Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp Tiếng anh - 2

23. How many pictures are there . the wall? --> b

a. in

b. on

c. into

d. at

24. Are you . Vietnam? - Yes, I am.

a. to --> d

b. on

c. into

d. from


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19. Please put this pencil in the box. --> a
- I'm putting ......... in the box. 
a. it
b. its
c. them
d. they
28. Jane's books are on the floor. Please, put ........... on the table. --> b
a. they
b. them 
c. their 
d. theirs
20. Are your free ............ Friday evening? --> c
a. in 
b. at 
c. on
d. from
29. Are these your coats? Yes they are ............
a. their coats --> b
b. ours
c. our coats 
d. yours
21. There are six pencils ........... the box. --> a
a. in
b. at 
c. on 
d. into
30. Whose bicycle is it? It's ............. --> c
a. he
b. her 
c. hers 
d. she
22. Where is your mother? She's .......... the kitchen. --> a
a. in
b. on 
c. into 
d. at
31. What are you doing? - ............. are planting some trees. --> a
a. we
b. us 
c. our 
d. ours
23. How many pictures are there ........... the wall? --> b
a. in 
b. on 
c. into 
d. at
32. Mary is doing her homework and ........... brother is helping her. --> c
a. she
b. hers 
c. her
d. she's
24. Are you .............. Vietnam? - Yes, I am. 
a. to --> d
b. on 
c. into 
d. from
33. How old is .............? --> a
a. she 
b. her 
c. hers 
d. his
25. Is this your pencil? No, it isn't. It is .......... pencil. --> a
a. his
b. my 
c. your 
d. hers
34. I'm cleaning the floor. Can your help ............? --> b
a. I
b. me 
c. my
d. mine
26. There are .......... eggs on the table. --> a
a. some
b. any
c. many 
d. much
35. Is there .......... cheese on the table? --> b
a. some 
b. any
c. many 
d. much
27. How .............. cakes does she want? --> c
a. some 
b. any
c. many 
d. much
36. There is ............ milk in the glass. --> a
a. some
b. any
c. many 
d. much

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  • docBAI-KIEM-TRA-2.doc