Giáo án English grade 8 - Phu Tien Secondary school
LESSON 5 : WRITE(page 76)
I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, S will be able to write letters to their friends about their neighborhood.
1. Knowledge :
- Grammar : practice the present simple tense
- Vocabulary: revise
2. Skill :practice writing skills
3. Attitude : Ss have positive attitude towards the lesson
II. PREPARATION : textbook, cards.
/12/2013 REVISION I. OBJECTIVES. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to 1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: revise vocabulary from U1 to U8 - Grammar: revise and practice with main grammar they ‘ve learnt from U1 to U 8 2. Skills: practice writing and speaking skills 3. Attitude: have a positive attitude toward the lesson II. PREPARATIONS; Poster III. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: IV. PROCEDURE: I. Grammar 1. Present Simple tense.( Thì hieän taïi ñôn) - Use : Ta duøng thì naøy ñeå noùi ñeán mét söï vieäc naøo ñoù xaûy ra lieân tuïc, laëp ñi laëp laïi nhieàu laàn, hay mét ñieàu gì ñoù luoân luoân ñuùng. - Form: (+ ) S + V/Vs / es + . Ex -The earth goes around the sun. + (not ) adjective + enough ( for O) +to infinitive ( khoâng ) ñuû .. ñeå Ex: She isn’t old enough to be in my class 3. Near Future: Be going to ( thì töông lai gaàn ) - Form : S + is / am/ are + going to + Vinf - Use : Duøng khi noùi veà moät vieäc maø ai ñoù quyeát ñònh hay döï ñònh seõ laøm trong töông lai. Ex : There is a good film on TV tonight. I’m going to stay home to watch TV . - Note : “Be going to” coøn duøng ñeå döï ñoaùn moät tình huoáng coù theå xaûy ra 4. Adverb of place ( Traïng töø chæ nôi choán ): outside, inside, there, here, upstairs, 5. Reflexive pronouns.( Ñaïi töø phaûn thaân): myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves . - Dieãn taû haønh ñoäng trôû laïi vôùi chính ngöôøi thöïc hieän . + Noù coù theå laøm tuùc töø (Object ) Ex: Be careful. You’ll cut yourself. - Ñaïi töø phaûn thaân laøm maïnh nghóa cho chuû töø. Noù ñöùng ngay sau chuû töø, hoaëc ñöùng ôû cuoái meänh ñeà/ caâu. Ex: Mary herself cleaned the floor./ Mary cleaned the floor herself. 6. Modal verbs - Form: + S + modal verb + V + . Ex : I can sing very well. - S + modal verb + not + V + Ex : Hoa may not come to the party tomorrow. ? Modal verb + S + V + .? Ex : May I come in ? - Modal verb: must, ought to, have to, should, can, could, may * MUST: dieãn taû söï baét buoäc hay söï caàn thieát Ex: He must do this exercise again. Ex: We must drive on the right. * HAVE TO : dieãn taû söï baét buoäc Ex: Your eyes are weak. You have to wear glasses. * OUGHT TO + V(base form) (neân): dieãn taû lôøi khuyeân. Ex: We ought to obey our parents. * SHOULD: dieãn taû lôøi khuyeân Ex: You should help the needed children. * MAY / CAN / COULD : ñöôïc duøng ñeå dieãn taû lôøi yeâu caàu hay ñeà nghò - Yeâu caàu söï giuùp ñôõ: Can / Could + you + V + O / A, please? (Ex: Can you help me ,please.) - Ñeà nghò giuùp ai: May + I + V + O/A ?; Let + me + V + O/A. Do you need any help? Ex: May I help you? 7. Questions with “WHY”: Duøng ñeå hoûi veà nguyeân nhaân hay lyù do Why + do /does/ did? + S + V + O . . . ? Ex: Why do they cover the electric sockets? Ñeå traû lôøi cho caâu hoûi vôùi WHY ta coù theå duøng : - Meänh ñeà vôùi “because”. Ex: Why do you get up early? – Because I want to do exercise. - Cuïm ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu . Ex: Why do you do exercise? – To keep healthy. 8. Past Simple Tense (Thì quaù khöù ñôn) - Use : Dieãn taû haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaø keát thuùc taïi moät thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh ôû quaù khöù - Form: + S + V-ed(regular) / V2 ( column irregular) + Ex : - He arrived here yesterday. - S + didn’t + V + . - She didn’t go to school yesterday. ? Did + S + V + ? - Did you clean this table? - Note: Thì quaù khöù ñôn thöôøng ñöôïc duøng vôùi caùc cum töø chæ thôøi gian xaùc ñònh ôû quaù khöù : last week / month / year . . ., a week / 3 days / 5 months . . . , yesterday, yesterday morning / evening, In+ naêm, from 2000 to2005 - Caùch ñoïc caùc ñoâng töø ôû quaù khöù ñôn vôùi “ ED”: + “ ED”: ñöôïc ñoïc laø /t/ khi nhöõng ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu coù aâm taän cuøng laø Ex : laughed , asked , helped , watch , pushed , dressed , + “ ED”: ñöôcï ñoïc laø /id/ khi nhöõng ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu coù aâm taän cuøng laø t , d. Ex : needed , wanted , waited , .. + “ ED”: ñöôcï ñoïc laø /d/ khi nhöõng ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu coù aâm taän cuøng laø caùc aâm coøn laïi Ex : enjoyed , saved , filled ,. 