVER = NONETHELESS = NEVERTHELESS: (tuy nhiên) diễn đạt một ý trái ngược với ý nói trước đó

 - She didn’t go to class regularly. However, she still passed the test easily.

MOREOVER = BESIDES: Mở rộng ý hoặc diễn đạt cùng ý.


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Hướng dẫn tự học môn Tiếng Anh Khối 9 - Tuần 3, Unit 7: Saving energy - Năm học 2019-2020, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Nội dung tự học môn Anh văn khối 9- Tuần 3 ( HKII)
từ 17/02 → 21/02/2020 ( Học sinh nghỉ phòng dịch CORONA )
Học thuộc từ vựng Unit 7, đọc hiểu và dịch hội thoại ,đoạn văn Unit 7 trang 57,60 . 
Ôn lại : 
Useful preposition:
disappointed at/about sth	: thất vọng về việc gì
disappointed in sth	: thất vọng trong việc gì
persuade sb of sth	: thuyết phục ai làm điều gì
provide sb with sth	: cung cấp cho ai thứ gì
reduce sth to sth	: thu giảm điều gì đến mức nào
prevent sb from doing sth	: ngăn cản ai làm điều gì
Làm phần bài tập vào giấy
1- energy /ˈenədʒi/ (n): năng lượng
- energy-saving (a): tiết kiệm năng lượng
2- bill /bɪl/ (n): hóa đơn
 - water bill
 - electricity bill
3- enormous /ɪˈnɔːməs/(a): quá nhiều, to lớn
 - enormously (adv)
4- reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/(v): giảm
 - reduction /rɪˈdʌkʃn/ (n): sự giảm lại
5- plumber /ˈplʌmə(r)/ (n): thợ sửa ống nước
6- crack /kræk/ (n): đường nứt
7- pipe/paɪp/ (n): đường ống (nước)
8- faucet /ˈfɔːsɪt/ (n) = tap: vòi nước
9- drip/drɪp/ (v): chảy thành giọt
 - dripping faucet (n)
10- tool /tuːl/ (n): dụng cụ
11- fix /fɪks/ (v): lắp đặt, sửa
12- solar energy: năng lượng mặt trời
13- nuclear power: năng lượng hạt nhân
	- power (n) = electricity: điện
14- heat /hiːt/ (n, v) : sức nóng, làm nóng
15- install /ɪnˈstɔːl/(v): lắp đặt
 - installation (n)
16- luxuries /ˈlʌkʃəri/ (n): xa xỉ phẩm
 - luxurious (adj)
17- necessities /nəˈsesəti/ (n): nhu yếu phẩm
 - need (v)
 - (un)necessary (adj)
18- consume /kənˈsjuːm/ (v): tiêu dung, tiêu thụ
 - consumer /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ (n): người tiêu dùng
 - consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ (n): sự tiêu thụ
 - time-consuming 9a)
19- effectively /ɪˈfektɪvli/ (adv): có hiệu quả
 - effect (n)
 -(in) effective (n)
20- lightning /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ (n): sự thắp sáng
21- account for: chiếm
22- replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ (v): thay thế
 - replacement (n)
23- bulb /bʌlb/ (n): bóng đèn tròn
24- standard /ˈstændəd/(n): tiêu chuẩn
25- scheme /skiːm/ (n): plan kế hoạch
26- tumble dryer /ˈtʌmbl - /ˈdraɪə(r)/: máy sấy
27- compared with: so sánh với
 - comparison (n)
28- category /ˈkætəɡəri/ (n): loại
29- ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/ (adv) = finally: cuối cùng, sau hết
 - ultimate (adj)
30- innovate /ˈɪnəveɪt/ (v) = reform /rɪˈfɔːm/: đổi mới
 - innovation (n) = reform: sự đổi mới
AND: (và ) – là từ nối được dung để nối các cụm từ hay mệnh đề.
- We buy vegetables, bread, fish and meat every day.
BUT: (nhưng) – dùng để diễn đạt một ý trái ngược với ý nói trước đó.
 	- He is interlligent but lazy. 
OR: (hay) - dùng để diễn đạt một lựa chọn	
- Is that good or bad?
SO = THEREFORE: (vì vậy, vì thế, do vậy) 
- She studied hard, so she passed the test easily
- She studied hard; therefore, she passed the test easily
BECAUSE = AS = SINCE: (bởi vì)
- Because she studied hard, she passed the test easily.
HOWEVER = NONETHELESS = NEVERTHELESS: (tuy nhiên) diễn đạt một ý trái ngược với ý nói trước đó
	- She didn’t go to class regularly. However, she still passed the test easily.
