Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Chương trình cả năm - Năm học 2010-2011 - Nguyễn Thế Phương


bank : bệnh viện

station : ngân hàng

hospital : khach sạn

market : nhà ga

hotel : bu điện

post office : chợ

- Use pictures to set the scene.

- Do you know where it is?

a.State/National Bank of Vietnam (in Hanoi).

b. Saint Paul Hospital.

c. Hotel (in Hanoi)

d. the central post office (in Hanoi)

e. Hanoi raiway station

f. Dong Xuan Market in Hanoi.

- Have ever been to one of these places?

- Can you tell me some famous places in our province?

- If you don’t know how to get one of those places how you can you ask?

Now we will learn how to ask the way to get the places we want.

Grammar: Asking the way

Could you tell me/show me the way to.

/how to get ., please?

/the way to ., please?

Yes, of course/ alright.

- Go straight ahead

- Take the/ first street on the right/ left

/second street on the right/ left

- It’s opposite/ next to/ . between .and .

T-juction: ngã 3

Crossroad: ngã 4


Souvenir shop super market

raiway station

2. Listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue with a partner.

- Use pictures to set the situations.

- What does the tourist want?

He wants to ask Nga about the way to go somewhere.

- If you were Nga, would you be pleased to help him?

- Now you will listen to a conversation between Nga and the tourist.

- Ask them to repeat

- Give out the new structures: (Ask them to find out)

- Ask them to repeat the questions and answers.

- Ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs.

- Ask them to make examples.

- Give them a few places, then ask S to practice

Market, post office, bank, school, police station.

- Sum up the lesson

- Ask students to do exercises in the workbook.

Make again the dialogue .