9. Preposition of time ( Giôùi töø chæ thôøi gian ) : at, in ,on, from . . . to, by, before, after, between, - AT : + moät ñieåm thôøi gian cuï theå Ex : We have class at one o’clock. + night Ex : I sleep at night. - IN : + thaùng/naêm cuï theå Ex : I was born 1994 + the morning/afternoon / evening Ex : We have class in the morning. - ON: + ngaøy trong tuaàn Ex : We have class on Monday. + ngaøy thaùng naêm Ex: I was born on April 6, 2006 - FROM + moät ñieåm thôøi gian + TO + moät ñieåm thôøi gian Ex: We have class from 7.00 to 10.15 10. Used to + V(bare) : dieãn taû moät thoùi quen trong quaù khöù nay khoâng coøn Ex: He used to play tennis when he was young. 11. Adverb of Manner( Traïng töø chæ theå caùch ): thöôøng theo sau taân ngöõ, ña soá traïng töø chæ theå caùch ñöôïc caáu taïo töø tính töø theâm haäu toá “LY” : adjective + ly = adverb EX: soft + ly -> softly bad + ly -> badly careful + ly -> carefully Ex: This man drives carefully. * Note: Ex: good -> well Hard -> hard fast -> fast Ex: She sing well. 12. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech * Commands in reported speech: Caâu meänh leänh ôû lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp ( Don’t ) + V + O / A ® S + told. . . + O + ( not ) + to infinitive + O / A Ex: “Turn off the light before going top bed,” my mother said to me. ® My mother told me to turn of the light before going top bed. Ex: “Don’t play with matches,” the mother said. ® The mother warned her child not to play with matches. * Requests in reported speech: Caâu yeâu caàu ôû lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp Please + (don’t ) + V + O / A hoaëc ( Don’t ) + V + O / A , please ® S + asked . . . + O + ( not ) + to infinitive + O / A Ex: Please turn on the light. ® He asked me to turn on the light. Ex: Please don’t make a noise here. ® They asked us not to make a noise there. * Advice in reported speech: Lôøi khuyeân ô lôøi noùi giaùn tieáp . Lôøi khuyeân coù caáu truùc: Ex: “Tim should work harder for exam” Miss Jackson said to Tim’s mother. ® Miss Jackson said you should study harder for the exam. 13. Gerund (danh ñoäng töø ) : laø daïng ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng “ – ING” vaø coù chöùc naêng cuûa moät danh töø. - Theo sau moät soá ñoäng töø : enjoy, like, don’t like, love, dislike, hate, stop, practice Ex: I like reading books. 14. Present perfect tense( Thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh ) Ex: I have been here for 10 years. She has learned English since 2009. - Form: (+) I/ You/ We/ They + have + V(ed)/ VP.P He/ She/ It + has + V(ed)/ VP.P (-) I/ You/ We/ They + have not + V(ed)/ VP.P (have not = haven’t/ has not = hasn’t) He/ She/ It + has not + V(ed)/ VP.P (?) Have + I/ you / we/ they + V(ed)/ VP.P ? Hasv + he/she/it + V(ed)/ VP.P ? - Use :- Duøng ñeå mieâu taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù nhöng keát quaû coøn löu ñeán hieän taïi - Duøng ñeå mieâu taû moät haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ratrong quaù khöù tính ñeán nay ñaõ xaûy ra ñöôïc bao laâu (FOR) hoaëc ñaõ xaûy ra töø luùc naøo (Since) * For + kho¶ng thêi gian Ex: You have studied English for 4 years. * Since +mèc thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh Ex: She has studied English since 2003. 15. Comparison of adjectives and adverbs 1. So saùnh baèng - Daïng khaúng ñònh: S + be + as + adj + as + Noun Ex: Mai is as tall as Lan . - Daïng phuû ñònh: S + be + not + as + adj + as + Noun Ex: Mai isn’t as tall as Lan 2. Similarity ( Söï töông ñoàng) : Ñeå dieãn taû söï töông ñoàng ,ta coù theå duøng : - LIKE ( gioáng, nhö ) Ex: He‘s like his father. - THE SAME AS ( gioáng nhö ) Ex: Your shirt is the same as Ba’s. - DIFFERENT FROM ( khaùc vôùi ) Ex: He’s different from his mother. 