MOREOVER = BESIDES: Mở rộng ý hoặc diễn đạt cùng ý.
	Cụm động từ (Phrasal verbs) là động từ được cấu tạo bởi một động từ (a verb) với một giới từ (a preposition) hay cả hai (tiểu từ + giới từ) : give up, turn on , look after, get along with. . 
- You should turn off the lights before leaving home.
- He’s trying on a jacket. 
- He gave smoking up. 
- The light is on. Turn it off. 
- Here’re the shoes. Try them on. 
- You should look after your old parents.
- He looks forward to his brother’s letter.
III. MAKING SUGGESTIONS (Đưa ra lời đề nghị).
1. LET’S + V1
Let’s go swimming.
2. SHALL WE + V1 ?
Shall we eat out this evening? 
Shall we help that old man ? 
3. HOW / WHAT ABOUT + Ving ?
What about going out for dinner?
How about a game of badminton?
4. WHY DON’T WE + V1 ?
Why don't we go to the movies? 
Đồng ý:
- Yes, let’s.
- OK. Good idea.
- Great. Go ahead.
- Sounds interesting.
Không đồng ý
- No, let's not.
- I don’t think it’s a good idea.
- No. Why don’t we + V.. .?
Ta có thể đưa ra lời đề nghị với động từ SUGGEST.
 	- I suggest going to the cinema.
	2. SUGGEST + that + S+ should +V:
 	- I suggest that you should save money.
	3. SUGGEST + that + S+ V
- I suggest she jog evey day.
I. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
Can you turn ________the light? -It’s too dark. 
	A. on	B. off	C. in	D. for
I suggest ________showers instead of taking bath. 
	A. take	B. taking	C. to take	D. to taking
- What are you looking ________? - My picture book. I’ve lost it. 
	A. on	B. off	C. in	D. for
A new air-conditioner will be ________tomorrow morning. 
	A. to install	B. installed	C. installing	D. install
Scientists are looking for an ________way to reduce energy consumption. 
	A. effect	B. effection	C. effective	D. effectively
They are completely short of water now. A number of people have died because of this ________. 
	A. shortage	B. short	C. shorten	D. shortly
If you want to save money, you should ________the amount of water your family uses. 
	A. increase	B. reduce	C. adapt	D. repair
In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100-watt light bulb can be replaced by a(n) ________. 
	A. energy-saving bulb	B. energy-save bulb	C. saving energy bulb	D. save-energy bulb
You should get a (n)________to make sure there are no cracks in the pipes. 
	A. plumber	B. mechanic	C. electrician	D. consumer
________you take the train instead of the bus? It’s faster and cheaper. 
	A. Why not	B. Why don’t	C. How about	D. Let’s
If we ________less paper, we ________the number of trees in the forests. 
	A. used/ will save	B. use/ can save	C. can use/ save	D. use/ can
She won’t take all the suitcases ________she likes to travel light. 
	A. so	B. but	C. because	D. therefore
She is very tired; ________, she has to finish her homework. 
	A. moreover	B. so	C. and	D. however
- Is he an actor ________a singer? - An actor
	A. and	B. or	C. with	D. so
He was tired, ________he took a rest before continuing the work. 
	A. so	B. and	C. but	D. if
Who looks ________your children when you are away from home?
	A. for	B. at	C. after	D. to
Why doesn’t she go ________with her university study?
	A. in	B. at	C. to	D. on
After coming home, she cleaned the floor ________cooked dinner. 
	A. but	B. however	C. moreover	D. and
They didn’t understand the matter ________she didn’t ask for help. 
	A. but	B. however	C. moreover	D. and
How about ________posters on energy saving and hanging them around our school?
	A. make	B. making	C. to make	D. to making
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I suggest ________________some money.(collect)
What about ________________a shower instead of a bath to save energy. (take)
I think we should ________________off the faucets. (turn)
If we plant more trees along the streets, we ________________more shade and fresh air. (have)
If the pollution _____________on, the world will end up like a second-hand junk-yard. (go)
 III. Filling each gap with a suitable phrasal verb in the box.
--turn on – turn off – look for – look after – go on – look forward to – put off--
Mai can’t go to the movies with us tonight. She will have to ________her little sister. 
If we ________wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in a few decades. 
 “________the TV, will you? I want to watch the weather forecast.”
 “ I think I’ve lost my new pen. I’ve ________it everywhere. 
Mrs. Yen forgot to ________the faucets when she left home for work. 
I am ________hearing from you. 
Never ________till tomorrow what you can do today.
