Giáo án Tiếng anh 6 học kì 2

Week 25

Period 75 Date of pre: Feb 16TH

 Date of tea: Mar




 To help students recycle the language from the previous sections and link with the topic: Cities of the world.

- Revise and make the use of all the target knowledge in unit 9.


- Text book

- Board, chalk,.


1. Warmer

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance.

- Asking for the teaching date.

2. Revision

- Teacher checks students homework.

- Collect some Ss writing to mark.

3. New lesson


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fully for specific information.
- Ask Ss to read the table and decide what tense/sentence tructure to use for the writing and how the information is organized.
- Let Ss write a passage about Mark and Tim visit last summer.
A. Reading 
* Ex1+2 (individual)
Ex1: 1B 2A
1. Who’s faster
2. Putting your toes together
3. Who’s faster
4. Putting your toes together
B. Speaking: 
*Ex3. Ss work in groups interviewing their friends about their likes. 
Person 1
Person 2
1. What city/country would you like to visit?
2. What sports/games do you like playing?
3. What TV programme do you like best?
C. Listening: 
Have you ever...?
*Ex4. (individual)
KEY : 
1. competition 2. skiing
3. country 4. Canada
5. cartoon
*Ex5. (individual)
1. running race
2. Thailand
3. Wait and see
D. Writing:
Delhi, Madurai
Watch snake performance. Visit temples and historic building, eat kebas(thịt nướng)
No 18 - 25
Very hot
 Last summer, Tim and Mark visited India. The weather there is very hot. They visited Madurai and the capital of India, Delhi. They watched snake performance, visited temples and historic buildings. They also ate kebabs there. It’s very delicious. In India, they met and talked a lot of people. The Indian are very friendly. They love India.
Teacher sumarise and review unit 7, 8, 9.
Do the Test yourself 3.
Prepare for the written test.
Week 26
Period 78
 Date of pre: Feb 
 Date of tea: Mar
Written test 45’’
A. Aims
Nhằm kiểm tra kiến thức ngôn ngữ, các kỹ năng cơ bản, khả năng tiếp thu các bài học của học sinh.
Giúp phân loại học sinh. Từ đó giáo viên có biện pháp giảng dạy, giúp đỡ thích hợp.
B. Objectives
The content of the test
I. Listening. (2M):
Listen to a passage then write True (T) or False (F) for each sentence:
Hai plays chess every Saturday.
“Angry Birds” is Bill’s favourite game.
Alice likes doing sport very much.
Trung often goes swimming with his friends on hot days.
II. Phonetics 1 M
	Circle the letter preceding the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. ( 1 pts )
A. hear	B. near	C. fear	D. pear
A. gather	B. monthly	C. father	D. brother
A. favorite	B. slight	C. fine	D. high
A. cold	B. hold	C. close	D. cloth
III. Vocabulary and grammar.
	Circle the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. ( 1,5)
1. “________ a nice T-shirt, Hoa!” “ Thank you”.
 	A. How	B. What	C. Which	D. It
“ I’ve just received a present from my mother.”
 	A. Really	B. Thank you	C. Congratulations	D. Well
He can’t swim ________he is afraid of water.
 	A. because	B. but	C. and	D. so
At the weekend, we can play a________of badminton or join a football match.
 	A. sport	B. game	C. match	D. sporty
This is the________restaurant I have ever known.
 	A. worst	B. baddest	C. badder	D. worse
Many girls and women________ aerobics to keep fit.
 	A. play	 B. went	C. do 	 	D. go
IV. Reading:
	Use the given words in the box to complete the following passage. There is ONE word you don’t need to use (2 M)
different some watch sporty go 
 listening do play chatting 
	(1)_____________students in my school are very (2)_____________. They take part in (3)_____________activities after school. Some students usually (4)_____________football, table tennis or badminton. Others (5)_____________swimming or jogging in the park. Some students don't like sports. They often go home and (6)_____________television. Sometimes, they like (7)_____________to music or (8)_____________on the Internet.
V. Writing.
Write complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases. You can make all the necessary changes and additions. (2 pts)
you / ever / read / that / book / yet?
The USA / have / colour TV / 1953.
The Eiffel Tower / most / famous building / Paris.
Ngoc / never / be / to Ho Chi Minh City / before.
Week 27
Period 79
 Date of pre: Feb 
 Date of tea: Mar
Correcting the test
A. Aims
Nhằm đánh giá mức độ làm bài của học sinh.
Giúp học sinh nhận ra và sửa chữa những lỗi sai thường mắc phải để lần sau không lặp lại những lỗi sai đó nữa. 
Tìm ra những học sinh yế về các kỹ năng nào để từ đó giáo viên có biện pháp giúp đỡ thích hợp.
Giúp học sinh học tập những cách trình bày bài kiểm tra sạch sẽ, khoa học của bạn.
B. Procedure
Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
New lesson
 Nhận xét chung về bài kiểm tra: 
Trả bài kiểm tra cho học sinh.