16- Present progressive Tense ( Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn ) - Use : Dieãn taû moät haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaøo ñuùng thôøi ñieåm noùi. -Form : + S + is / am/ are + V-ing + Ex : I’m learning English now. - S + is / am/ are + not + V-ing + He isn’t learning English now. ? Is / Am / Are + S + V-ing + ? Is he reading books now? - Note: Thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn thöôøng duøng keøm vôùi caùc traïng töø : now, right now,at present , at the moment ñeå nhaán maïnh tính chaát ñang dieãn tieán cuûa haønh ñoäng ôû ngay luùc noùi . * Note Present progreesive: - To talk about the future: (du dinh trong tuong lai) Ex: What are you going to do tonight? -> I’m playing table tennis. - to show changes with “get” and “become” (su thay đdoi) Ex: The boys are geeting taller. 17- Comparative and superlative adjectives ( So saùnh hôn vaø nhaát ) 1. Comparative (So saùnh hôn): - Tính töø coù moät aâm tieát : Adjective –er + than Ex: I’m stronger than you. - Tính töø coù hai aâm tieát trôû leân: More + adj +than Ex: My sister is more beautiful than me. 2. Superlative (So saùnh hôn nhaát): -Tính töø coù moät aâm tieát : The + Adj –est Ex: This tower is the tallest. - Tính töø coù hai aâm tieát trôû leân: The + most + adj Ex:Hoa is the most beautiful in my class Note : Moät soá tính töø baát qui taéc Good - better - the best fast - farther - the farthest Bad - worse - the worst further - the furthest II. Exercises I. A. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: 1. A. pancake B. stadium C. tasty D. change 2. A. grocery B. money C. month D. comfort 3. A. effect B. delicious C. president D. selection 4. A. just B. summer C. much D. humid 5. A. started B. helped C. watched D. decided B. Find the word which has different stress from the rest: 6. A. humid B. airmail C. discuss D. pancake 7. A. notice B. effect C. contact D. surface 8. A. concern B. comfort C. product D. market 9. A. customer B. grocery C. resident D. delicious 10. A. organize B. community C. restaurant D. neighborhood II. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences 1. I ______ a letter from my old friend last week. (sent / gave / received / took) 2. We must be there ______ 7.30 and 10.30. (at / before / between / after) 3. I find Peter is not communicative. He’s rather ______ in public. (kind / reserved /sociable / humorous) 4. She has ______ over 30 pages since yesterday. (written / wrote / write / writing) 5. You have a bad toothache. You ................. go to see the dentist. ( must/ have to/ can/ ought to) 6. My farther used ______ us to the park three years ago. (took / taking / to take / take) 8. Can you fill ______ this form for me? (out / on / at / to) 9. “Would you ______ to go to the movies with me?” “I’d love to” (like / want / love / mind) 10. We need to finish our job _____ 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm. (before/ between/ after/ at) 11. When I was a child, I ______ follow my mum to the market. (used to / liked / hated / loved) 12. His parents are always proud ______ him. (about / of / on / with) 13. ______ have you lived in this town? – For nearly 20 years. (When / Where / How far /How long) 14. The new shopping mall is quite ______ the present shopping area. (different from/ the same/ like to/ similar) 15. They have studied ______ six o’clock. (for / at / since / to) 16. “____________?” – “It’s 20.000 dong” (How much is this parcel cost / How much does this parcel take / How much does this parcel / How much does this parcel cost) 17. This person is short and thin. She has.. hair. (a long black/ black long/ black short/long black) 18. They have studied ______ three hours. (for / at / since / to) 19. He does morning exercises regularly in order to ______ his health. (have / improve / get / take) 20. Don’t let your child ______ with matches. (playing / to play / plays / play) 21. They ______ from Canada to America to find work. (started / demonstrated / delivered / migrated) 22. Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet. At last they killed ______. (together/ each other/ themselves / one another) 23. My mother is ______ tired ______ cook tonight. (enough – to / too – to / so – that / very – to) 24. He went to school late because he was stuck in the ______ this morning.(rush-hour / traffic-light / traffic-jam / cross-road) 25. Airmail is ______ expensive than surface mail. (the most / most / much / more) 27. Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is an .for Vietnamese teenagers. (organizational/ organizationally/ organization/ organizatic) 28. John came ______ an old school friend in the street this morning. (with / along / across / off) 29. She asked her children ______ (to stop playing / stop to play / stop playing / stopping to play) 30. He is not ______ ride a motorbike. (enough old to / enough old for / old enough to / old enough for) 31. I don’t talk much in public. I am rather (kind / sociable / reserved / humorous) 32. The children go to school .................. . ( myself/ himself/ herself/ themselves) 33. You must look in the (advertisement / recreation / diversion / participation) section of the newspaper to find out what films are showing. 34. The moon ................... around the earth (went/ goes/ go/ going) 35. (Would / Could / Do / Will) you like to go to the movies? – I’d love to. 36. Don’t go ................ , it is too cold. (inside/ outside/ downstairs/ upstairs) 37. They have waited for her (for / since / at / from) 6 o’clock. 38. This neighborhood is (different / the same / as / like) from that one. 39. What does she look like? (She look beautiful / She is beautiful / She looks like beautiful) 40. The calendar is (on / under / behind / in) the clock. 41. Minh and I didn’t enjoy (myself / ourselves / himself / themselves) at the party. 42. When my father was young, he used to (singing / sang / sings / sing) very well. 44. You should work (hardly / hard / good / badly) in order to pass the exams. 45. It is too dark (to take / take / taking / took) photographs here. 46. Jim is not old enough (read / reading / to read) this boo 47. Could you do me a favor? (What can I do for you / Thanks a lot / It’s very kind of you / No, thank you. I’m fine) 48. I (haven’t met / don’t meet / didn’t meet / won’t) since 2008. 49. The doctor said he (should go/ to go /going/ goes) to bed earlier. 50. They got married and lived (happy / happily / happiness) III. Supply the correct tense of the verbs in bracket 1. Mary and John (be) _________ neighbors. They (know) _________ each other for a long time. Mary (move) _________ into her house in 1990, and John (live) _________ next door since he (come) _________ to the area in 1988. 2. Today (be) _________ Sunday. Nga (not go) _________ to school. She (stay) _________ at home. She (do) _________ her homework now. She (do) _________ it for two hours. 3. I (be) _________ in New York. I (come) _________ here two years ago. My friend, Nancy (live) _________ here since 1982. So she (know) _________ the area very well. 4. Trung usually (go) _________ to the library three times a week. 5. Yesterday I (be) _________ busy, so I (not have) _________ time to phone you. 6. Mrs. Trang (not go) _________ to work last week. She (not be) _________ feeling well. 7. I (do ) _________ all the housework. The flat is really clean now. 8. How long you (live) _________ here? – Since 1997. 9. Mr. Quang (teach) _________ in this school since he (graduate) _________ from the university in 1989. 10. My brother (leave) _________ home 10 years ago. I (never meet) _________ him since then. 11. Where you (spend) _________ your summer holiday last year, Tam? 12. When we (be) _________ young, our family (live) _________ in the countryside. 13. I (read) _________ an interesting book at the moment. 14. How long you (know) _________ Mrs. Chi? – I (know) _________ her for five years. 15. We (not see) _________ her since we (be) _________ on holiday in Ha Long bay. 16. Phuong (finish) _________ her homework tonight. 