Do exercises 1,2

- Prepare next lesson


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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang mẫu tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Chương trình cả năm - Năm học 2010-2011 - Nguyễn Thế Phương, để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
- It’s about 680 km
 - It’s takes about 18 hours
 - It’s about 1030 km
 - It’s about 1710 km
 - It’s takes about 36 hours
5. Look at this table of distances in km. Ask and answer questions with a partner.
S1: How far is it from HaNoi to Vinh?
S2: It’s about 319 km
S1: How far is it from HaNoi to Hue?
S3: It’s about 688 km
S1: How far is it from Hue to Vinh?
S4: It’s about 369 km.
 at the Vietnamese map and read aloud the name of the cities.
- Ask them to look at the table.
- Now you will practice asking and answering about the distance between Hanoi and other cities in the map.
- Check their practice.
- Give them a help if they need.
- Teacher can ask them some questions.
- Ask them to practice using that structure (using places more practically).
- Check their practice
- Correct.
- Review the structures of asking the way and distance.
- Do exercise in book.
- Prepare next lesson
T- Whole class
T- Students
Pair work
Individual work
Group work
Date: 05/12/2010
unit 8	 places
Period 48: B. At the post office (B1,2)
	By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask for information at the post office and practice inquiring about prices.
send, envolope, altogether, cost,change, mail, pay, receive.
2, Structures: 	 
How much does/ do it/ altogether?
- It costs/ they cost+ numbers dong/ USD. How much is / are + N?
- It/ they + is/ are + numbers dong/ USD.
 - disc, CD player, pictures. 
 Steps / Activities
 Work arragement
Warm up
- Look at the picture and answer the question
Where is it?
How far is it from your house to school?
1. Listen and read. Then practice with a partner.
- Use picture to set the scene
- Who are they? - They are Liz, Clerk and a boy
- Where are they? - They are at the post office
- What does Liz want? - She wants to buy stamp and envelopes
- Send this letter: gửi thư
- Need (v): cần
- How much: bao nhiêu
- Envelope: phong bì thư
- Altogether: tất cả.
- I’ll take them: tôi sẽ mua, lấy nó
- Change: tiền thối, lẻ
Grammar :
 How much is / are + N?
	How much do / does + S + cost?
	It/ they + is/ are + numbers dong/ USD
 S + would like + to-infinitive/ noun.
Complete these sentences:
a. How much/ that book?
b. It/ 10.000 dong
c. How much/ those pens?
d. They/ 15.000 dong.
e. How much/ it/ cost?
f. It/ cost/ 5.500 dong.
a. How much is that book?
b. It is 10.000 dong
c. How much are those pens?
d. They are 15.000 dong.
e. How much does it cost?
f. It costs 5.500 dong
- Now practice the dialogue again then answer the questions in book.
- Practice in pairs
- Give the answer key:
a. she will mail it to the USA
b. she pays 11.500 altogether.
c. she receives 3.500 dong change.
S1: Where will Liz mail her letter?
S2: She send her letter to the USA.
Now ask and answer about you.
- Observe them and give them help if they need.
- Let them practice freely.
S1: Where is your nearest post office?
S2: It’s on a street. 
S1: How do you get there from your house?
S2: I get there by bike.
- Repeat the form:
How much + tobe + S 
S + tobe + ..
How much + does/ do + S + cost?
S + cost(s) + 
S + would like to + ..
- Learn by heart the new forms and new words.
- Make similar dialogue at home.
- Do exercise in book. Ask S to do homework at home
- Prepare for the next lesson
T- Whole class
T- Students
Individual work
Pair work
Pair work
Group work
Date: 05/12/2010
unit 8	 places
Period 49: B. At the post office (B3,4,5)
	By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the price of some things and practice listening for comprehension.
II. Language contents.
	1, Vocabulary: Review the words that are used at the post office.
	2, Structures: I’d like...........
 How much is a letter to America?
 It’s 9,500 dong.
 - disc, CD player, pictures. 
 Steps / Activities
 Work arragement
Warm up
Pre listening
While listening
Post listening
Things at the post office
phone card
writing pad
B3. Complete the dialogue. Then make similar ones with a partner.
 * Ask and answer the price.
 + How much is / are  ?
-? Ss read the dialogue themseves.
- Get Ss to compare their answers with each other.
- Ask two pairs of Ss to read the dialogue in front of class.
- Teacher corrects mistakes if necessary.
Set the sence: Mrs Robinson goes to the stationary store to buy something. How much does she spend altogether ?
- Ask Ss look at the pictures and read the name of them. There are the thing that Robinson is going to buy.
