Hướng dẫn tự học môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7 - Tuần 3, Unit 10: Health and hygiene - Năm học 2019-2020

II. Must/ mustn’t:

- Động từ khuyết thiếu must (phải) được dùng để đưa ra một mệnh lệnh, sự cấm đoán.

e.g: You must finish your homework before going to bed.

He must arive here on time.

- Khi phủ định chúng ta chỉ cần thêm ‘not’ sau động từ ‘ must’. Có thể viết tắt là ‘ mustn’t’.

e.g: You mustn’t play with fire.

He mustn’t to be late.

III. Why- because:

- Câu hỏi Why thường được dùng để hỏi lí do hay nguyên nhân.

e.g: Why is he going to the library this afternoon?

Why did they borrow this book?

Why doesn’t she buy herself a bag?

Why + Va/ do + S + Vm + O/ A

Va: auxiliary verb: trợ động từ

Vm: main verb: động từ chính

- Để trả lời cho câu hỏi với WHY, chúng ta có thể dùng:

a. Because + clause (mệnh đề)

e.g: Why are you on the diet? – Because I want to lose weight.

Why does he study hard? – Because he want to pass the exams

b. Infinitive phrase”

e.g: Why are you on the diet? – To lose weight.

Why do people do exercises? – To keep healthy.


