Giáo án Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 1 to unit 9
Having a lot of new and strange things, Do you like living in the future life?
Today we will listen to Mr. Wilson who talks about people’ life.
II. Pre- listening: (8’)
Activity 1: Talking about the picture (Task a, p101)
-Tell Ss to look at the picture, then may answer the Qs.
- Call on Ss to give their answers and ask them to guess what it is
e expressions of action - Call on Ss to give their answers and check with the whole class Key: Do a good job Make a list Do a course Make the bed Make a mistake Make noise Make a decision Make lunch Make an offer Make a call phone Do homework Make an appointment Make money Do the shopping Make friends Do crossword puzzles Do something Introduce more common expression with Make and Do Make an effort / attempt / comparison / profit / contribution/ plan / prediction /promise / suggestion /sound /a good or bad impression Do research / an assignment/ one’s duty /one’s work /one’s best / sb a favor /business with/do harm / good / damage Activity 2 : Sentence completion (task b – page 76-77) -Tell Ss to read the sentences and then complete the second sentences with an expression with the word given in bold. -Remind Ss not to change the word and not to use more than 5 words. -Call on Ss to write their sentences on the board. - Invite class opinions and comments. - Go over the answers with the class. Key : done anything for 2.made a lot of mistakes 3. make a phone call 4.doing a course in French 5. makes a lot of money 6. made a decision to apply 7. done a good job GRAMMAR Activity 1 : (task b -page 78 ) -Tell Ss to read the sentences and answer the questions. -Call on Ss to give answers to the questions and check with the class. Key : 1. It give us extra information about Mr Clark. 2. The relative clause in b tells us which person is the Head of the Personal Department. 3.We use commas to separate a non-restrictive relative clause from the rest of the sentence. 4. In sentence b -Give short notes of the differences between restrictive and non – restrictive relative clauses. A restrictive relative clause is essential to the clear understanding of the preceding noun , that is ,to define or limit the noun. Example : The boy whose hair is curly is my cousin. ( which boy ? The one whose hair is curly ) A non- restrictive relative clause does not define the preceding noun . It gives more information about the noun . It is not essential in the sentence and can be omitted. The English language ,which is popular, is not very easy to learn. “The English language ” is definite , everyone knows what it is “which is very popular ” just adds more information. Non- restrictive relative clauses : . Are normally used only in the written language. . are separated by commas. . do not begin with that . cannot have their object relative pronouns omitted Activity 1 : Combining sentences using relative clauses (task b -page 78 ) -Ask Ss to read sentences -Tell Ss to use a relative clause to combine the sentences. -Remind Ss to add comma where needed -Call on Ss to write the sentences on the board and check with the whole class. Key : ( See Teacher’s Guide for answers -task b- p.104) III.. Homework (5’) -Tell Ss to review the grammar point by doing exercise a , b (page 54 , 55, 56) in exercise book. The whole class -Observe the example of teacher -Work individual - Compare with a partner - Answer -Work in pairs - Compare with other pairs - Answer -Work individual - Compare with a partner - Answer Observe and remember -Work individual - Compare with a partner - Answer Remark : _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 6 Theme : COMMUNITY Reading (90’) I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss get some how the economic reform have affected our country’s economy/ have better knowledge of vocabulary connected with the topic of economic reforms By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to read for specific details /gist or general information II. Teaching method: reading / scanning /skimming / speaking II. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster, handout IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I.Warm-up (5’) Game : Jumble words - Ask Ss to arrange jumble word to form a correct word economic oencimco " reforms sorrefm " -Lead into the new lesson : What is economic reforms ? Economic reforms are changes in economic policies. Unit 6 focuses on economic reforms and their effects on the country’s economy. Unit 6 Economic Reforms – Reading II. Before you read ( 20’) 1.talking about the pictures ( page 79 ) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and talk about them, disadvantages or advantages of these places Eg : At the market, we may get cheap and fresh things , but we don’t know where they come from and whether they are good quality.. - give some prompts to talk about : . prices . safety .quality . convenience .hygiene . . . . . . . -Call on Ss to talk about the pictures -Invite class opinions and comments. - Give feedback and comments 2. Teaching vocabulary Preteach some vocabulary through explanations and synonyms. 