Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 - Period 83 - Unit 13: Festivals - Lesson 2: Speak

A. Have you tided the bed room?

F. Yes. I have. Where are you going ,mom?

C. To the market. I have to buy some oranges and some pomegranates.

H. Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the corner?

D. Sure. I will.

J. Thanks. Mom. Is there anything you want me to do while you are out?

B. not really. But I want our house to look nice at the festival.

G. Mom. I know what to do now. I’ll clean all the glass windows.


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Preparing: 25/03/2013
Teaching: 02/04/2013
Period 83.
Unit 13 : festivals .
Lesson 2: speak 
-At the end of the lesson students can:
+Talk about preparations for some festivals in Viet Nam.
pomegranates, tailor, …
 - Skills: 
Speaking and listening .
Teaching aids.
Lesson plan, Students’ book ; workbook.
Teaching procedure.
Organization. (1’)
Greetings and checking attendances:
+What is the weather like?
+Who is absence today?
Checking the old lesson.(4’)
-Ask the students to read the dialogue.
-Introduce the topic of the lesson to the students.
New lesson(35’)
Pre – speaking.
*Introduce the new words to the students.
-Read the words then the students repeat in chorus.
-Explain the meaning.
-Write on the boards.
-Students read in chorus again.
While- speaking
1.-Explain the requests from the task.
-Let the students reorder the dialogue in pairs.
-Students work in group and find out the order of the sentences.
-Call some pairs to read.
- Students work in pair to read the dialogue. 
-Correct the mistakes if any.
2.-Let the students practice in pairs.
-Guide the students choose one festival that they like best.
-Ask all the students do the 
“ School festival”.
-Let the students make up the dialogue in pairs.
- Students work in groups to discuss about the school festival. 
Post- speaking.
-Help the students if they want.
-Call some pairs to check.
-Explains the request from the students.
Homework: (2’)
Guide the students do the works.
I. New words:
- pomegranate (n)
II. Practice. 
1. Work with a partner. Mrs. Quyen is talking to Lan about their preparations for Tet. Put their sentences in the correct order. Start like this:
A. Have you tided the bed room?
F. Yes. I have. Where are you going ,mom?
C. To the market. I have to buy some oranges and some pomegranates.
H. Could you collect my new ao dai at the tailor round the corner?
D. Sure. I will.
J. Thanks. Mom. Is there anything you want me to do while you are out?
B. not really. But I want our house to look nice at the festival.
G. Mom. I know what to do now. I’ll clean all the glass windows.
E. That’s very good. Bye-bye, Sweetie.
I. Bye, Mom.
 (A – F – C – H – D – J – B – G – E – I )
2. Now make up your own dialogue. Talk about preparations for another festival. The lists below will help you.
Make a dialogue:
“ School festival”.
- S1: We are going to have a school festival next week. I’m going to to buy a table cloth.
- S2: We are going to clean the classes and the school yard.
- S3: We are going to decorate our classes and school.
- S4: We are going to buy ....
- S5: ........... 
*Home works.
-Do exercise in workbook.
-Prepare for the next lesson.
	Ngày tháng năm 2013
 Duyệt của TCM

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