IV.Match a word or phrase in column A with a definition in column B.
turn off
A. switch off
B. of or using the sun
C. a person whose job is to fix and repair water pipes.
D. the power from electricity, gas, coal,making things work
E. a new idea, method
F. very big or very large. 
V.Give the correct form of the word in brackets.
There is a ________________faucet in your kitchen. 	(drip)
We can protect the environment by ________________air pollution.	 (reduce)
I am very ________________because they use electricity to catch fish.	 (worry)
I want to see the ________________of environment from the local authority.	 (protect)
Scientists are looking for an effective way to reduce energy _______________. (consume)
VI. Complete the second sentences
It was raining, so we decided to postpone our camping. 
	@ Since 	
She wants them to sing a song. 
	@ She suggests they 	
She couldn’t join us because she was busy. 
	@ She was busy, so 	 . 
Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
	@ What about 	 
Why don’t we use energy-saving bulbs?
	@ I suggest 	 
Although she was not beautiful, she took part in a beauty contest. 
	@ She wasn’t beautiful but 	 
Work hard and you will pass the exam. 
	@ If you 	
If you don’t start working hard now, you won’t be able to pass the final exam. 
	@ Unless 	 
We are delighted. You passed your English exam. 
	@ We are delighted 	 . 
She was tired and therefore she wanted to go home. 
	@ She wanted to go home because 	 
VII. Fill in each gap with a suitable word in the box.
--energy – money – electricity – machines – by – save – how much – in--
For most North American households, lighting accounts for 10 percent to 15 percent of the _______(54) bill. However, this amount can be reduced_______(55) replacing an ordinary 110-watt light bulb with an _______(56) saving bulb. These bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs and last eight times longer. Therefore, consumers can _______(57) about US$ 7 to $21 per bulb. 
In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers, washing _______(58) and tumble dryers. The label tells the consumers _______(59) energy efficient each model is, compared with other appliances _______(60) the same category. 
Ultimately, these innovations will save _______(61) as well as conserving the Earth’s sources. 
I. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. My classmates suggested playing chess but I prefer ________ hike and seek.
A. playing     	B. play          	C. played       	 D to playing
2. You don't like English food. What about ________Chinese food?
A. to eat       	B. eat          	C. eating       	 	D. ate
3. I think we should ________ up our neighborhood.
A. to clean      B. clean      	 C. cleaning         	D. cleaned
4. Our teacher suggests ________a meeting to discuss about the solution to keep our environment clean.
A. to hold       B. hold          	C. holding     	  D. held
5. Her former leader suggests that she should ________ harder to break her past records.
A. to train       B. train          	C. training      	 D. trained
6. The children volunteer to clean up the local park ________ there are lot of used cans and trash there.
A. but         	 B. because      C. and      	D. so
7. Her mother took her to the zoo ________ it owed her some rare animals.
A. but          	B. because       C. and         	D. so
8. The "Green Sunday" was short: ________, the students enjoyed it very much.
A. but          	B. because        C. however      	D. although
9. Hoa missed the bus this morning, ________ she went to school late.
A. but         	B. so             	 C. however       	D. and
10. Dioxins are dangerous chemicals________ they can cause cancer and birth defects.
A. but          	B. however        C. because        	 D. therefore
11. The children ate too much sweet ________ they get toothache easily.
A. so               B. and             C. but          	 D. because
12. Organically grown fruits and vegetables may not look as perfect, ________ it's good for your health.
A. so              B. and            	 C. however           	D. therefor
13. Thousands of gallons of water were polluted ________some body spilled the motor oil and it swept into the ground.
A. because     B. so             	 C. and        	D. however
14. ________ we use less electricity, power plants will burn less fuel.
A. If               B. So             	C. Therefore       	D. Because
15. Old newspapers can be used to make newspapers, ________ you can collect them and bring them to the recycling center.
A. so              B. because          C. and          	 D. therefore
16. Don't use Styrofoam or aerosol spray ________ they both contain chlorofluorocarbons.
A. so              B. because           C. and          	D. for 
17. Pesticides are chemicals poisons used by farmers to kill weeds and insect pests, ________ some pesticides are still in the food when it gets to the market.
A. so              B. because             C. and        	D. however
18. We use paper whenever we can, ________ the backs of envelopes or the clean backs of notebook sheets are great for scrap paper.