Học sinh xem lại bài, trao đổi theo nhóm.
 Giáo viên đưa ra các lỗi sai tiêu biểu mà nhiều học sinh mắc phải:
+ Kỹ năng viết còn hạn chế.
+ Hạn chế về mặt ngữ âm.
+ Grammar mistakes: 
- Yếu về khả năng chia động từ, viết câu
+ Spelling: Thiếu dấu câu, đầu câu không viết hoa, khoảng cách giữa các từ trong câu quá liền nhau,...
Chữa bài kiểm tra: 
I. 2 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm)
(Teacher plays the disc: English 6, Unit 8 – Exercise 2 (P. 23)
1F	2T	3F	4T
II. 1 điểm (Mỗ câu đúng được 0,25 điểm)
1.D	2.B	 3.A	 4.D
III. 3 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm)
1B	2C	3A	4B	5A	6C
IV. 2 điểm (Mỗi từ đúng được 0,25 điểm)
1. some
2. sporty
3. different
4. play
5. go
6. watch
7. listening
8. chatting
V. 2 điểm (Mỗi câu đúng được 0,5 điểm)
Have you ever read that book yet?
The USA had colour TV in 1953.
The Eiffel Tower is the most famous building in Paris.
Ngoc has never been to Ho Chi Minh City before.
Chuẩn bị bài 10: Communication.
Week 27
Period 80
 Date of pre: Feb 
 Date of tea: Mar
Unit 10
Our houses in the future
getting started
I. Aims
This lesson will present the vocabulary and grammar items to be learned. Ss then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "Our houses in the future".
II. Objectives
- Vocab: types of houses and appliances.
- Grammar: “will” for the future, “might” for future possibility.
III. Materials
Text book 
Board, chalk,...
A cassette and an audio compact disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all the activities.
V. Procedure
Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
- Let Ss review unit 2.
- Write on the board “Our houses in the future”.
- T lets Ss say some thing about the houses they are living in and the future they have got.
- T tells them to think about the houses and the appliances they would like to have in the future.
- Discuss in group.
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Teacher sets the scene by asking Ss about the picture 
+ What is this?
+ What are Phong and Nick doing?
+ What can you see in the picture?
* Vocabulary checking : R.O.R
- Ss listen to the dialogue.
- Ss read the dialogue in silent.
- - Have some pairs of students read the dialogue in front of the class.
* T asks Ss read the table in part a.
- T gives 2 minutes to Ss read it and complete the table.
 (T asks Ss to share their answers before discussing in groups or the whole class.
T corrects and gives the right answers
* T tells Ss to read the conversation again and find the appropriation information to complete the sentences
- Ask them to share their answers in pairs or groups.
- Ss practise saying the answers together.
- Ask Ss to pay attention to the use of will and might .
* T asks Ss to read the words
- T explains new words if necessary.
- Ss read all new words.
- Have some Ss to read before in front of the class.
- T asks Ss to match the together.
- T corrects.
- T lets Ss ask and answer questions about the pictures.
* T asks Ss to write the adjectives that can be used to describe the pictures and share the answers in pairs.
- T can divide the class into groups and ask each group find the adjectives 
- T calls some Ss to write their answers on the board.
S1: Which house do you like best?
S2: I like the palace.
S1: Why?
S2: Because it is big.
- Have some pairs of Ss to practise.
* T asks Ss to read the phrases aloud.
- T lets Ss tick where they want their houses to be located and tell the group about them.
- Have some Ss to write the sentences on the board.
T divides the class into 4 groups
Each group tries to guess where their house is located.
- Eg:
A: Outside my window I can see the beach and the water. I see children playing. Where's my house?
B: It's by the sea.
A; Correct!
Getting Started.
1. Vocabulary: 
- UFO ( unidentified Flying object): võt. thể bay, đĩa bay)
- solar ['soulə] energy (n): năng lượng mặt trời.
- appliance [ə'plaiəns] (n): thiết bị, dụng cụ.
- wireless ['waiəlis](adj): vụ tuyến điện
- space ['speis] (n): khụng gian vũ trụ
a. Complete the table	
Type of house
in the mountains
many tall old trees
Number of rooms
Appliances in the room
a wireless TV
b. Read the conversation again. Complete the sentences.
1. Phong's house will be in the mountains.
2. His house will be surrounded by many old tall trees.
3. There will be twenty rooms in his house.
4. The house might have a wireless TV to watch TV programs from other planets.
2. Match the words with the pictures. Then ask your partner about them.
- space houseboat.
- motorhome
- skyscraper
1- c 2- a 3- e 4- b 5- d
3a. Work with a partner. What adjectives can you think of to describe the houses in 2?
- big, beautiful, big, tall, nice, large....
- T gives some adjectives if necessary.
Eg: big, beautiful, tall, nice, large....
- Ss ask and answer before the class
3b. Ask and answer 
S1: Which house do you like best?