 ( stamp, envelope, writing pad, phone card, pen )
- Have Ss listen to the tape twice.
- Ss compare with each other.
- Have Ss listen to the tape the third time to decide their answer.
- T write the answers on the board.
1. a packet of envelope= 2,000đ 2. a pen = 1,500 đ
3. a writing pad = 3,000đ 4. five stamps = 2,500đ 
5. a phone card = 50,000 đ
Total cost is 59,000đ , so she will get 1,000đ change from 60,000đ.
B5. Answer the fllowing questions
 * The open practice about the price.
- Ask 2 Ss to read the questions in the text book and Ss answer.
-Let Ss practice in pairs.
- Ask some pairs of Ss to ask and answer their exercises notebook at home.
a. How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet Nam?
b. How much is letter to American?
c. What does the post office sell apart from stamps?
d. Do you write to anyone overseas ? Who ?
* Vocabulary about the post office.
* Ask and answer the price.
 How much is your new hat?
 It is 20.000 dong.
 How much are the black shoes?
 They are 90.000 dong.
- Ask Ss do exercises in the workbook.
T- whole class
Whole class
Pair work
Pair work
T – whole class
Individual work
Date: 05/12/2010
Period 50-51: Consolidation
I/ Objectives.
By the end of the lesson, the students will review all the main words, structures and grammar that the students learnt from unit one to unit one.
II/ Language contents.
	1, Vocabulary:
	2, Structures: 
III/ Teaching aids.
Make a plan.
Prepare a book and some exercises.
IV/ content.
A . Vocabulary
- Review all vocabularies from Unit 1 to 8
- Review topics talk about: school, personal information, work and play, at home, places.
B, Grammar.
1. Comparision of adjectives.
	S + be + adj-er + than + S
 more- adj
	eg: She is taller than her brother
2. The simple present tense.
3. The future simple tense:
	S + will + V
 will not = won’t
4. Ordinal numbers and cadinal numbers
5. Exclamation 
	What + ( a / an ) + adj + N !
 	How + adj + S + be !
6. Preposition of time: in, on, at
7. Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, never
8. Suggestions
	Let’s + V 
 	How about + V-ing ?
	What about + V-ing ?
	Would you like + N / to-V .. ?
9. Asking about distances
How far is it from .....?
10. Asking about price
How much is / are + S ?
 does / do + S + cost ?
11. Article : a, an, the
12. Few, fewer, little, less, much, many, more
C. Exercises
1. Complete the passage.( Use the correct form of the verbs in the brackets )
My father is a woker. He. . . . ( work ) in a factory in Ha noi. Everyday he. . . ( go) to work at 6.00 and . . . .( come ) back home at 5.00. He . . . . ( not stay ) at home on weekday. He . . . . ( love ) his job very much.
2. Underline the best answers.
a. There is ( an, a, some, any ) orange on the table.
b. Hoa works ( more, much, many, some) hours than Mai.
c. Ba is the ( most, more ) interlligent in my class.
d. They ( are, is, will ) stay at home tomorrow.
e. My sister studies ( few, fewer ) hours than you.
3. Answer the fllowing questions about yourshelf.
a. What is your favorute subject?
b. What subjects do you have today?
c. What do you often do after school ?
d. How do you often go to shool?
e. How far is it from your house to school?
4. Fill in the blank with one correct word.
a. ...... is that ? It is an esaser.
b. How...... is this table? 2 meters
c. How ..... milk does he drink everyday?
d. He..... a glass of milk every morning?
e. What..... do you get up ? 
5. Write correct tense of verbs in parentheses.
She needs (send) this letter to America.
The students in class 7a(learn) English now.
The doctor (take) care of sick people.
My mother usually (go) to work by motorbike.
We (visit) our grandmother this summer vacation.
6. Make questions for underlined words.
She plays badminton twice a week.
Tourists visit the citadel in Hue.
They will buy new shoes next Sunday.
It takes me two hours to do my homework.
Our classes start at 7 o’clock.
7. Make questions with the words given.
The farmers work very hard.
Vietnamese students work 25 hours a week.
She isn’t definitely because she works about 45 hours a week.
They always go to Ha Long Bay on vacation
8. Write correct adjectives in the blanks.
Hoa is (thin) than Mai.
Who is the (tall) person in your family?
My father has (little) days of than my mother.
Easter and Christmas are the (important) vacations of American students.
She is a (good) student in my class.
9. Rewrite the following sentences:
No one in our class is taller than Nam.
How interesting movie is!
What is your address?
What is your date of birth?
It’s one fifteen.
10. Put one correct word into the blank to complete the following sentences.
- I live with my family..........34 Ly Thuong Kiet Street.
