Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Period 22 đến period 24


Lesson 4: Read

I. Objectives:

 - After the lesson, Ss are able to read the text about "The Lost Shoe" and complete exercises by listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

II. Language content:

 New language : Some information about "The Lost Shoe" .

Grammar: - The simple past.

 - Used to + V


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Date of preparation: 4/10/2014
Period : 22
Unit 4: OUR PAST
Lesson 2 : Speak 
I. Objectives:
 - After the lesson, Ss are able to talk the activites now and in the past by listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
II. Language content:
 New language : Some information about the activites now and in the past. 
Grammar: - The simple present. 
 - The simple past.
 - Used to + V
III. Teaching aids: 
 Pictures, extra board.
IV. Procedurces:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Present this activity. - Divide the class into 2 teams.
- Give feedback.
-Correct and then lead to the new lesson” Today, we will Listen to the tape to find out the moral lesson then practice speaking -talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now”
- Ask students to look at four titles and guess which is the most suitable to the story.
- Have students to listen to the tape twice and check their prediction
- Give feedback 
- Ask ss to Listen to the tape again and find out the verbs.
* Recall the conversation between Nga and her grandma, then ask : “Where did Nga’s grandma always live ?” 
- Ask : “Another word for always lived 
-“Where did Nga’s grandma use to live ? 
- Help ss to practise( using the cues in L.F4/45)
- Get students work in open pairs then closed pairs
- Elicit some ideas so that students can talk about them .
- Have Ss make the sentences.
- Give feedbak.
- Have Ss about yourself again.
- Give feedback.
- One by one go to the board to write the right words.
- Taknotes.
- Predict which is the most suitable to the story
- Listen to the tape and check their prediction.
- Listen to the tape again and find out the verbs.
- Answer. 
- Ask and answer.
“ Did....use to + V1 “ 
- Compare pictures on page 40, using “USED TO” to talk about the actions in the past.
- Answers
- Make and write
- Talk again.
1, Warm up Jumbled words 
Electricity - rieletcicty / Entertainment - menttaenterin 
Supermarket - permasuekt / Market – rkmaet
2. Pre- speaking
* Pre- teach vocabulary
- Small house # Tall building.
- Electricity
- Transports
- Hotel
- Restaurant
* Presentation : Form : S + USED TO + infinitive
S + didn’t use to + infinitive/Did + S + use to +V- infi?
Use : used to express a past habit, or an action usually happened in the past.
4. while- speaking:
* Practice : Word cue drill
 a, Live / Hue / Hanoi
Did you use to live in Hue?- No.I used to live in Hanoi.
 b, Have / long hair / short hairs
 - Did you use to have long hair ?
 - No. I used to have short hair.
 c, Get up / late / early
 - Did you used to get up early?
 d, Walk to school / bicycle
 - Did you use to walk to school ? No. I used to school by bicycle
 e, Study / evening / early morning. 
 - Did you use to study in the evening ? - No. I used to study in the early morning.
a, Where did they live in the past ? And now ?
- People used to live in small houses. Now they live in big houses and buildings.
b, How did they travel ?
People used to walk. Now, they can go by cars or motorbikes.
c, What’s about the electricity ?
- Now, there is electricity everywhere.
d, What’s about their life / work ?
- People used to work hard all the time. Now they have a lot of time for entertainment.
e, Did children use to go to school ?
 Most children used to stay at home.Now,they all go to sch. 
* Used to + V
Ex1:Last uear, I used to swim with my friends on the weekend.
5. Post-speaking:
 * Used to
5. Homework: 
- Copy the answer in your notebooks.
- Practice fluently at home.
- Prepare Unit 4 ( Listen )
V. Feedback:
Period : 23
Lesson 3: - Listen.
I. Objectives:
 - After the lesson, Ss are able to read the text and complete exercises by listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