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Nội dung tự học môn Anh văn khối 7- Tuần 3 ( HKII)
từ 17/02 → 21/02/2020 ( Học sinh nghỉ phòng dịch CORONA )
Học thuộc lòng động từ bất quy tắc ( SGK trang 177 
Học thuộc từ vựng Unit 10, đọc hiểu các đoạn văn Unit 10 phần Reading trang 31,32 ,33. 
Dịch các đoạn văn  Unit 10 phần A1 trang 99,  B1 trang 103, B3 trang 104 trong SGK.
Ôn lại cấu trúc câu: WOULD LIKE+ TO VERB và SHOULD + VERB BARE . 
Xem trước từ vựng và nội dung Unit 11 phần Section A.( trang 5- SGK)
Section A: Personal hygiene 
1. harvest (v,n): thu hoạch, mùa gặt 
2. helpful (adj): giúp ích 
3. take care of = look after (v): chăm sóc, trông nom 
4. iron (v): là, ủi quần áo 
5. own (adj): riêng, cá nhân 
6. be bad for (v): có hại cho 
7. advise (v): khuyên 
=> advice (n): lời khuyên
8. change (v): thay đổi 
9. probably (adj): có lẽ 
10. brush (v, n): chải, bàn chải 
11. comb (v, n): chải đầu, cái lược 
12. take exercise (v): tập thể dục 
13. suitable (adj): thích hợp 
14. strange (adj): lạ, xa lạ 
15. tidy (adj): ggọn gàng, sạch sẽ 
Section B: A bad toothache
1. toothache (n): đau răng 
2. dentist (n): nha sĩ 
3. have an appointment with (v): có cuộc hẹn với....
4. be scared of (adj): sợ = be afraid of
5. hate (v): ghét 
6. drill (n): cái khoan 
7. fill (v): lấp chỗ trống/ hàn (răng) 
8. cavity (n): lỗ răng sâu 
9. surgery (n): phòng phẫu thuật 
10. check (v): kiểm tra 
11. smile (at) (v): mỉm cười 
12. serious (adj): nghiêm trọng 
13. less than (adv): ít  hoưn
14. touch (v): sờ, đụng đến 
15. explain (v): giải thích 
I. Imperatives: Câu mệnh lệnh
1. Form:
+) Dạng khẳng định
e.g: Open your book!/ Come in!
Verb + O/ Pre. 
+) Dạng phủ định:
e.g: Don’t go out!/ Don’t sit there!/ Don’t smoke here!
Don’t + Verb + O/ Pre.
2. Use:
- Câu mệnh lệnh được dùng để ra lệnh cho ai đó phải làm gì hoặc không được làm gì. Hoặc đưa ra lời hướng dẫn.
e.g: Open the window./ Don’t turn off the light!
- Chủ ngữ câu mệnh lệnh ngầm hiểu là ‘you’
e.g: (You) open the window!
- Thêm ‘please’ cuối câu để tăng tính lịch sự.
e.g: Open the window please!
II. Must/ mustn’t:
- Động từ khuyết thiếu must (phải) được dùng để đưa ra một mệnh lệnh, sự cấm đoán.
e.g: You must finish your homework before going to bed.
He must arive here on time.
- Khi phủ định chúng ta chỉ cần thêm ‘not’ sau động từ ‘ must’. Có thể viết tắt là ‘ mustn’t’.
e.g: You mustn’t play with fire.
He mustn’t to be late.
III. Why- because:
- Câu hỏi Why thường được dùng để hỏi lí do hay nguyên nhân.
e.g: Why is he going to the library this afternoon?
Why did they borrow this book?
Why doesn’t she buy herself a bag?
Why + Va/ do + S + Vm + O/ A
Va: auxiliary verb: trợ động từ
Vm: main verb: động từ chính
- Để trả lời cho câu hỏi với WHY, chúng ta có thể dùng:
a. Because + clause (mệnh đề)
e.g: Why are you on the diet? – Because I want to lose weight.
Why does he study hard? – Because he want to pass the exams
b. Infinitive phrase”
e.g: Why are you on the diet? – To lose weight.
Why do people do exercises? – To keep healthy.
I. Supply the correct tense or form of the verbs in the brackets:
1. She never _______________________ up late at night. (stay)
2. My mother _______________________ flowers in the garden at the moment. (plant)
3. Why ________________ you _________________ the party early last night? (leave)
4. Minh _______________________ to the dentist tomorrow morning. (go)
5. I _____________ (brush) my teeth every night, but last night I ____________ (forget) to brush them.
6. My sister _______________________ the dishes after dinner last night. (clean)
7. She _______________________ to school yesterday because she was sick. (not, go)
8. Our parents _______________________ here tomorrow night. (be)
9. Cuc practices _______________________ the piano every Sunday. (play)
10. She’d like _______________________ her Mom when she’s free. (help)
11. I like _______________________ English in school. (learn)
12. Phuong _______________________ aerobics yesterday morning. (do)
II. Give the correct form of the word in the brackets:
1. He is a _______________________ person. (help)
2. My tooth is very _______________________ now. (pain)
3. Clean teeth are _______________________ teeth. (health)
4. You should clean your teeth _______________________. (regular)
5. We are _______________________ about the final exam. (worry)
6. She always washes and irons her clothes _______________________. (careful)
7. I’m _______________________ of hearing the ghost stories. (scare)
8. The people are very _______________________. (friend)
III. Choose the best answer for the blank:
1. I received a letter _______________________ your aunt last week.
A. on          B. in          C. from           D. at
2. Her brother is taking morning _______________________ now.
A. hygiene      B. exercises    C. breakfast       D. homework
3. Don’t eat candy or stay _______________________ late.
A. from        B. with        C. up             D. for
4. We are very happy _______________________ the final exam.
A. pass        B. to pass      C. passing        D. passed
5. They always _______________________ their teeth after meals.