1.witness = be present at something and see it ( chöùng kieán) 2.profound = deep, very great (saâu saéc, lôùn lao ) 3.overcome = defeat ( vöôït qua) 4.brain drain ( chaûy maùu chaát xaùm) 5.drastically = strongly (maïnh meõ) 6.thresh ( ñaäp ,tuoát luùa) 7.tough = difficult ( khoù khaên ,khoác lieät) in sth = buy and sell (kinh doanh) III. While you read ( 35’) Activity 1.Guessing: Who are they ?( task a –p80) - Tell Ss to look the pictures and guess the jobs of the people in pictures. * What is she /he doing ? * What ‘s her/his job ? Call on Ss to ask and answer about the pictures Suggested answers businesswoman He ‘s watering plants. He’s a farmer. She’s in classroom. She’s a teacher. He’s working in a factory. He’s worker. - Introduce some words : Viet Nam War , AFTA, ASEAN Activity 2 - Choose the best title (task c p81 ) Ask Ss to read the text and choose the best title for the passage. -Call on Ss to give their answers and explanation for their choice. -Go over the answer with the class. Activity 3 : Comprehension questions ( task d p81-82) -Tell Ss to read the text and find the answers to questions -Call on pairs of Ss to ask and answers the questions -Go over the answers with the class. Expected : Doi Moi , an economic policy established in 1986 , has encouraged private enterprises. Brain drain happens when an intellectual or well-educated person moves from the government sector to a private forgein one. Hai is an example, but Linh isn’t as she runs her own business. His family can plant what they want and yield more. Yes, because they were assigned to positions after graduation, thanks to the centralized planning system. Tougher competition. IV. After you read ( 20’) Discussion -Tell Ss to talk about the changes in their province or neighborhood over the past years. - Provide Ss with some prompts to talk about. . Standard of living .road system, transport .education, training .health care .construction .entertainment -Choose Ss to present their groups’ opinions to the rest of class. - Invite class opinions and comments. - Give feedback and comments Suggested answers -People ‘s lives : higher income , better living conditions -road system : better and wider roads, more high ways -Transportation system : more vehicles, more public means of transportation, more traffic jams. -Construction : more concrete bridges buildings hospitals, markets, schools… V. Homework ( 5’) -Review the vocabulary at home -Prepare the Listening Look at the words Guess Give answer -Work in groups - Talk about the pictures Close the textbook Rub out and remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down -Work with a partner - Guess the answers - Perform in front of class The whole class Work individual Compare answer with a partner Work in pairs - practice asking / answering - Perform in front of class - Work in groups - Discuss ( Ask –Answer) - Give their opinions in front of class Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 6 Theme : COMMUNITY Listening (45’) I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to listen for specific information. By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to listen for the general message. By the end of the lesson, Ss learn more about the changes brought about by economic reforms. II. Teaching method: listening / scanning / skimming II. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster, CD , CD player IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I. Warm –up (3’) * Guessing word: EC- NO-IC R-F-R-S * Key: Economic Reforms -Write on the board : Unit 6 Economic Reforms – Listening II. Pre-listening (10’) Teaching vocabulary .National road (n) quốc lộ .Apartment building (n) căn hộ chung cư .slum (n) nhà ổ chuột .handicraft (n) nghề thủ công . garment (n) đồ may mặc .shopping mall (n) sieêu thị 1.Gap - filling( task a –p 82 ) -Tell Ss to read the sentences and choose a suitable word in the box to complete each sentence. - Call on Ss to read their completed sentences - Check the answers with the whole class. Suggested answers 1. changes apartment 3. National roads 4.a crowded 5. a slum 6.a shopping malls III. While –listening ( 18’) Activity 1 : Comprehension question( Task b -p 82-83) Ask ss to read through the questions quickly to have an idea what information they need for the answer . - Play the CD twice and tell Ss to listen and answer the questions. -Play the CD again and have Ss listen