Bài giảng Môn Tin học lớp 11 - Bài tập chọn lọc
Bài 20: {De_so_424:Day nhi phan duoc goi la "Gon" bac K bat ky neu khong co K so
0 nao dung canh nhau .Lap Chuong trinh in ra tat ca cac day nhi phan "Gon"
bac K do dai N.
Lap chuong trinh in ra tat ca cac day nhi phan "gon" bac K,do dai N va
chua dung M so 1}
0 1 0 0 2 - - - - - - 0 1 0 1 0 2 - - - - - - 1 0 1 0 2 0 - + - - - - GIAI THUAT:Doi voi M va N nhap vao ta se tao ra thanh 1 ma tran M+1*N+1 Gan cho moi vi tri deu la 1.Ta xet tung vi tri mot Neu mot vi tri ma xung quanh no cac vi tri deu co gia tri >0 thi vi tri do la vi tri cua nguoi can su. Sau do bot gia tri cua nhung vi tri xung quanh vi tri can su lop 1 don vi} Program DE_so_404; Uses crt; Const maxm=20;maxn=30; Type Arr=array[0..maxm,0..maxn]of byte; Arrchar=array[1..maxm,1..maxn]of char; Var A:arr;M,N:byte;B:arrchar; {***********************************************************************} Procedure Nhap; Var I,J:byte; Begin Fillchar(A,sizeof(a),1); Writeln('Input:'); For I:=1 to M do Begin For J:=1 to N do begin A[i,j]:=Random(5); write(A[i,j]:4); end; writeln; end; End; {***********************************************************************} Function Ok(a,b,c,d:byte):Boolean; Begin If (a>0) and (b>0) and (c>0) and (d>0) then Ok:=true else Ok:=false; End; {***********************************************************************} Procedure Xuly; Var I,J:byte; Begin For I:=1 to M do For J:=1 to N do If OK(A[i-1,j],A[i,j-1],A[i,j+1],A[i+1,j]) then Begin B[i,j]:='+'; A[i-1,j]:=A[i-1,j]-1; A[i,j-1]:=A[i,j-1]-1; A[i,j+1]:=A[i,j+1]-1; A[i+1,j]:=A[i+1,j]-1; End Else B[i,j]:='-'; end; {***********************************************************************} Procedure Output; Var I,j:byte; Begin Writeln('Output:'); For I:=1 to M do Begin For J:=1 to N do write(B[i,j]:4); writeln; end; Writeln('Chu thich:Can su(+)'); End; {***********************************************************************} Begin clrscr; Randomize; N:=6;M:=6; Nhap; Xuly; Output; readln; end. Bài 16:{De_so_408:Cho hai cap so nguyen duong (A1,B1),(A2,B2).Hay kiem tra xem hinh chu nhat S1 co canh (A1,B1) co the nam trong hinh chu nhat S2 canh (A2,B2) duoc khong. GIAI THUAT:+ Dieu kien can la: Dien tich S2>Dien tich S1 + Dieu kien du la:Canh lon nhat cua S1 phai nho hon canh lon nhat cua S2. Canh nho nhat cua S1 phai nho hon canh nho nhat cua S2.} Program DE_so_408; Uses crt; Var A1,B1,A2,B2:word; {*********************************************************************} Procedure Input; Begin Repeat A1:=random(25); B1:=random(25); A2:=random(25); B2:=random(25); Until (A1>0) and (B1>0) and (A2>0) and (B2>0); Gotoxy(30,1);Writeln('Hinh chu nhat thu 1:'); Gotoxy(30,2);Writeln(' A1 B1'); Gotoxy(30,3);Writeln(A1:5,B1:5); Gotoxy(30,4);Writeln('Hinh chu nhat thu 2:'); Gotoxy(30,5);Writeln(' A2 B2'); Gotoxy(30,6);Writeln(A2:5,B2:5); End; {*********************************************************************} Procedure Ve(a,b:word;j:byte); Var I:Word; Begin For I:=J to A do Begin Gotoxy(I,J);write('*'); Gotoxy(I,B);write('*'); End; For I:=J to B do Begin Gotoxy(J,I);write('*'); Gotoxy(A+J-1,I);write('*'); End; End; {*********************************************************************} Function Dientich(a,b:word):word; Begin Dientich:=A*B; End; {*********************************************************************} Function Max(A,B:word):word; Begin If A>B then Max:=A else Max:=B; End; {*********************************************************************} Function Min(A,B:word):word; Begin If A<B then Min:=A else Min:=B; End; {*********************************************************************} Function