II. Language content:
 New language : Some information in listen . 
Grammar: - The simple past.
 - Used to + V
III. Teaching aids: 
 Pictures, extra board, E- teacher.
IV. Procedurces:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- give instructions
- Present new words and the phrases on the board
- Guide Ss to read them in chorus
- Let Ss predict the moral lesson of the story
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction
- Hane Ss check their answers.
- Have Ss give the answers in front of class.
- Have Ss give their ideas.
- Give feedback.
- Have Ss answer some questions.
- Give feedback.
- Ask some questions
- Give feedback.
- play game 
- Listen and repeat 
- copy down
- read new words in chorus
- Guess the main ideas of the story
- Listen to the tape and check their prediction 
- Check.
- Give.
- Give.
- Answer
- Listen and answer the questions
1. Warm-up: ( Pelmanism ).
Run ran fly flew ride came rode eat ate sit sat come.
2. Pre - listening:
 - Foolish 
- Greedy
- Gold
- (to) lay – laid – laid
- Amazement.
Predict the moral lesson of the story
Don’t kill chickens
b. Don’t be foolish and greedy
 c. Be happy with what you have
It is difficult to find gold
While - listening:
Listen to the tape and check the prediction
* Wh- Questions
* Yes/ No -questions
4.Post - listening
Answer the question 
a. How did the farmer live?
b. What did he discover? 
c. What did he decide to do?
5. Homework: 
- Copy the answer in your notebooks.
- Practice fluently at home.
- Prepare Unit 4 ( Listen )
V. Feedback:
Period : 24
Lesson 4: Read
I. Objectives:
 - After the lesson, Ss are able to read the text about "The Lost Shoe" and complete exercises by listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
II. Language content:
 New language : Some information about "The Lost Shoe" . 
Grammar: - The simple past.
 - Used to + V
III. Teaching aids: 
 Pictures, extra board, E- teacher.
IV. Procedurces:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Have Ss talk some sentences in front of class with “used to”.
- Give feedback.
- Ask Ss some questions.
- Elicit.
- Give feed back.
-Introduce the lesson give new 
Words to Ss.
- Help Ss to read them.
- Correct their mistakes.
- Play the tape twice.
- Introduce part (1) and explain how to practice to Ss.
- Make model to Ss.
- Have Ss read in silence and complete.
- Have Ss give the answer in front of class.
- Give feedback.
- Introduce part (2) and explain how to answer to Ss.
- Make model to Ss.
- Have Ss work in pairs and answer.
- Have Ss give the answer in front of class.
- Give feedback.
- Have Ss ask and answer again.
- Have Ss answer (T/).
- Give feedback
- Play the tape again.
- Give feedback.
- Talk
- Guess and answer.
- Takenotes.
- Read.
- Listen.
- Takenotes.
- Takenotes.
- Work in pairs.
- Give.
- Takenotes.
- Takenotes.
- Work in pairs.
- Give.
- Ask and answer.
- Answer
- Play and read again.
1. Warm up	
 * used to
2, Pre- reading
* Pre- teach vocabulary
- (to die) ¹ (to)live (v) : 	 
 -Unfortunately (adv) = unluckily 
 - ( To) drop	 (v) :
 - upset(a) = sad ( a):	
- prince (n) :
 - Cruel (a) :
 - Festival (n) :
 * Read
 3. While- reading:
a. farmer
b. died
c. used/ again
d. mary / choose
e. new clothes
f. lost
*Comprehension questions
a - She was a poor farmer’s daughter.
b, - She made her do the chores all day.
 c- Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautiful clothes.
d- He decided to marry the girl who fitted the lost shoe.
e, Is it a true story ? How do you know ?-(Students answer themselve)
1. LittlePea’s father was a doctor
2. His new wife was very kind.
3. The prince wanted to mary Little Pea.
- A fairy made he new clothes.
4. Little Pea droped one of her shose and lost it when she ran to the festival 
4, Post- reading	 
 * Read
5. Homework
 - Copy the answer in your notebooks
	- Ask them practice with a partner.
	- Ask them prepare section "write" 
V/. Feedback:
Teacher’s signature.
Duyệt tuần 8: ngày
 NguyeãnThò Huyeàn Traân

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