and check -Call on Ss to give their answers to the questions -Go over the answers with the class. Suggested answers 1.Yes 2. They are better with new bridges 3. Many new apartment buildings shopping malls 5. Garments and handicrafts IV. Post-listening (10’) Speaking ( task c – page 71) -Tell Ss to make a list of goods exported by Viet Nam. - Call on Ss to repot about their groups -Invite class opinions to give comments. - Give feedback and comments. V. Homework (5’) -Ask Ss to list as many as possible changes mentioned in the listening. -Tell Ss to prepare the Speaking - Look the poster Guess the words Give the answer Close the textbook Rub out and remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down Close the textbook Rub out and remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down Work individual Compare answers with a partner - Work in groups -Discuss -Answer - Perform the answer in front of Remark : _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 6 Theme : COMMUNITY Speaking (45’) I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to give comments on certain things By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to express themselves and share ideas II. Teaching method: speaking / making comments / sharing opinion II. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster , picture IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I. Warm –up (5’) .Show the pictures and ask ss to answer the questions .Set the scene Questions: - What does each picture tell you? - What changes can you see? - Give the answers Write on the board: Unit 6 Economic Reforms – Speaking II. Pre-speaking (10’) Introduce Useful Language Elicit and introduce some useful expressions commonly used to express comments and opinions. Useful expressions -Well, if you ask me….. -I (don’t) think that…. -The (good / bad) point is ….. -As I see it,…. -I’d like to point out that… -In my opinion,…./ In my view,… Listing changes or improvements (Task a, p83 ) -Ask Ss to make a list of the changes or improvements brought about by economic reforms Suggested : -Employment - production -Education - Export -Farming - Standard of living -Economy - Health care -Service III.While –speaking ( 18’) Activity 1 Making exchanges ( task b – p 83 ) - Act out the example with a student T : What has been changed in employment ? S : I think that more and better jobs are provided for local people. -Move around to monitor and give help . -Invite the class to give comments and opinions - Give feedback and comments Activity 2 : Talking about controversial issues - Tell Ss to discuss and give comments on some controversial issues in education * Entrance exam to university / Omission of entrance exam to university * Sex education in schools * Hi tech cell phones -Move around to give help if necessary. -Call on Ss to report about their group ideas. –Invite class opinions and comment -Give feedback and comments IV. Post-speaking (10’) Free practice -Tell Ss to report to the class on the result of your group discussion. -Call on Ss to read out their sentences and check with the class. –Invite class opinions and comment -Give feedback and comments V. Homework -Tell ss to review the expressions used to give comments. .Look at the pictures .Answer -Observe and remember Work in pairs Make a list Perform in front of class Work in pairs Practice asking / answering - Work in groups of four - Practice speaking - Perform speaking in front of class - Work in groups of four - Practice speaking - Perform speaking in front of class Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 6 Theme : COMMUNITY Writing (90’) I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to interpret information form graphs. By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to write a description of information in a graph. II. Teaching method: Writing / interpreting information form graphs. II. Teaching aids: textbooks, handout, poster, cards IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I.Warm up: -Show the graph and give question: -What is it ? -How to interpret information form graphs? In the writing section today , we’ll learn how to interpret information form graphs. -Write on the board : Unit 6 Writing information from a graph II.Pre-writing: -Introduce some new vocabulary to students without checking *Vocabulary: -a downward trend(np) -to reach a plateau(vp) -to level off(vp) Activity 1 : Matching (task a , p84) a/Match the phrases used in statistical writing to the corresponding information in the graph -Ask them to work in groups to match the phrases used in statistical writing to the corresponding information in the graph. Call on ss to give answer with the class. Go over the answer with class Keys: 1a 2h 3g 4e 5b 6d,j 7l 8d 9c 10f Activity 2 : Fill the missing words (task b, p 85) -Ask them to fill in the missing information (pair work) b/Look at the graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp and fill in the missing information: 1.In February, sales………to 100 million. 