I’d like to.........this letter to USA.
...........terrible weather! supermarket.
11. Read carefully, and then answer te questions.
Mr. Tuan and his wife, Mrs Hoa, live in Ha Tay. They both work in Ha noi.Mrs Hoa works in a hotel and Mr Tuan drives a taxi. They both enjoytheir jobs, because they meet a lot of different people. They live in a nice house, but they want to move.We like our jobs.Mrs Hoa says, but we have to travel in Ha noi every day. It takes a long time and it cost a lot of money. Mrs Hoa wants to buy a house in Ha Noi, but houses cost a lot too.
Where do Mr Tuan and Mrs Hoa live?
Where Does Mrs Hoa work?
What does Mr Tuan do?
Why do they enjoy their jobs?
Why do they want to move to Hanoi?
12. Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences:
My parents now. ( in, with, at, on )
...........are there in your room?( which, what, who, how )
Hoa has...........of friends in Hue.( many, any, lots, some )
Hw is your new house different .......your old house? ( with, about, to, from )
His uncle works.......his farm. ( at, on, in, from )
Which of these two houses are.......( cheap, cheaper, cheapest, the cheapest).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Period 52-53: Consolidation
I. Circle the correct answer. 
1. I need ..some stamps.
 A. buy B. to buy C. buying 
2. Ba is  than his brother.
 A. taller 	 B. more tall 	 C. tallest
3.Who is ..teacher in your school?
 A. younger	B. the youngest	 C. more young
4. There is..milk in the refrigerator.
 A. a few	B. a little	 C. fewer
5. My father repairs machines in a factory. He is a
 A. mechanic	B. doctor	 C. pilot
6. How cost ? It costs 2.000 dong.
 A. is B. do C. does
7. He workshours than his wife.
 A. much	B. fewer	 C. less
8. I don’t like beer. .do I.
 A. Neither	B. So	 C. either
II. Make questions. 
 1. The souvenir shop is in front of the bookstore .
 2. It’s five kilometers from my house to school .
 How far..?
 3. She is reading a story . 
 4. There are twenty students in my class.
	How many .....................................................................? 
III. Put the verbs in the correct form. 
1. I’d like (buy) some stamps for overseas mail.
2. It often (take ) .me 20 minutes to go to school.
3. Where .they ( spend)...their summer vacation next year ?
4. We (not rehearse)....a play at the moment.
5. She likes (listen)to music in the evening. 
IV. Put each suitable preposition in each blank. 
 1. Mrs Green is cooking dinner . the kichenthe moment.
 2. We often go to school. bike
 3. How far is it ..your house school?
V. Correct mistakes. 
Ex: Hoa playing the piano at the moment. A đ is playing
 A B C
1. I want buy some meat for dinner. .................................................
 A B C
2. How many is it to send a letter to America? .................................................
 A B C
3. My father has less days off than my mother. .................................................
 A B C
4. What time do he arrive in Ha noi capital? .................................................
	 A	 B	 C	
VI. Matching
1. Where are you going tomorrow?
a. I want two kilos
2. Does he travel by bus?
b. That’s a good idea !
3. How much beef do you want?
c. He often gets up at 5 a.m
4. What time does your father get up?
d. No, he doesn’t
5. Why don’t we go swimming?
e. I’m going to HCM city.
1+.............. 2+................. 3+................. 4+............. 5+.............
i. đáp án 
I. Circle the correct answer. 
1. B 	2. A 	3. B	4. B	
5. A 	6. C 	 	7. B	8. A
II. Make questions. 
1. Where is the souvenir shop ?
2. How far is it from your house to school?
	3. What is she reading ?
	4. How many students are there in your class?
III. Put the verbs in the correct form. 
	1. to buy 	 	2. takes 	3. are they going to spend	4. are not rehearsing	5. listening	
IV. Put each suitable preposition in each blank. 
1. in/ at 	2. by 	3. from / to	
V. Correct mistakes. 
1. A đ to buy	2. A đ much	3. B đ fewer 	4. A đ does
VI. Matching: 1. e 	2. d 	3. a 	4. c 	5. b
Date: 01/01/2011
unit 9	 At home and away
Period 55: A . A holiday in Nha Trang (A1)
— & –
	By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the past
II. Language contents.
	-Vocabulary: aquarium, temple, gift, tired
	 - Structure : Past simple tense
book, pictures, tape, catsette, extra board
 Steps / Activities
 Work arragement
Beautiful places
Sam Son
Hạ Long
Nha Trang
Da Lat
Pre teach
While teach
Post teach
- Give Ss some questions:
 + Do you like traveling ?
 + Where do you often go on your summer vacation ?
- Teacher introduces the picture in the book and ask Ss :
 + Which place is in the picture ?
 Who visited in Nha trang?