17. It’s three years since I last (see) _________ Nam. 18. You (be) _________ away? – Yes. I (go) _________ to the country last Sunday. 19. I (not eat) _________ anything for two days. 20. They (move) _________ to Ho Chi Minh City in 1990 and (live) _________ there since then. IV. Writing A. Rewrite these sentences. 1. “Could you help me with my English speaking, Ba?” Minh told 2. “You shouldn’t make noise in class, Trung” The teacher said__________________________________________________________________ 3. “Can you wait for me here, Jerry?” Tom told ________________________________________________________________ 4. “Could you buy me an English exercise book, Ha?” Nam asked ______________________________________________________________ 5. “ Get up early to learn your lesson, To Toan’s father told him _____________________________________________________ 6. “ You should improve your English pronunciation, Nga” Nga’s teacher said ___________________________________________________________ 7. “ You should stay in bed for a few days, Mr. Hoang The doctor said ___________________________________________________________ 8. Hung is strong. He can carry that heavy box. Hung is ___________________________________________________ 9. The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil the kettle. The fire ______________________________________________________________ 10. The weather wasn’t warm. We couldn’t go swimming. The weather __________________________________________________________ 11. Jane is a skillful swimmer. Jane ___ 12. Lan learns English very well. Lan is ______________________________________________________________ 13. Loan is a good swimmer. Loan __________________________________________________________________ 14. Hung run very fast. Hung is _____________________________________________________________ 15. Plays are not as interesting as films. Films are ______ 16. English isn’t as difficult as French. French is ____________________________________________________________ 17. Jill is more intelligent than Bill. Bill isn’t _____________________________________________________________ 18. I’m lucky . I have a friend like you. I’m lucky enough________________________________________________________ 19. My father often smoked 20 cigarettes a day, but now he doesn’t smoke any more. My father used__________________________________________________________ 20.. Tom is very strong. He can lift that heavy table Tom is strong___________________________________________________________ 21. Nam’s father drank a lot of wine ten years ago but now he doesn’t . Nam ‘s father used to_______________________________________________ B. Write complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases. I/ be / proud/ my sister / because/ she/ always / study well. .. Yesterday/ teacher/ say/ I/ work harder/ improve/ my English pronunciation. .. Jenny/ have/ Math/ three times/ a week. .. We/ receive/ report/ ago. . mother/ tell me/ spend more time/ History. .. Last semester/ she/ get good grades/ Science/ but/ chemistry results/ poor. . grandmother/ tell him/ write/ her once. .. His mother/ very sad/ he/ study/ badly every semester. . Bao/ spend/ free time/ doing volunteer work. Song/ always/ play soccer/ every Saturday afternoon, but/ last Saturday afternoon/ he/ play basketball . we/ raise/ funds/ by/ collect/ waste paper/ and break/ glass. .. We/ going/ clean/ lakes’ banks/ weekend WEEK 18 PERIOD 54 Date of teaching:......./12/2014 THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION Date of preparing: .../1/2015 Date of teaching :...../1/2015 UNIT 9: A FIRST AIDS COURSE PERIOD 55 Lesson 1 : Getting started&Listen and read( Page:80-81) I.OBJECTIVES : 1. Knowledge: - Grammar: - Vocabulary : learn to read and write some new words: ambulance (n), emergency (n), conscious (a), to bleed 2. Skill : practice reading and listening skills 3. Attitude : Ss know the importance of the first – aid course 4.Educational factor: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know what th
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