Ok:boolean; Begin Ok:=false; If Dientich(A2,B2)>Dientich(A1,B1) then If (Max(A1,B1)<Max(A2,B2)) and (Min(A1,B1)<Min(A2,B2)) then OK:=true End; {*********************************************************************} Begin Clrscr; Randomize; Input; Ve(Max(A1,B1),Min(A1,B1),2); Ve(Max(A2,B2),Min(A2,B2),1); Gotoxy(1,24); If OK then Writeln('Hinh chu nhat thu 1 co the nam trong hinh chu nhat thu 2') else Writeln('Hinh chu nhat thu 1 khong the nam trong hinh chu nhat thu 2'); readln; End. Bài 17:{De_so_42:Cho ma tran vuong A[i,j] (i,j=1,2,..,n).Cac phan tu cua A duoc danh so tu 1 den NxN. Goi S la so luong cac "tu giac" A[i,j],A[i,j+1],A[i+1,j],A[i+1,j+1] sao cho cac so o dinh cua no xep tang theo thu tu tang dan theo chieu kim dong ho (Tinh tu 1 dinh nao do) 1/ Lap chuong trinh tinh so luong S. 2/ Lap thuat toan xac dinh A sao cho so S la: a.Lon nhat b.Nho nhat GIAI THUAT: 1/ Xet tung phan tu cua mang voi cac vi tri cua ben phai,ben duoi,ben duoi phai.Neu thoa thi tang S 2/ a.S lon nhat khi ma tran A xep tang tu trai sang phai.phai sang trai b.S nho nhat khi ma tran A xep giam tu trai sang phai} Program De_so_42; Uses crt; Const n=6; Type arr=array[1..n,1..n]of byte; Var A:arr; Th:set of byte; {*****************************************************************} Procedure Nhap; Var i,j:byte; Begin Th:=[]; For i:=1 to sqr(n) do Th:=Th+[i]; for i:=1 to N do begin for j:=1 to N do begin repeat A[i,j]:=random(sqr(n)+1); until (A[i,j]>0) and (A[i,j] in Th); write(A[i,j]:4); Th:=Th-[A[i,j]]; end; writeln; end; end; {*****************************************************************} Function Ok(a,b,c,d:byte):boolean; begin If (a<b) and (b<c) and (c<d) then Ok:=true else Ok:=false; end; {*****************************************************************} Function S:byte; Var i,j,T:byte; begin T:=0; For i:=1 to N-1 do For j:=1 to N-1 do if Ok(A[i,j],A[i,j+1],A[I+1,j+1],A[i+1,j]) then T:=T+1; S:=T; end; {*****************************************************************} Procedure Nhaptang; Var i,j,K:byte; Begin K:=1; for i:=1 to N do begin if odd(i) then for j:=1 to N do begin A[i,j]:=K; inc(k); end else for j:=N downto 1 do begin A[i,j]:=K; inc(k); end; end; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to n do write(A[i,j]:4); writeln; end; end; {*****************************************************************} Procedure Nhapgiam; Var I,j,k:Byte; Begin K:=Sqr(N); For i:=1 to N do begin For j:=1 to N do begin A[i,j]:=K; write(A[i,j]:4); Dec(k); end; writeln; end; end; {*****************************************************************} begin clrscr; randomize; repeat clrscr; writeln('Ma tran A ban dau:'); Nhap; writeln('S=',s); until s0; writeln('S lon nhat khi ta xep ma tran A nhu sau:'); Nhaptang; writeln('Smax=',s); writeln('S nho nhat khi ta xep ma tran A nhu sau:'); Nhapgiam; writeln('Smin=',s); readln; end. Bài 18:{De_so_422:Day nhi phan goi la "Gon" neu khong co hai so 0 nao dung canh nhau .Lap chuong trinh in ra tat ca cac day nhi phan "Gon" do dai n. GIAI THUAT:vet can va quay lui + Th1:Chuoi nhi phan xuat phat ban dau la '1' + Th2:Chuoi nhi phan xuat phat ban dau la '0'} Program DE_so_422; Uses crt; Var st:string;N:byte;Solan:word; Procedure Print; Var J:byte; Begin Inc(solan); If (Solan mod 10)=0 then readln; For J:=1 to N do write(St[J]); writeln; End; Procedure Truyhoi(I:byte); Var KTC:char; Begin If I>N then Print else For KTC:='0' to '1' do If (ST[i-1]='1') or ((St[i-1]='0') and (KTC'0')) then Begin ST:=ST+KTC; Truyhoi(I+1); Delete(st,I,1); End; end; begin