S2: I like the palace.
S1: Why?
S2: Because it is big.
4. Read the phrases aloud. Tick the place where you want your future house to be located and write sentences.
5. Game: Outside my window
- Eg:
A: Outside my window I can see the beach and the water. I see children playing. Where's my house?
B: It's by the sea.
A: Correct!
Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: A closer look 1.
Practise reading the dialogue fluently. 
Learn by heart all new words.
Week 27
Period 81
 Date of pre: Feb 
 Date of tea: Mar
Unit 10
Our houses in the future
A closer look 1
I. Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to pronouce correctly the sounds /dr/ and /tr/ in isolation and in context; Use the lexical items related to the topic “Our house in the future”.
II. Objectives
- Vocab: Types of houses and appliances.
- Pronunciation: /dr, tr/.
III. Materials
Text book 
Board, chalk,...
A cassette and an audio compact disk.
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all the activities.
V. Procedure
Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
- T checks Ss’ homework.
- Ask if Ss have any questions or not.
- T - Ss
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)
- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.
* Checking vocab: R0R
- Play the recording, let SS listen to the words. Play it again with pause for them to repeat each word. Teacher corrects their pronunciation.
- Let SS work in paiors to put the words in the column.
- Ss work individually.
- Ask Ss to read the example first. Tell them to role-play the conversation using the information in 2
T notices the way to read the sounds.
- Play the recording twice. Ss listen and repeat the chants sentence by sentence. Help Ss recognize the two sounds then practise them together.
- Let Ss read the words in the table again, ask them to pay attention to the sounds /dr/ and /tr/.
I. Vocabulary 
1. Vocabulary
- automatic [,ɔ:tə'mổtik](adj) tự động
- dry (v) làm khụ, sấy khụ
- hi-tech (adj): Cụng nghệ cao
- look after (v): Chăm súc
- modern ['mɔdən](adj) : Hiện đại 
- Repeat in chorus and individually
- Copy all the words
2. Put the words in the right column
- Living room: wireless TV
- Bedroom: Wireless TV, hi-tech robot
- Kitchen: modern fridge, automatic dishwasher
- Bathroom: automatic washing machine
3. Matching
1c 2d 3b 4e 5a
4. Role play
II. Pronunciation 
/dr/ and /tr/ 
Practise sounding out the sounds /dr/ and /tr/ together.
5. Listen and write the words with the sound /dr/ and /tr/.
- Sound /dr/: drive, drop, drip, dripping
- Sound /tr/: countryside, travel, train, tractor
6. Practise the sounds /dr/ and /tr/.
Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10 : Closer look 2.
Do exercise A1, 2 (p.26), B1, 2 (P.27) workbook.
Week 28
Period 82
 Date of pre: Mar.. 
 Date of tea: Mar
Unit 10
Our houses in the future
A closer look 2
I. Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Use Will to talk about future action.
- Use might to talk about future possibility.
II. Objectives
- Grammar: The future simple.
III. Materials
Text book 
Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
There may not be enough time for all the activities.
V. Procedure
Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
Teacher checks Ss’ homework.
+ One student goes to the board to write new words and practise reading the two sound /dr/ and /tr/.
Get one student to read the dialogue (Listen and read) by heart.
Teacher check with students.
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Teacher explain how Will + V is used and how it is formed.
- Get Ss to study the grammar box. Teacher explains what students don’t understand.
- Let Ss work in pairs.
- Correct Ss’ mistakes.
- Call some Ss to say out their answers separately.
- Let Ss work individually. Teacher corrects their answers and may call on some Ss to say their answers for the class separately.
- Teacher give explainations if necessary.
- Divide Ss in to groups of 4.
- Teacher gets some advanced stidents to report to the class. 
- Teacher explain how Might + V is used and how it is formed.
- Get Ss to study the grammar box. Teacher explains what students don’t understand.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and read the poems, focusing on the rhythm and itonation. Ask Ss to read the poem individually and underline all the phrases “might + V”
- Ss share the answers with a partner.
- Have Ss study the example first. Then ask them to think about what they might do or have in the future. Finally, Ss share their ideas with their classmates. They may use the ideas in 2 and/or 4.
I. Grammar. 
Will for future.
* Grammar box (TB P.41)
We used will + V to talk about actions we think are likely to happen in the future.
II. Practice 
* Activity 1 
1. will 2. won’t 3. will 4. will
5. will 6. will 7.will 8.won’t
