Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 4 - Unit 7: What do you like doing
Lesson 2 (4-5-6)
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge
- Vocabulary: Review
- Structures: Review
2. Skill: listening, reading, writing
3. Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to ask and answer questions about the activities someone like doing.
II. Preparation
1. Teacher’s: Pictures, recording
2. Students’: Book, notebook
III. Procedure
A. Class organization
- Greeting
- Checking for the students’ attendance
Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period: UNIT 7: WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING? Lesson 1 (1,2) Objectives Knowledge - Vocabulary: Revision some verbs of activities: reading, cooking, swimming,... - Structures: What do you like doing? – I like.. Skill: listening, speaking Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to ask and answer questions about what someone likes doing. Preparation Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book,pictures, cassette. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks. Procedure Class organization Greeting Checking for the students’ attendance Oral test No check New lesson Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities Warm up. - Have Ss play the game: Physical line – up. - Ask Ss to use these words to make the meaning sentences. - Check and decide the winner. - work in groups. - Ss to write the sentences on the board. Look, listen and repeat. -Tell pupils that they are going to learn to read a story in which the characters ask and answer questions about what someone likes doing - Have them look at the four pictures to discuss the content in which the language is used. Ask them questions such as Who is this? Where are they? And What does he/ she say? - Play the recording a few times for pupils to listen and repeat. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking - Play the recording again for them to listen and repeat. Listen and answer the questions Discuss and identify the character of the pictures. Listen and repeat Repeat in choral Point and say -Tell pupils that they are going to practice asking and answering questions about where someone is from, using What do you like doing? I like - Have them look at the pictures to understand how the language is used in different contexts. Point to the first picture and do the task with one pupil, using the expressions in the bubbles and the words under the picture. Ask them to say the phrase chorally and individually. - Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures. - Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Check as a class and correct pronunciation, if necessary. * Work in pairs. Imagine you are Mai and Peter . Tell your partners what do you like doing - Tell pupils that they are going to play the roles of the five characters and introduce themselves. - Invite two pupils as Hakim and Akiko to act out this dialogue: Mai: what do you like doing? Akiko; I like swimming. - Ask pupils to work in pairs. - Invite a few pairs to perform in front of the class Using new structure to answer question Do the task with teacher then work individually Repeat Work in pair to act out the dialogue Role play Do the task in front of class Work in pair Perform before class D. Reinforcement: - Repeat the way to ask and answer questions about what someone like doing E. Home link: - Prepare the next period. IV. Evaluation Teacher: Student: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period: UNIT 7: WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING Lesson 1 (3-4-5) I. Objectives 1. Knowledge - Vocabulary: review - Structure: review 2. Skill: listening, speaking 3. Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to ask and answer questions about what someone like doing II. Preparation 1. Teacher’s: Pictures, recording 2. Students’: Book, notebook III. Procedure A. Class organization - Greeting - Checking for the students’ attendance B. Oral test - During the lesson C. New lesson Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities Warm up. Greet the class and ask What day is it today? Answer 3. Listen and tick. - Have pupils look at the pictures to identify the similarities and differences. Check understanding - Play the recording a few times. Ask pupils to listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures - Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary Identify the similarities and differences among pictures. Listen and tick the correct pictures. Listen and check 4. Look and write. -Tell pupils that they are going to look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the names of activities - Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the pictures and find appropriate words to complete the phrases. If necessary, get them to work in pairs. Go around and offer help, if necessary - Get pupils to swap their answers before checking as a class. If there is enough time, call a few pupils to read aloud complete sentences. Key: 1. Playing football 2. Playing chess 3. reading 4. Collecting stamps Look at the table and complete the task Complete the phrases, work in pair. Check and correct 5. Let’s sing. - Tell pupils that they are going to sing the song I like doing things. Teach the song following the procedure in the Teaching the unit components in the Introduction - Read the song and check comprehension. Give the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Play the recording or sing the song all the way through. - Have choral and individual repetition of each line of the lyrics. When pupils are familiar with the tune, give a demonstration of the song and actions. - Get groups of pupils to sit face to face and practise singing - Call a group of six to the front of the class. The group sings the first two lines the rest of the class sings the last two lines. - Have the whole class sing the song to reinforce learning. Listen and notice the song Read the song, learn the new words Read the lyric individually. Practice the song with the recording. Sing in group of six Sing the song D. Reinforcement: - Recall the main content. E. Home link: learn by heart the structure they have learnt, practice the song. IV. Evaluation 1.Teacher: 2.Student: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period: UNIT 7:WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING Lesson 2 (1-2-3) I. Objectives 1. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Review - Structures: What’s your hobby? - I like 2. Skill: listening, speaking 3. Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to ask and answer questions about someone hobbies II. Preparation 1. Teacher’s: Pictures, recording 2. Students’: Book, notebook III. Procedure A. Class organization - Greeting - Checking for the students’ attendance B. Oral test - Ask some students about structure : What do you like doing? C. New lesson Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities Warm up. Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by calling some pupils to the front of the class to sing the song I like doing things before introducing the new lesson. Some students answer in front of the class 1. Look, listen and repeat. -Tell pupils that they are going to learn to read a story in which the characters ask and answer questions about the activities they like doing. - Have them look at the four pictures to discuss the content in which the language is used. Ask them questions such as Who is this? Where are they? - Play the recording a few times for pupils to listen and repeat. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking. - Play the recording again for them to listen and repeat. Listen and answer question Look and answer. Listen and repeat in choral and individually Listen and repeat 2. Point and say -Tell pupils that they are going to practice the question and answer : What’s your hobby? I like - Have them look at the table in their books. Ask them to identify the activities of each picture. Check comprehension. - Point to the table and get pupil to repeat the words in each row. Then do an example with a pupil: What’s your hobby? I like riding a bike. Then tell them to practice asking and answering in pairs, using the prompts in the bubbles and the information in the table. - Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class. Check as a class and correct pronunciation, if necessary. Listen and answer Identify the activities Repeat the words in each row of table. Practice in pairs Let’s talk. - Tell pupils that they are going to practice more with the questions What do you like doing?/ what your hobby? - Have pupils select the characters they would like to role- play and ask and answer the two questions in the Pupil’s book in pairs. - Expand the activity by asking pupils to use their facts. Listen Role play Answer D. Reinforcement: - Repeat the way to ask and answer questions about weekly activities. E. Home link - Practice the question What day is it today? / what do you on Monday?/ Tuesday?... IV. Evaluation 1.Teacher: 2.Student: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period: UNIT 7: WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING? Lesson 2 (4-5-6) I. Objectives 1. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Review - Structures: Review 2. Skill: listening, reading, writing 3. Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to ask and answer questions about the activities someone like doing. II. Preparation 1. Teacher’s: Pictures, recording 2. Students’: Book, notebook III. Procedure A. Class organization - Greeting - Checking for the students’ attendance B. Oral test - Ask some students about structure : What do you like doing? / what’s your hobby?... C. New lesson Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities Warm up. Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by having the class play Spelling Bee, using the days of the week. Then invite a pair of pupils to act out the exchanges in Lesson 2, Activity 2. Play game Listen and number -Tell pupils that they are going to listen to four dialogues about what the children like doing and number the pictures. - Have them look at the pictures and identify each activity. - Play the recording more than once, if necessary. Ask pupils to listen to the recording and number the pictures. Tell them that they should focus on the order of the dialogues as they hear them - Get pupils to swap their answers before checking as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary Listen Look and identify Listen and number the pictures Listen and check, correct 5. Look and write -Tell pupils that they are going to complete the dialogue, using the given information - Give them a few seconds to look at the picture and read the given question. Then check comprehension. - Set a time limit for pupils to do the task independently. Go around and offer help, if necessary. - Get pupils to swap their answers before checking as a class. Key: 1.riding a bike 2. Flying a kite 3. Taking photo 4. Playing badminton Read the given sentences Read and check understanding Do the task individually Check and correct 6. Let’s play. - Tell pupils that they are going to play the game of What’s your hobby? Follow the procedure in the Activities Bank in the Introduction. Put the nine words on the board and elicit the words - Call two teams of four to the board and start the game - Put the scores of the groups on the board. Listen the rule of game Divide into two teams Play game and find out the winner D. Reinforcement: - Repeat the way to ask and answer questions about weekly activities. E. Home link - Ask Ss to redo task 5 IV. Evaluation 1.Teacher: 2.Student: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period: UNIT 7: WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING? Lesson 3 (1-2-3) Objectives 1. Knowledge - Vocabulary and structures: Review - Phonics: fl, pl 2. Skill: listening, speaking 3. Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to pronounce the sounds of the letters fl, pl in the words flying,playing II. Preparation 1. Teacher’s: Pictures, recording 2. Students’: Book, notebook III. Procedure A. Class organization - Greeting - Checking for the students’ attendance B. Oral test: during the lesson C. New lesson Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities Warm up. Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by calling one or two pairs of pupils to act out the story in Lesson 2, Activity 1 Act out the story 1. Listen and repeat. -Tell pupils that they are going to practise saying the letters, words and sentences in the book. Put the phonics letters pl, fl on the board and say them a few times. Ask pupils to repeat after you. Prompt pupils to say the words and sentences, paying attention to the target phonics letters. Do choral repetition of the words and sentences until pupils feel confident. Look at the phonics letter on the board Repeat after teacher Do choral repetition 2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud. -Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording, circle the correct options and then read the sentences aloud. - Give pupils a few seconds to read the sentences in silence and guess the words to complete the sentences. - Have pupils listen to the recording and circle the correct options individually. - Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. Write the correct answers on the board for pupils to copy down into their notebooks. - Get pupils to read the sentences aloud Listen and circle the correct options Read in silence then guess words Listen and circle Listen and check Correct the answer 3. Let’s chant - Tell pupils that they are going to say the Flying a little kite? Chant. Teach the chant, following the procedure in the Teaching the unit components in the Introduction. Read each line of the chant and have pupils repeat it a few times. Show them how to say the chant and do the actions. - Get groups of pupils to sit face to face and practise chanting and doing the actions. Go around to offer help, if necessary. - Call two groups of six to the front of the class to chant and do the actions. The rest of the class claps along to the rhythm. Read each line of the chant Say the chant and do action Practice chant with partners Practice in groups D. Reinforcement: - Repeat the way to pronounce the phonic letters pl and fl E. Home link - Ask Ss to do homework in workbook . IV. Evaluation 1.Teacher: 2.Student: Date of preparing: Date of teaching: Period: UNIT 7: WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING? Lesson 3 (4-5-6) Objectives 1. Knowledge - Vocabulary and structures: Review 2. Skill: reading and writing 3. Attitude: By the end of the lesson, students will have been able to read and write about the activities someone like doing or someone hobby. II. Preparation 1. Teacher’s: Pictures, recording 2. Students’: Book, notebook III. Procedure A. Class organization - Greeting - Checking for the students’ attendance B. Oral test: during the lesson C. New lesson Teacher’s activities Time Student’s activities Warm up. Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by asking the class to say the chant Flying a little kite. Divide the class into two groups for the questions and the answers Say chant in two groups 4.Read and answer. -Tell pupils that they are going to read the letter of Mai and fill in four given blanks. Give a few seconds for pupils to read the text. Check comprehension and give feedback. - Get pupils time to do the task. Go around to offer help, if necessary. - Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. If there is enough time, let some pairs ask and answer the questions Key: 1. nine 2. Collecting stamps /taking photos 3. playing chess 4. penfriend Read and check their comprehension Do the task individually. Read again and check answer. Correct 5.Add your photo and write a reply email to Mai - Tell pupils that they are going to write a reply letter - Have them work in pairs to discuss what they are going to write. Check comprehension and give feedback. - Give pupils time to do the task. Go around to offer help, if necessary - Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. Write the correct answers on the board for pupils to copy down into their notebooks. Key: Pupils’ own answers Listen and prepare Work in pairs Do the task with partners Check and correct 6. Project - Tell pupils that they are going to collect things that they like and show them to their classmate - Write some sample things on the board and have pupils copy them down. Then give a real thing as an example. - Ask pupils to do the task. - Teach them how to report the results Key: Pupils’ own answers Listen Look at on the board and the real thing Do the task individually Report the results D. Reinforcement: - Repeat the way to write a reply letter E. Home link - Ask Ss to do homework in workbook . IV. Evaluation 1.Teacher: 2.Student:
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