clrscr; N:=10; Solan:=0; St:='1'; Truyhoi(2); St:='0'; Truyhoi(2); Writeln('Co tat ca ',solan,' xau nhi phan "Gon" co do dai la ',n); readln; end. Bài 19:{De_so_423:Lap chuong trinh in ra tat ca cac day nhi phan "Gon" ,do dai N va chua dung M so 1 GIAI THUAT:Vet can ,Kiem tra dieu kien de chon : + Khong co hai so nao la 0 lien nhau + Co dung m chu so 1} Program De_so_423; Uses crt; Var St:string; N:Byte;{Chieu dai xau} M:Byte;{So chu so 1 co trong xau} SL:Word;{Dem so luong xau nhi phan thoa man de bai} M1:Byte;{Dem so luong ky tu 1 co trong xau } {*****************************************************************} Procedure Print; Var I:byte; Begin If M1=M then {Neu so ky tu 1 trong chuoi bang M thi Xuat} Begin For i:=1 to N do write(St[i]); Inc(Sl); if (Sl mod 20)=0 then readln; writeln; End; End; {*****************************************************************} Procedure Truyhoi(I:byte); Var KT:Char; Begin If (I>N) then Print else For Kt:='0' to '1' do If (ST[i-1]='1') or ((ST[i-1]='0') and (KT'0')) then Begin If KT='1' then M1:=M1+1;{Neu ky tu duoc chon la 1 thi so luong chu so 1 trong chuoi duoc tang len} ST:=ST+KT; Truyhoi(I+1); If St[I]='1' then M1:=M1-1;{Neu ky tu moi them vao la 1 khi xoa bo thi so luong Ky tu 1 trong chuoi se giam di 1} Delete(St,i,1); {Xoa bo ky tu mo them vao} End; end; {*****************************************************************} Begin Clrscr; Write('Nhap N:');readln(N); Repeat Write('Nhap M:');readln(M); Until M<N; Sl:=0;{So luong ban dau} St:='1';{Phan tu xuat phat cua chuoi} M1:=1;{So luong ky tu 1 co trong chuoi la 1} Truyhoi(2); St:='0';{Phan tu xuat phat cua chuoi} M1:=0;{So luong ky tu 1 co trong chuoi la 0} Truyhoi(2); Writeln('So luong cac day nhi phan "Gon " thoa man de bai la:',Sl); readln; end. Bài 20: {De_so_424:Day nhi phan duoc goi la "Gon" bac K bat ky neu khong co K so 0 nao dung canh nhau .Lap Chuong trinh in ra tat ca cac day nhi phan "Gon" bac K do dai N. Lap chuong trinh in ra tat ca cac day nhi phan "gon" bac K,do dai N va chua dung M so 1} Program De_so_424; Uses crt; Var St:string; M,N:Byte; M1,K,K1:Byte; SL:word; {*****************************************************************} Procedure Print; Var J:byte; Begin If M1=M then Begin Writeln(ST); SL:=Sl+1; If (SL mod 20)=0 then Begin write('Press Enter to continue'); readln; End; End; End; {*****************************************************************} Procedure Truyhoi(I:byte); Var Kt:char; Begin If I>N then Print else For KT:='0' to '1' do If (ST[I-1]'0') or (Kt='1') or (ST[i-1]='0') and (K1<K-1) then Begin If Kt='0' then K1:=K1+1 Else If KT='1' then Begin K1:=0; M1:=M1+1; End; ST:=ST+KT; Truyhoi(i+1); If KT='1' then M1:=M1-1; DElete(ST,I,1); End; End; {*****************************************************************} Begin Clrscr; Write('Nhap N:');readln(n); Repeat Write('Nhap M:');readln(M); Write('Nhap K:');readln(K); Until (K<N) and (M<N); ST:='1'; M1:=1; K1:=0; Sl:=0; Truyhoi(2); ST:='0'; M1:=0; K1:=1; Truyhoi(2); Writeln('Co ',sl,' xau nhi phan "Gon" thoa yeu cau de bai'); readln; End. Bài 21: {Chung minh rang so cach bieu dien cua so N thanh tong cua M so nguyen duong bang so cach bieu dien cua so cach bieu dien cua so N-M thanh tong cac so hang <=M. Vi du:N=8;M=3; 8=1+1+6=1+2+5=1+3+4=2+2+4=2+3+3 8-3=1+1+1+1+1=1+1+1+2=1+1+3=1+2+2=2+3 GIAI THUAT:* Phan tich N thang tong cua cac so.Neu N bang tong cua M so Thi chon cach bieu dien do (*) * Phan tich N-M thanh tong cua cac so. Chon cac cach bieu dien do (**) CHU Y:Neu M>N div 2-1 thi So cach bieu dien cua (*) hon so cach bieu dien (**) 1 cach Neu M<=N div 2-1 thi so cach bieu