9.will 10. won’t
* Activity 2. Matching
* Activity 3. Group work 
Ss discuss the question: What will appliances do in the future? What won’t they do? Using the phrases in 2.
Ex: Robots will cook the meals.
 Robots won’t takr care of children.
Might for future possibility
- We use might + V to talk about actions that are possible in the future (We are not sure if they will happen or not).
* Activity 4. Make imperative sentences 
2T 4F 4F 
5T 6F
* Activity 5. Group work
Think about what you might do or have in the future. Share your ideas with your classmates.
I might have a smart phone to surf the Internet.
Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Communication.
Do exercise B3, 4, 5, 6, 7(p.27-28) (Workbook).
Week 28
Period 83
 Date of pre: Mar.. 
 Date of tea: Mar
Unit 10
Our houses in the future
I. Aims
Students can use “simple future tense” or “might” to talk about things or home in the future through communication activities.
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss can use “simple future tense” or “might” to talk about things or home in the future through communication activities.
III. Materials
Text book 
Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak Ss may find it difficult to express their idea.
V. Procedure
Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
+ What might We do in the future?
Write sts’ answers on the board quickly
Ask sts to give their discussion on these answers 
Ask them to read these answers aloud 
 Repeat the use of ‘ might/ will?
Sts take turn to answer the questions 
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Task 1
Ask sts to write the phrases on six pieces of paper
Ask them to try to remember these phrases
Ask them to play the game in two teams : One st from each team shows a piece of paper then sts from other team have to guess the phrase in that piece of paper . With one correct answer, the team will be added 1 point 
Task 2
a/ Ask sts to read the questions and answer them by ticking Yes/ No 
Ask them to share the answers with their partner
b/ Ask sts to work in pairs , using the questions in “a” to interview their partner 
Ask them to read the model example first
Ask them to work in pairs
Note them that they have to use “ will, might” in their conversation 
Ask sts to work in pairs aloud
Pay attention to their pronunciation
Play game
Ex 1/
go to school
have telephones at home
watch films in the cinema
take pictures with our cameras
go on holiday to the beach
send postcards to friends
Sts work individually
Ex 2/
b/ Work in pairs
You: Hi, Hung. Will you have a lot of trees and flowers around your house?
Hung: Yes, I will
You: Will your house be in the mountain?
Hung: No, I want my house by the sea
Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 10: Skills 1.
Do exercise C1, 2 (p.28-29) (Workbook).
Week 28
Period 84
 Date of pre: Mar.. 
 Date of tea: Mar
Unit 10
Our houses in the future
skills 1
I. Aims
	Reading for specific information about houses in the future and future appliance.
	Talking about houses in the future(types, locations, surroundings, rooms, appliances).
II. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
Read for specific information about houses in the future and future appliance.
Talk about houses in the future. 
Practise speaking and reading skills.
III. Materials
Text book 
Board, chalk,...
IV. Anticipated problems
Weak students may find it difficult to catch up with the whole class.
V. Procedure
Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date.
Teacher checks Ss’ home work.
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 Interaction between Ss & Ss
- T hangs another picture and asks Ss to look at the picture first.	
S: Read the text in silence and check the answers
T helps Ss master new words
One s tells the answer. 
- T asks Ss to read the text again
- T asks Ss to match the phrases in A	* Answers:
with the correct ones in B.
* T asks Ss to read the passage again in silence.	
T asks 1 ss question (a) to make example.	
- Ss work in pairs for 2 mins.
- Have some pairs of Ss to ask and answer in front of the class.	
- Others give remarks.	
- T gives out the correct answers.
- Ss copy down.
- T: Please draw your future house ( don’t show your partner) and then describe it.	Eg: My house will be 
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and follow the instructions.	large and comfortable.
+ Ss describe their house to their partner and the other will draw the house.
- T asks Ss to draw the appliances in their future bedroom.
- Let Ss discuss their work as given in the example.
- Have some pairs to talk in front of the class.
- T can help, guide the class to give their feedback.
- T has ss tell about things they will have and what will it be used to do.
1. Look at the picture 

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