Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 - Period: 21 - Unit 4: Our - Past. Lesson 2 speak

Compare the differences about life: now – past

- People used to live in small houses. Now people live in big houses and big buildings.

-People used to walk to everywhere. Now they can go by cars, motorbikes, .

-People used to work hard all the time. Now they have a lot of time for entertainment.

-Children used to stay at home. Now they go to school.


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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 8 - Period: 21 - Unit 4: Our - Past. Lesson 2 speak, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Preparing: 05/10/2012
Teaching: 10/10/2012
Period: 21
Unit 4: our past.
Lesson 2: speak 
-At the end of the lesson students can:
 +Talk about difference between life in the past and present.
Use “ used to” 
Teaching aids.
 - Lesson plan, Students’ book ; workbook…
Teaching procedure.
Organization. (1’)
Greetings and checking attendance:
-What is the weather like?
-Who is absence today?
Checking the old lesson.(4’)
-Call students to read the conversation.
-Introduce the topic of the lesson to the students.
New lesson.(35’)
-T says about Nga’s life now , and students transform them to Nga’s grandmother’s life in the past.
-Let the students talk about life in the past and now.
-Look at the pictures and describe what they see.
While- speaking. 
- Students look at the picture ( P. 40).
-Work in group: compare the differences life between now and the past.
-Let the students practice speaking what they used to do in the past.
-Do using the model:
-Call some students to speak aloud.
-Talk about the differences between past and now.
-List the activities.
Review the usage of (use to+ V)
-Students give some examples.
Homework ( 1’)
Guide the students do these works:
Attendance: 8……….
*. Transformation:
- Teacher: Nga goes to school.
- Students: But her grandmother used to stay at home.
- Teacher: Nga lives in the city.
- Students: But her grand mother used to live on a farm.
I. Speak:
1. Work with a partner. Look at the pictures. Talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now.
*Compare the differences about life: now – past
- People used to live in small houses. Now people live in big houses and big buildings.
-People used to walk to everywhere. Now they can go by cars, motorbikes, ....
-People used to work hard all the time. Now they have a lot of time for entertainment.
-Children used to stay at home. Now they go to school.
2. Now tell your partner about the things you used to do last year.
Last year, I used to get up late. Now I get up very early and do morning exercise.
*Home works.
+Do exercise in workbook.
+Prepare for the next lesson.

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  • doc8P21.doc