A. comb        B. wash       C. do            D. brush
6. Don’t worry about me, Mom. I know how to take _________________ of myself.
A. care         B. careful      C. carefully       D. careless
7. You must _______________________ to bed early.
A. go           B. went        C. going         D. to go
8. She’s looking _______________________ in the mirror.
A. himself       B. herself       C. myself       D. itself
9. I hope you _______________________ me after the harvest.
A. visits         B. visiting        C. will visit      D. visited
10. ______________ did she go to the dentist last week? – She had a toothache.
A. When        B. What         C. Why         D. Who
11. You shouldn’t eat too much sweet things _____________ it’s not good for your health.
A. because      B. because of      C. so          D. why
12. I hope that she _______________ better soon.
A. feel           B. feels          C. to feel       D. feeling
13. She had to work _______________.
A. hard          B. hardly         C. difficult      D. difficulty
14. I was really happy _______________ Mark again yesterday.
A. A see         B. to see         C. seeing       D. to seeing
15. Few people like _______________ on the farm.
A. work         B. to work         C. working      D. both B and C
16. He’s really bad _______________ History.
A. in            B. to             C. at          D. for
17. Her mother wanted her _______________ up early.
A. get           B. to get         C. getting       D. to getting
18. I think you don’t have to worry _______________ that.
A. of            B. to           C. for           D. about
19. The dentist smiled _______________ him kindly.
A. with          B. at            C. to           D. on
20. I have a toothache so I’m going to the _______________.
A. nurse         B. doctor         C. dentist       D. teacher
21. We ought not to eat too much candy because it’s bad _____________ us.
A. with          B. at           C. of            D. for
22. Baker is very _________________. She can do a lot of things.
A. useful         B. helpful        C. beautiful      D. full
23. I’m glad ________________ you are well.
A. hear         B. heard         C. to hear       D. hearing
24. My younger sister ________________ a toothache last week.
A. has           B. is having      C. had        D. will have
25. They are working hard ________________ the farm now.
A. in             B. on          C. at          D. of
IV: Complete the imperatives with these verbs:
Put     chew     Don’t make    Close    Take    Don’t smoke    Read    Don’t touch
1. .noise here!
2. . Off your shoes outside, please!
3.  a little salt in the vegetables!
4. .. the door, please!
5. .before swallow!
6.  in the bus!
7. ..this animal!
8. ........the book out loud!
V: What do you say in these situations?
1. The class is very noisy when the teacher away for a few minutes.
You say:
2. Nam watches too much television but doesn’t play any sports.
You say:
3. The examinations are coming, but your classmate, Hung, doesn’t study hard enough.
You say:
4. The pool is very deep, and it also has rocks.
You say:
5. Teasing wild animals is very dangerous.
You say:
VI: Complete the sentences with Must or Mustn’t
1. She is ill, so she see the doctor.
2. It is raining. You take your umbrella.
3. You..throw litter on the stairs.
4. This is a secret. You . tell any body.
5. You . Make noise in the library.
6. We  hungry or we will miss the bus
7. You .. eat fruit and vegetables.
8. The baby is sleeping. You  shout.
9. You be friendly to every body.
10. You .. walk on the grass.
VII: True or False.
1. You must wash your hands before meals.
2. You mustn’t listen to your parents.
3. You must break the window at school.
4. You must take a shower everyday.
5. You mustn’t eat fruit and vegetables every day.
6. You must eat a lot of sweets if you want to lose some weight.
7. You must tidy you room every day.
8. You must talk in class when the teacher is teaching.
VIII: Make rules in our class with Must/ mustn’t:
1. In our class, we .. study hard.
2. In our class, we .. obey our teachers.
3. In our class, we .. chat with other.
4. In our class, we .. we use mobiphone.
5. In our class, we ..help other classmates
6. In our class, we ..say bad words.
IX : Match the sentences in column A with the sentences in column B. Then write full sentences by using Because. 
1. I am very hungry now
a. he brushes them three times a day
2. He has strong with teeth.
b. he is having a toothache
3. We wash our hands before meals
c. she is very kind and skillful
4. Hoa is not afraid of the dentist
d. we want to have a healthy living
5. Nam looks unhappy
e. I didn’t
X: Write the questions and answer Why? and because:
e.g: Minh/ have a toothache/ a lot of candies.
- Why does Minh have a toothache? – Because he ate a lot of candies.
1. she/ be worried/ see dentist. 
2. Ba/ be scared/ sound of the drill.
3. He/ feel calm/ dentist kind
4. Lan/ feel better/ fix the tooth.
5. Nam/ be happy/ teeth healthy.
6. They/ play soccer well/ practice every day.
7. Lan and Hoa/ do morning exercises every morning/ want to have a healthy life.
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