A. so              B. because         C. but        	D. however
18. He didn't go to school yesterday; ______.he had to ask his friends what they learned then.
A. but             B. therefore         	C. and         	D. so
20. The countryside is very peaceful ________ the air is so fresh.
A. but            B. and            	C. therefore           	D. because
21. Ba missed the Math test yesterday. ________, he will have to do it next week.
A. therefore    B. but           	C. and            	D. because
22. My sister is very tired: ________, she still has to cook dinner for the family.
A. so             B. however        	C. and        	D. as
23. She doesn't look so pretty ________.She has soft voice.
A. and            B. but         	 C. so         	D. however
24. They don't like the opera ________ it doesn't look sound interesting.
A. and            B. but          	 C. because          	D. so
25. Daisy is very nice: ________, all her friends love her very much.
A. and            B. so            	C. therefore         	D. because
26. Can you turn_________ the lights? It's too dark.
A. on               B. off              	 C. in        	D. for
27. What are you looking ________? My picture book. I've lost it.
A. on               B. off           	 C. for       	 D. after
28. There are ________ saving methods and inventions to use solar energy.
A. energetic   B. energize          	C. energy       	D. power
29. I had to pay much money this month for the international________.
A. calls           B. calling          	 C. to call           	D. called
30. A new – conditioner will be ________ this morning.
A. to install     B. installed          	C. installing       	 D. to install.
31. Scientists are looking for an ________ way to reduce energy consumption.
A. effect          B. affection       	C. effective        	D. effectively
32. We can ________ easily in the daylight.
A. to read         B. reading         	C. read         	 D. readable
33. She won't take all these suitcases ________ she likes to travel lightly
A. so               B. but        	 C. because          	 D. and
34. They are completely short of water now. A number of people have died because of this ___
A. shortage       B. short          	C. shorten        	 D. shortening
35. What can we do to spend less ________ lighting?
A. in                  B. on              	C. about            	D. at
36. There will be a _______cut tomorrow in HCM City.
A. energetic      B. energize           	 C. energy         	D. power
37. Your house needs _________ right now it's too old.
A. paint            B. painted           	C. to paint       	D. painting
38. My father used to make me ________hard at night.
A. study          B. to study            	C. studying        	D. studied
39. Will you _________for dinner one night.
A. across           B. down             	 C. over        	D. in
40. It is necessary that the government ________something about it immediately.
A. do                 B. did              	C. to do          	D. have done
41. He talks as if he_________ about it clearly.
A. know             B. to know          	C. knowing        	D. knew
42. She _______ hard last night. She did her test perfectly this morning.
A. can have studied           B. might have studied
C. should have studied       D. must have studied
43. That's the _______ interesting novel I've ever read.
A. more           B. even         	 C. most       	 D. every
44. My color TV, _______ I bought 10 years ago, still gives beautiful pictures.
A. which           B. that         	C. what         	D. X
45. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to _______ him to go.
A. persuade         B. suggest           	C. make        	 D. prevent
46. "Who is Mr. Medley?" "I have no idea. I've never heard _______ him".
A. about              B. from              	C. after        	D. of
47. Children are _______ to overcome problems.
A. determine       B. determined         C. determinant        	D. determination
48. They will be sent to work in America _______ their English is better next year.
A. when              B. unless              	C. if         	D. because
49. I've never ______very well with my brother. We've got completely different personalities.
A. got off             B. got on         	 C. got away         	 D. got up
50. ____ lion dancing is very popular in Viet Nam, my friend Andy does not enjoy it.
A. But                 B. Although           	C. If         	 D. However
II. Complete the conversations.
1. A: I like having seafood for dinner.
B: ______________ go to the restaurant by the seaside?
2. A: I'm really tired.
B: I'm tired too. ______________ resting for a while?
3. A: ______________ travel around the town?
B: That's a good idea. ______________ hiring a motorcycle. We'll see a lot more that way.
4. A: I want to buy some souvenirs before we leave.
B: OK. ______________ go shopping after dinner.
5. A: What should I do to save electricity?
B: I ______________ turn on a lot of lights and remember to turn off television before going to bed.
6. A: It's a lovely day. ______________ go for a picnic?
B: No. I don't want to. ______________ playing tennis.
III. Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful passage. There is one extra word that you don't need to use:
	Recycling / nothing/ list/ vegetables/ something/ save/ trouble/ polluting/ taking.
	Our environment is in (1) ______. Modern ways of living and today's industries are (2) ______ it. Most people think there is (3) ______ they can do. This is not true. Everyone can do something to help (4) ______ our environment. Here is a (5) ______ of things you can do.
- Help to cut pollution by (6) ______ the bus to work instead of your car.
- Buy fruit and (7) ______ that have not been treated with pesticides.
- Recycle all your cans, bottles and paper. There should be a (8) ______ center somewhere near your home, so take them there.
	Most of the world's energy comes from the sun. The sun's energy is in wood, oil, and other things that people use for energy.
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