2.In the following two months, they………at 100 million. 3.In the next three months, they………60 million 4.The next two months saw………to 120 million. 5.This was followed by ………to 40 million in Octorber. 6.Sales………in December to finish the year at 120 million. Keys: 1.increased/ rose 2.remained constant/ reach a plateau 3.fell to 4.a steady rise 5.a dramatic/ sudden fall 6.rose/ increased (task c, p 85 ) -Ask students to talk about the sales of Viet Export Corp Students talk about the sales of Viet Export corporation -Show the graph and asks students to describe (the graphs of exercise c) III.While- writing: Activity 3 -Talk about the graphs (Task c, p85 ) Ask them to look at the graph showing the incomes of Viet Discovery Travel and answer the questions Questions and answers: 1.Was there an up ward or downward trend in the sales of Viet Discovery Travel? -There was an upward trend in the sales of Viet Discovery Travel 2.How about the sales in July? -It increased from 1,1 billions to 1,4 billions(rose teadily) 3.Did the sales remain changed from August to September? -No. It remained unchanged(reached a plateau) 4.In October,How did the sales fall? -It fell suddenly in October. 5.How was the increase in the sales in November? How many billions did it get? _The increase was dramatically. It got 2 millions Activity 3 :Writing a description ( task c - p85) -Asks them to work in pairs and then write a description of information in a graph on the blackboard Write a short paragraph to show the incomes of Viet Discovery Travel IV. Post writing: Peer Correction -Tell Ss to exchange their writing and answer the questions : 1.Does it say what the paragraph about ? 2.Does it include significant points of change ? 3.Does it include the overall trend ? -Give feedback and comments -asks them to ask and answer in pairs V.Homework: Write the paragraph again -Look the graph - Guess answer -Learn new vocabulary -Work in groups -Work in pairs -Work in pairs -Talk about the sales of Viet Export Corp -Talk about the graph -Answer the questions in groups of four -Work in pairs -Write a short paragraph -Take notes -Ask and answer Remark __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 6 Theme : COMMUNITY Language focus (45’) I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss learn some common noun suffixes. By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to use preposition after verbs By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to use preposition of time and place II. Teaching method: Language use, writing , speaking II. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster, picture IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I. WARM UP Jumbled Words - introduce the game orally - PRESSIMSION - TAESMENTBLISH - SIONCIDE - ERCHTEA Keys: impression establishment decision teacher - introduce the new lesson II. WORD STUDY A. Presentation Suffixes - Elicit sts to give remarks on formation of the nouns 1. Formation Noun = Verb- ment/ -ion/ -er - Elicit sts to speak out the verb forms of the nouns e.g provide (v) – provision (n) manage (v) – management (n) work (v) – worker (n) - Give instructions orally B. Practice Activity 1: Matching and Combining (task a –p86) -Tell Ss to match the suffixes in column A with their corresponding words in column B (p. 86) - Call on Ss to read their newly formed nouns and check with the class. -Check with Ss the meaning of these words Keys establishment b. decision c. importer d. improvement e. centralization f. dealer g. employment/ employer h. trader Activity 2 : Gap – filling ( task b, p.86 ) -Tell Ss to complete the sentences with the new words they have found in task 1 (p. 86) -Call on Ss to read their completed sentences - Correction Keys 1. establishment 2. decisions 3. Importer 4. dealer 5. centralization 6. improvement 7. employment 8. traders III. GRAMMAR A. Presentation - Elicit sts to comment positions of prepositions after verbs Prepositions after verbs 1. Examples a. Don’t worry about being unemployed! V + Prep. b. My youngest sister always asks me for help. c. They accused him of cheating at cards. V + Obj . + Prep. B. Practice Activity 1 :Matching verbs with prepositions (task a , p. 87) -Tell Ss to match each verb or verb + object with the suitable preposition -Check the answer with the whole class Keys - object to - complain about - concentrate on - insist on Activity 2 : Gap filling (task a , p. 87) -Tell Ss to put a combination of verb + (Obj) + prepositio
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