dien cua (*) bang so cach bieu dien (**)} Program De_so_425; Uses Crt; Var N,M,Tong,Giatri,Max,Sl:word; Luu:array[1..100]of word; K:byte;Q:boolean; {********************************************************************} Procedure Print; Var J:byte; Begin Case Q of True:If K=M then {Truong hop 1} Begin For J:=1 to K do write(Luu[j],'+'); Gotoxy(wherex-1,wherey);write('='); Inc(Sl); End; False:If K>1 then {Truong hop 2} Begin For J:=1 to K do write(Luu[j],'+'); Gotoxy(wherex-1,wherey);write('='); Inc(Sl); End; End; End; {********************************************************************} Procedure Tim(I:byte); Label Find; Var J:word; Begin If Tong=Giatri then Print Else For J:=1 to Max do If (J+Tong=i) then Begin Tong:=Tong+J; Inc(K); Luu[k]:=J; Tim(j); Dec(K); Tong:=Tong-J; End; End; {********************************************************************} Begin Clrscr; Write('Nhap N:');readln(N); Write('Nhap M:');Readln(M); {Truong hop 1:} Tong:=0;{Tong ban dau} Q:=true;{Truong hop 1} Sl:=0;{So cach bieu dien} K:=0;Giatri:=N;Max:=N; Write(N,'='); Tim(1); Gotoxy(wherex-1,wherey);writeln(' '); Writeln(#7,'Co ',sl,' cach');Readln; {Truong hop 2:} Tong:=0; Q:=false; Sl:=0; K:=0;Max:=M;Giatri:=N-M; write(n,'-',m,'='); Tim(1); Gotoxy(wherex-1,wherey);writeln(' '); Writeln(#7,'Co ',sl,' cach');Readln; Readln; End. Bài 22: {De_so_439:Cho truoc n so tu nhien A1,A2,..,An.Tim ra so cuc dai K sao cho tap tren co the chia thanh K nhom co tong nhu nhau. GIAI THUAT: Buoc 1:Tim tong tat ca cac so A1,A2,..,An TONG:=A1+A2+..+An Buoc 2:Xet K tu N tro xuong den 2 (Vi it nhat la 2 nhom va nhieu nhat la N nhom) K:N-->2; Neu TONG chia cho K (nhom) la 1 so nguyen thi: Mot nhom se co tong so la: TONG1NHOM=TONG div K; Buoc 3:Tim nhung so co tong = TONG1NHOM Neu ta chia N so duoc K nhom thi khong xet tiep nua} Program De_so_439; Uses Crt; Const Mn=100; Type Arr=array[1..MN]of integer; Var A:arr;N:byte; {******************************************************************} Procedure Input; Var I:byte; Begin Write('N:');Readln(N); For I:=1 to N do Begin A[i]:=Random(9)+1; Write(A[i]:4); End; End; {******************************************************************} Procedure Xuly; Var I,K,Sl,Slchon:Byte;Tong,Ketqua,Tong1nhom:integer;Q:Boolean; Chon,B:array[1..mn]of byte; {Chon:Kiem tra so duoc chon chua;B:Luu lai so duoc chon cho 1 nhom} Procedure Timtong(I:byte); Var J,K:byte; Begin If Ketqua=Tong1nhom then Begin Sl:=Sl+Slchon;{Tang so luong so A duoc chon} For K:=1 to Slchon do Chon[B[k]]:=2;{Danh dau nhung so da duoc chon vao 1 nhom} End Else For J:=1 to N do If (Chon[j]=0) and (A[j]+Ketqua<=Tong1nhom) then Begin Chon[j]:=1;{Danh dau Aj da duoc chon} Inc(slchon);{Tang so luong so cua Nhom} B[slchon]:=j;{Luu tru Aj duoc chon} Ketqua:=Ketqua+A[j];{Tang tong cac so cua nhom} Timtong(j);{Tim so ke tiep} Ketqua:=Ketqua-A[j]; Dec(Slchon); if Chon[j]=1 then Chon[j]:=0; End; End; Begin Tong:=0; For I:=1 to N do Tong:=Tong+A[i];{Tinh tong cac so} K:=N+1; Q:=False; Repeat Dec(K); If (Tong mod K)=0 then {Neu Tong chia K duoc 1 so nguyen} Begin Tong1nhom:=Tong div K;{Trung binh 1 nhom} Sl:=0;Ketqua:=0;Slchon:=0; fillchar(chon,sizeof(chon),0); Timtong(1); If Sl=N then Q:=True; End; Until Q or (K=2); Writeln; If Q then Begin Writeln('K=',k); Writeln('Tong moi nhom la:',tong1nhom); End Else Writeln('Khong chia duoc'); End; {******************************************************************} Begin Clrscr; Randomize; Repeat Clrscr; Input; Xuly; Readln; Until False; End. Bài 23: {Xet tap cac xau nhi phan do dai N ,tren do
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