 What was it like?
- Set the scene: Liz is talking to Ba about her vacation in Nha Trang.
Vocabulary Check : Matching
An aquarium be took
A gift have went
Be - Was/ were take bought
Have - had go was/were
Take - took buy had
Go- went return visited
Buy - bought visit returned
Return - returned
Visit - visited
True or False predictions
- Get Ss to give their predictions about what they are going to learn.
1. Liz is talking to Ba about her vacation in Hue
2. She had a lot of fun
3. Her parents took her to see Cham temple and Tri Nguyen Aquarium
4. She didn’t buy any souvenirs
5. She was tired after their trip
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions
 1 – F 2 – T 3 – T 4 – F 5 – F
- Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs
- Check Ss’pronunciation and intonation
- Explain about past simple tense:
 S + V-ed / V2
 People were very friendly
 Did you buy any souvenirs in Nha Trang ?
Chú ý một số động từ : buy- bought, take-took, go-went, have-had
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the situation again.
- Teacher asks: What did Liz think about Nha Trang?
1. Liz bought souvenirs.
2. Liz visited Tri Nguyen aquarium.
3. Liz returned to Ha noi.
4. Liz went to Nha Trang.
5. Liz talked to Ba about her vacation.
- Teacher gives the correct answers: 4 – 2 - 1 – 3 – 5
The people expensive
The food friendly
The things beautyful
The vacation delicious
Nha Trang Wonderful
Word cue drill
S1: How was the vacation?
S2 : It was wonderful.
- Ask Ss to learn the verbs in the past by heart.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
T- whole class
Whole class
Pair work
Pair work
T – whole class
Individual work
Date: 01/01/2011
unit 9	 At home and away
Period 56: A . A holiday in Nha Trang (A2-3)
— & –
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the past tense and read comprehension.
II. Language contents.
-Vocabulary: shark, dolphin, turtle, type, colorful, exit, cap, poster, crab
	- Structure : Past simple tense
book, pictures, tape, catsette, extra board
 Steps / Activities
 Work arragement
Pre reading
While Reading
Post Reading 
Pelmanism- Write the verbs on five cards and their past form on other five cards, then ask Ss to match:
- Teacher introduces the situation.
 Shark ( picture ) : cá mập
 Dolphin ( picture ) : cá heo
 turtle ( picture ) : con rùa
 a cap ( relia ) : cái mũ lưỡi trai
 Exit ( drawing ) : lối ra >< entrance
 a crab ( picture ) : con cua
 Poster ( relia ) : trang khổ lớn, áp phích
 Type = kind ( symnonym ) : loài, loại
- eat ------- ate - wear----- wore
- see ------ saw - think ---- thought.
Check : Rub out and remember 
T/ F Predictions
1. The Robinsons went to Tri Nguyen aquarium.
2. They saw many types of fish.
3. Liz bought a little turtle.
4. They had lunch at a foodstall.
5. Liz ate fish and card.
- Get Ss to listen to the tape, then find new words
- Ss read the text silently and check their predictions.
- Compare their predictions with each others.
- Teacher corrects 1-T 2- T 3 -F 4 -T 5 -F.
* Past simple tense:
 (+) S + V-ed / V2 + 
Eg: live – lived; study – studied; stop - stopped
 (-) S + didn’t + V-inf 
 (?) (Wh) + did + S + V-inf ?
Eg: What did you do last night ? 
 I watched T.V
-> diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ với yesterday, ago, last
- Get Ss to ask and answer the questions on p88
a. Liz’s parents did
b. They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish
c. They bought a cap and a poster
d. Yes. Liz wore the cap all day
e. Yes, They ate fish and crab
f. Because she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquariun.
Ss look at the pictures then tell the story of the Robinsons' trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
Begin with:
 a. The Robinsons family went to the aquarium.
 b. They saw a lot of types of fish.
Listen. Write. . . (A3)
 - Teacher explanes the new words:
 Unfortunately : thật không may mắn
 Peaceful : yên bình
 Roadside restaurant : nhà hàng ven đường
 Penuts : đậu phộng, lạc .
- Ss listen to the tape twice and check their predictions.
- Compare the answers with each others.
- Ss work in pairs . Ask and answer about the Robinsons trip back to Ha noi.
 Suggested questions:
- How did they travel back to Ha noi?
- What did they see on the way back?
- Ask Ss to do exercises in work book at home.
T- whole class
Whole class
Pair work
Pair work
T – whole class
Pair work
Date: 01/01/2011
unit 9	 At home and away
Period 57: A . A holiday in Nha Trang (A4-5)
— & –
By the end of he lesson, the students will be able to use the past simple tense with verbs talk, rent, move..........through the reading comprehension.

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