Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Tuần 5 - Năm học 2020-2021

Week :5

Period :14

 Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?

 Lesson 1 (4 - 6)

A. Aim:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to further practice:

 + use the words and phrases related to the topics past holidays.

 + ask and answer questions about past holidays.

* Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

* Language focus:

- Sentence Patterns: - Where did you go on holiday?

 + I went to .

- Vocabulary: (riview)

* Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cards, cassette, computer (overhead)

B. Procedure:

I. Warm up: 5ms


 Where were you on holiday? – I was .

 Where did you go? – I went to .

 What was the trip like? – It was .

II. New lesson:


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	 Tuesday, October 20th, 2020
Week: 5
Period :13
 Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?
 Lesson 1 (1 - 3)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 
	+ use the words and phrases related to the topics past holidays and means of transport
	+ ask and answer questions about past holidays.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - Where did you go on holiday? 
 + I went to ..
- Vocabulary: bay, island, ancient, imperial city
* Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cards, cassette, computer (overhead)
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up: 5ms
	Network	Phong Nha
Famous places
 Ha Long bay	
	Trang An
	Ha Noi
- Get sts retell what he does every morning	
- Give feedback
II. New lesson:
1. Look, listen and repeat:10ms
• Whole class: Have pupils look at the dialogue on the screen
- Ask pupils the names of the characters and what they are doing 
-Tell them that they are going to hear Mai and Peter talking on the phone
- Explain the meaning of the language practised. 
- Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books. 
- Play the recording again for pupils to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles. Repeat the step a few times. 
- Some Ss role play and the others comment.
- Ask Ss to role play
- Ask Ss to role play before the class.
2. Point and say: 10ms
- introduce the new words: 
 imperial city 
- Play the CD twice for sts listen and repeat
- Explain the pattern:
	Where did you go on holiday?
	I went to	
- Run throughthe key words/ phrases
- Point at each picture and ask the question base on the model 
- Have sts practice asking and answering in pairs 
- Monitor the activity and help sts if they need
- Invite some pairs to speak to check their performance
- Give feedback
3. Let’s talk: 8ms
- Tell class that they are going to practice further by asking and answering questions about their holiday.
- Get sts to work in pairs (or go around) to ask each other’s addresses in 5 mins
- remind them to use the questions and answers in their books
- Monitor and help sts
- Call some groups act out their work
- Give feedback
* Reinforcement: 2ms
- Have sts retell the content of the lesson.
- Do ex in workbook
 Tuesday, October 20th, 2020
Week :5
Period :14 
 Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?
 Lesson 1 (4 - 6)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to further practice: 
	+ use the words and phrases related to the topics past holidays.
	+ ask and answer questions about past holidays.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - Where did you go on holiday? 
 + I went to ..
- Vocabulary: (riview)
* Teaching aids:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cards, cassette, computer (overhead)
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up: 5ms
	Where were you on holiday? – I was ..
	Where did you go? – I went to ..
	What was the trip like? – It was ..
II. New lesson:
1. Listen and match:7ms
- Have sts to look at 4 characters and 4 places
- Elicit their name 
- Give instruction.
- Play the recording twice for pupils listen and match people with the places that they went to
- Ask sts to compare the answers with the partner.	
- Play the recording again for sts to check their answers. 
- Announce the answers.
- Ask some questions to ensure sts’ comprehension of the listening text.
*Key: 1.c 2.d	3. b	4.a
2. Read and match:10ms
- Tell sts that they are going to read questions and answers in two columns given 
- Give sts 3 mins to read them.
- Give sts time to do the task and go around and offer help if necessary
- Get sts to work in pairs.
- Get sts to swap and check their answers.
- Divide the class into two groups and get them to read aloud their answer
	* Key: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. e	5. b
- Call 5 pairs read aloud the questions and answers in pairs
3. Let’s play:8ms
- Explain how to play the “Find someone who” game
- Give sts piecse of paper with one of the names of the places in Activity 2. Then ask:
	Where did you go on holiday? To find out who went to Ha Long bay 
- Give sts 5 mins to play the game
III. Reinforcement:5ms
- Have sts retell who went to where?
- Give feedback
	 Wednesday, October 21st,2020
Week :5
Period :15 
 Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?
 Lesson 2 (1 - 3)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 
+ use the words related to means of transport
	+ ask and answer questions about means of transports.
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - How did you get there? 
 + I went by 
- Vocabulary: train, motorbike, underground
* Teaching aids:
	Computer + overhead
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up: 5ms
Play the “Bingo” game
II. New lesson:
1. Vocabulary: 2ms
2. Look, listen and repeat: 8ms
- Set the scene:
- Elicit the context of the picture
- Have sts look at the pictures and guess what the story is about
- Check comprehension by pointing at each picture to elicit their answers for:
	+ Who are they?
	+ Where are they?
	+ What are they doing?
- Play CD for sts listen and follow in their books
- Play again – sts repeat
- Some Ss role play and the others comment.
- Ask Ss to role play
- Ask Ss to role play before the class.
=> Elicit the model sentences:
	Nam: How did you get there?
	Linda: I went by.
3. Point and say: 10ms
- Have pupils look at pictures about means of transport. 
- Run through the words
- Use flashcards to teach the question and answer in the speech bubbles. Have sts repeat the words a few times. 
- Model (a)
	Nam: How did you get there?
	Mai: I went by train.
- Give instruction
- Point to each picture and how they get to somewhere
- Have sts to repeat the sentences a few times.
- Repeat the procedure with the second picture.
- Ask sts work in pairs.
- Call some pairs practice in front of the class.
- Check sts’ mistake when necessary.
- Make a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the language.
- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.
3. Let’s talk.8ms
- Have stst read aloud 2 questions given
- Tell the class that they are going to practice further by asking and answering questions about past holiday and means of transport
- Run through.
- Give instruction. 
- Model:
	Where did you go? – I wnet to Da Lat.
	How did you get there? – I went by train.
- Give sts 3 mins for sts practice (about themselves)
- Get sts to work in groups of three to interact.
- Call a few pairs to practise in front of the class.
- Check ss’ pronunciation.
III. Reinforcement : 2ms
- Ask sts to retell where and how they went on holidays
 Friday, October 23rd , 2020
Week ;5
Period ;16 Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday?
 Lesson 2 (4 - 6)
A. Aim:
- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to practice: 
	+ asking and answer questions about means of transport
* Skills: 
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
* Language focus:
- Sentence Patterns: - How did you get there? 
 + I wnet by .
* Teaching aids:
Pictures, poster, cassette (overhead, computer)
B. Procedure:
I. Warm up: 5ms
	Play “Slap the board” game
 	train, bike, underground, taxi, coach, motorbike 
II. New lesson:
1. Listen and write one word in each blank : 8ms
- Have pupils read the sentences given
- Elicit sts guess what means of transport for each blank
- Get sts say aloud
- Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to 4 dialogues and write one word for one blank
- Play the recording twice for pupils listen and write
- Compare the answers with the partners.	
- Play the recording again pupils check their answers. 
- T gets the answer:
- Have pupils act out the dialogues in pairs or groups for correction.
- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text.
Answer: 	1- motorbike ; 	2 - train	; 3 – taxi; 4 - plane
2. Write about your last holidays: 12ms
- Have pupils look at the questions given
- Ask pupils what they do this part
- Tell them that they are going to write the answer base on the questions about holiday
- Call on a pupil to write on the board and other pupils write in the notebooks in individuals.
- Have pupils discuss their answers in pairs for correction.
- Have pupils comment the answer on the board.
- Call some pupils read aloud their work in front of the class.
- Have the class chorally read each line.
	* Suggested answer:
	1. I went to Hue.
	2. I went by coach..
	3. I visited Hue citedal.
	4. Yes, I did. 
3. Let’s sing: How did you get there? 8ms
- Show the song 
- Have sts look at the pictures and give some ideas 
- Read the lyrics.
- Check comprehension
- Play the recording the song all the way through.
- Have sts repeat each line of the lyrics a few times.
- Have sts sing along.
- Have sts practice singing and acting in groups 
- Call some groups sing aloud and do actions
III. Reinforcement:2ms
Practice asking and answering the writing task

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